Scientific Review; Oatmeal as an essential nutrient for athletes.

in hive-109160 •  23 days ago 

Scientific Review; Oatmeal as an essential nutrient for athletes.

Oats help with proper intestinal function, something that also has a lot to do with the fibers it contains that are very beneficial in these processes, and in this way it helps relieve constipation also because it is rich in soluble fiber, however, it must be Keep in mind that to take advantage of these benefits of fiber intake, it is good to always accompany them with liquids, especially water.

And as you may have noticed if you consume oatmeal, it also has the ability to give us a greater feeling of satiety for longer, something that is very important and highly sought after, especially by people who seek to control their body weight, who seek to achieve a caloric deficit. and to do so we know that we not only have to do modern exercises on a daily basis, on a continuous regular basis, but also eat a balanced diet and generally consume a little less amount of food in order to achieve that deficit that is always sought among 400 and 500 calories per day to lose weight in a healthy way and be able to meet the demands of training.

This cereal provides and in good quantities nutrients that are very interesting especially in the amount of energy, carbohydrates, also a fairly considerable amount of protein, something that is important as we said for muscle development, significant amounts of fiber and also low amounts of fats.

And an additional plus, oats are good for our heart health since they provide beta-glucan that helps reduce cholesterol, one of the most important factors when it comes to understanding our risk of suffering from heart disease.

In summary, oats are essential for athletes, because they have the ability to help us improve our muscle mass and at the same time also improve the blood's ability to transport oxygen, this has to do with the contribution of iron and magnesium, essential minerals for life mainly for the synthesis of red blood cells and thus for better transport of oxygen to all the cells of the body through our blood flow.

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