The no-bra movement is taking over 2021 fashion — and it's leaving many women behind

in hive-116221 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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My Musings:

Why is that societies in most parts of the world are against nudity?  

Hiding The Ugly

Human beings are very adapt at hiding things. They hide their innermost feelings and thoughts. They hide their secrets. They hide their real wealth. They hide the salaries they earn. They hide behind almost everything that they think no one should know and will expose their true ugly self. Exceptions are made only for some people on certain grounds.  

They only reveal to the world what they think the others should know.

As a society we, the employer, governments, organizations and others, are all compliant and encourage these hiding. We think it is normal although we know it is not natural.  

Nature is transparent and expressive. Imagine the flowers, animals, mountains and rivers hiding their beauty. What a disaster it would be if peacocks cover themselves with cloths!  

What if our innermost feelings and thoughts are obvious to everyone? Would we dare?  

What if the real wealth of everyone is made public? The problem of money laundering, terrorist financing, tax evasion and the disparity in wealth would become very manageable and a non-issue. Would our politicians and those advocating regulations for cryptocurrencies dare make their real wealth public?  

What if all employee benefits including salaries are made public? Discrimination at workplace would be a thing of the past!

Women Are Property

The concept of covering up a women arose from the concept of property. When you own a property along with it comes some legal rights. If it is a physical property, rights such as right to possession, use, enter, lease, rent and even to destroy it as you wish are among the rights the owner has. Personal property too had similar rights. In many parts of the world women are considered property of the husband, although it may not be expressly stated. Their actions speak louder than words.

Women during certain periods in the past among some societies were openly declared and treated as chattels. Chattels means personal property, like furniture, fixtures and fittings. So, the person who owns her has all the rights he would as he would with furniture, fixtures and fittings. Rights such as right of possession, right to use, right to enter and occupy (her private space), right to sell and more. Except for the right to sell women, we seem to have retained all the rest.  

Hiding The Most Coveted

When you own a property, others who don't may feel jealous and may covet what you have. What more if you own a beautiful property? Others may become even more jealous and covetous. Insecurity sets in. The defense mechanism is activated.

Aided by your normal propensity to hide, "Cover the women fully," say you.

Scriptures To The Rescue

But there is a problem. You are a mortal. Your words are fallible. Yet, there is always a solution: Your infallible scriptures. The infallible scriptures comes to your aid with appropriate poetic verses. You have now got the seal of approval from the most high!  

Who can dispute that infallible verses?  

And so now we continue to exercise our property rights (minus the right to sell) in women under a different guise - as rights flowing from the infallible verses.


Link to the original article: 

The no-bra movement is taking over 2021 fashion — and it's leaving many women behind


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Hmmm! I think nudity is the exclusivity of other genre of living things which are not conscious of their environment; being driven by instincts.

Humanity is quite superiorly different ; which accounts for their being "secretive " about their privacies under textiles. Beside distinguishing humanity from bestiality , clothing serves as protection from inclement environmental vagaries and physical protection from imminent harms .

Nature , beside scriptures is the chief driver of "NO NUDITY " campaigns worldwide!