Assembling The Scraps!, How Relevance?

in hive-114345 •  5 years ago 


John 6:12-13 (NIV)

" When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten."

Why did Jesus Christ asked his Disciples to gather the scraps or leftover? At times scraps of items are left unimportant, meanwhile they can be used, if put them together they can become a whole or complete which can be beneficial to others who don't have.

During my young age, we were having some pieces of clothings that are left over when the clothes were sown. Those pieces of clothes were joined together to become a complete shirts or shorts for wearing. So, seamtresses and tailors didn't ignore them because they were pieces but kept them for future use.

That's how life is, what is rejected might become relevant in future. Things that we don't take delight of using because you feel they are scraps, may be important items one day, you will trace them to use, but you wouldn't get them.

In life, so many things are considered to be scraps, so we discriminate them and reject them in life. We have rejected so many people in life, because maybe we feel they are wretched so they can't offer us help today, but I tell you, those people have bright future that can put up great things. We have rejected widows and orphans since they have not parents to help them, we thing that they are scraps. But the Scripture says that we should take care of them, watch them and feed them.

Let's remember to gather the scraps in life. Let's be conscious to the scraps maybe if they are assembled, they can be made into whole that can solve our problems.

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