BOOK REVIEW 📚 | A Little Flower Vitochka & Her Girlish Errands

in hive-111825 •  4 years ago 

Background source. Yulia Smal. "A Little Flower Vitochka & Her Girlish Errands", illustrations by Tatiana Kalyuzhna. - Kyiv.: My Bookshelf Publishing House, 2020. - 156 pages.

"A Little Flower Vitochka & Her Girlish Errands" by Ukrainian author Yulia Smal is a logical (and expected) continuation of the book "Me and Him". The difference is that the first book was about the physiological processes and adolescent changes in boy's body, and the second book (I am reviewing) is devoted to the development of girls. The book is appropriate for 7+ children and adults.

About first girl's discharge & diseases

Although the writer described the processes of growing up on the example of her own children (btw, in a very creative form), both editions are included to the series "Cool knowledge for cognition" as tested and supplemented by experts. A pediatrician, doctor of medical sciences Vira Pavliuk and psychologist, gestalt therapist Antonina Oksanych worked on the book "Me and Him", and "Vitochka" was assisted by sexual education expert Yulia Yarmolenko.

It's ok for a girl to know her body, it's not a shame

The central character of the book is a ten-year-old girl Vitochka, who has a friendly family (parents, older brother Max) and school friends. Gradually, Vitochka notices signs of sexual development and shares it with her mother and classmate Olenka. Most of the text is dialogues of characters, from which the reader learns not only dry facts about physiology, but also feels the emotional aspects of these terrible processes of adulthood (mood swings, irritability).

The girls heard the rumors (which are actually true) that a period can start unexpectedly

There is no moralizing in the text: neither parents nor teachers treat children superficially, do not punish them for curiosity or mischief. The role of an adult is mentoring, and children have enough freedom to explore the unknown on their own ("Olenka called Valerka, and Irka attracted Ivasyk to see if the boys really differ from the girls. Valerka and Ivasyk showed us their penises").

Gossiping about boys

It is also gratifying that Yulia Smal does not portray her characters as utopian, super-obedient children (who do not exist). Vitochka and her friend, as in real life, dislike their classmates, get angry over little things, occasionally suffer from bullying. This allows young readers to see themselves in the text, to draw parallels. However, at the end of the book the author brings the characters to the realization and correction of their behavioral errors ;)

About pads, tampons, cups, and panties

Gimmicks of "Vitochka":
▪ Eco-consciousness — literally, from the first pages the author encourages girls to take care of the environment and use reusable pads during menstruation. There are also explanations for menstrual cups and panties, disposable pads and tampons made of organic materials.
▪ A combination of fiction and non-fiction. At the same time, special attention is paid to the illustrations: they are childishly bright, cartoonish, but anatomically true.
▪ Feminist worldview, advocating for equality of both sexes ("Girls can do anything now", "Girls have the right to cry and fuss, just as NOT to cry and fuss. Like boys.")
▪ Inclusiveness of the text.
▪ Attention to the topic of domestic violence and violence in relationships ("Never trust a person who even wants to hurt you — not mentioning if hurt already.")
▪ Safety section: how to treat strangers, limits of what is allowed ("Do not allow anyone to touch your body without your permission.")
▪ Body positive: the author emphasizes the physiological normalcy and beauty of all female bodies, even if they have pimples, stretch marks, moles or freckles.

Body positiveness

Safety section

However, there is one thing that I expected to find in the text, but did not find. This is an explanation of the harm of classic wet wipes. Because they are not made of paper at all, but contain plastic that does not dissolve in water, often clog sewers and can turn into plastic dust over the years. I think that girls from an early age should be explained about an alternative, more environmental friendly type of "mobile hygiene" — wet toilet paper.

Summing up, I will note that the book about Vitochka is deep and informative. This text will provoke interest of everyone — both children and adults.

Oops! The end :)


Thank you, dear @belenguerra, @fendit, & @writingnreviews for your work.
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your writing is very good dear

Чудова книжка!

Дякую, і Вас із весною, дорога Валентина!🥰❤

Щиро дякую!


I loved this review!! It seems to be a wonderful book, and I really like the pictures that you've shared!

I think that there should be more books like this, to make the growth easier for girls. It depends on the culture, of course, but sometimes it could be scary and feel strange, so these books are a great company for that moment in life.

Thank you very much!!

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Thanks, dear Belu, I love this book, too😌