Hello All Steemit Family |
How are you All? Hope everyone doing well and enjoying their day's with family and friends. I am here to participate the very amazing contest which is organized by community #Steem-Agro This is very near toy heart because I also join this community and work as Mod form Last 2 months. Let's start our task without any more delay of time.
As you All known my background attach with the Agriculture. Alhumdullhiah i have our own land's and working on it. It's the blessings of Allah Almighty they gave many fruit's full results. Today I share a method of agriculture spray or benefits and how i work as farmer. The morning weather is so good and we decided to visit our agriculture farm. When we reached i saw first of All our gava garden then i visit then we reached at our other lands where we planted the Maize because these day's in our region everyone planting these fields.
In our region the fabruary Star to end of March we plant the Maize it's very beneficial for our agriculture family. First we made the Land equal with the computer then we made the land for maize it's so hard work and Time taken but Alhumdullhiah we planted the 6 fabruary because it's the peak time to growing the Maize so we watering 2 Time's almost 30 day's. Today the our field almost age if 1 months as you seen in picture they look so amazing and Feel much better because it's healthy and amazing. It's so good i share the pictures with alm if you and tell you next process.
This Field almost rip in 90 day's and full with fruit's we watering almost 1 week's and This is taken by the fertilizer and different pesticide. It's so good and fill with fruits. Then we cut and sell on yhe ghalla mandi and earn the money almost the 3 time's multiple with the investment. It's very beneficial for Us. Hope you like my field and pray for best rate and Best Wishes.
Specail Mention
@john247 @hisgeneral @mcgrady @ninapenda @ngoenyi
Thanks All Friends