in hive-119463 •  3 years ago 



Fellow #Middle #Belters, we comiscerate with you all over the long lasting episodes of #insecurity and displacement from your homes for decades a situation that is seemingly not having a clue and is still without glimpses of hope to ending.
Before we go any further, let us We observe a minute silence for the repose of the #souls of our loved ones #massacred across our #peace loving innocent people. We ascert that they continue to rest with The Lord till meet to part no more! We met in several occasions with all the States of the Region within the present setting of the #country called Nigeria which include:

  1. The Gobir People From Sokoto And Zamfara States.
  2. The Zuru people from Kebbi State.
  3. The People of Southan Kaduna having above
    70 Ethnic groups and Nationalities.
  4. The people of Bauchi State.
  5. The people of Gombe State.
  6. The people of Yobe State.
  7. The people of Borno State.
  8. The people of Adamawa State 9. The people of Taraba State.
  9. The people of Plateau State. 11. The people of Nasarawa State.
  10. The people of #Benue State.
  11. The people of Kogi State.
  12. The people of Kwara State.
  13. The people of Niger State.
  14. The people of FCT Abuja.
    These comprise the Middle Belt of Nigeria who are known to be the Minority tribes in the country. All by dialogues and we reach this consensus: More awareness is still been created in order to acquaint every citizen with the new development. Today, we are recounting on a statement made by the late Sardauna of Sokoto Sir Ahmadu Bellow on the 12-10-1960 which rendered us as willing tools to the Northerners and will never be allowed to have control over our future. A move towards such dimensions will meet ruthless opposition. Fellow Middle Belters, we have come a long way to meet with the reality of this statement that even our unborn #generations are scared of coming into existence simply because we excused it to manifest in us. Fellow Middle Belters, it is no longer story to mention the ordeals we have passed through in our father’s land. We are going to take them topically. We have observed in line the statement aforementioned that the reality of the statement dawned on us and is scaring our elites of all past and present to concealed it as our fate. May I say emphatically say that it was so then till yesterday. But today as we read this press statement, the scenario is different. First of all any Stake Holders, Forums , Associations, Institutions, that exist and represent the Middle Belt Region are hereby informed of the new development as an intervention measure against the past experiences. The #Middle #Belt #Guards have come on board! Fellow Middle Belters, we have been answering being part of the Northern part of Nigeria, today we denounce anything that has to do with the North and enclave to our sole identity as Middle Belters. Whether Nigeria continue to #exist as #one #entity or #not. By this statement any of our people having any form of alliance or posts of responsibility that represent the Middle Belt in the Northern formation is null and void henceforth. We therefore call on those holding such positions whatever there may be to forfeit such inclinations and form the like in the name of the Middle Belt as it is what we can reckon with in all of our dealings and or reiterate their membership to like groups existing in the Middle Belt. Fellow Middle Belters, we are autochthonous indigenous people who are the rightful owners of the land we occupy, therefore, we are responsible for the maintenance and savaging of same for the unborn generations as our parents preserved it for us. There is heinous nepotism, land gabbing, aggression, intrudence and threatenings through Insurgencies, Terrorism, Rape, Cattle Rustling, #Educational Distortion, Religious Bigotry, Lopsidedness in the distribution of the dividends of #democracy, both on infrastructure and human capital #development, Admissions into tertiary institutions, job offers, promotions destabilization/ temperance with #traditional leadership and political appointments. There are social vices such as #rape, kidnapping and the like within the Region. To proof that we have been subjected to the statement under review as paraphrased above. We have observed that the constitution of the nation is no longer binding on us yet some scrupulous undesired elements have taken a strong grip of it to manipulate us. When the constitution was still valid, we agitated for review but they objected. When it expired we agitated for Restructuring of the Nation and they still objected. Now that the amalgamation has expired they are shouting, retaining and enforcing one Nigeria meanwhile they have established their own #sharia state of the #sultanate since year 2000 because the maneuvered the sharia #law into the #constitution which brought Nigeria to dual laws for different people within the same nation. We know that all over the world, it is one law for everyone and they know it too. But because they have special interest on the land, they introduced certificates of residence to gradually abolish the certificate of #indigenization. That will automatically render us to be of the same status in the land and that will warrant an overturn of settlers to become rightful owners of the land the begged for from our forefathers. Fellow Middle Belters, we observe that kidnapping have engulfed our #Region with insurgent attacks, terrorism, land grabbing which renders most of our local #communities #homeless, #hungry as #farming activities are crippled, our children left unschooled as the institutions are no longer safe, our highways, communities and homes are invaded and surcharged by bandits who take pleasure in abducting people in the broad day light within the confines of their homes. We are hereby informing the perpetrators of the dastarded acts to hands- off such activities with immediate alacrity as we will not resort to negotiations of any kind if such occurs again. We don’t have confidence in the government of the day at all levels and the security operatives. This has become a necessity which is a very unfortunate situation. By virtue of our self determination, we are resorting to Referendum as a Republic following the cultural map of Nigeria. The North is free to practice their sharia law within their States without prejudice and should not contemplate forcing it on us as we will also ruthlessly object to it. We will never engage any party to a fight but will serve as peace building organization and fundamental human rights fighters in democratic and diplomatic ways. We only resort to be defensive to any further attacks on our people on self defense and we do not expect that some party would dare us into a combat of any kind again. We say no to subjugation! We say no to aggression! We say no to land grabbing! We say no to oppression! We say no to vandalism! We say no to kidnapping! We say no to insurgency! We say no to Terrorism! We say no to ruthlessness! We say no to usurp of rights! We say no to dual laws! We say no to autocracy! We say no to apartheid! We say no to bunkering! We say no to forceful unity! We delineate ourselves far from the present geopolitical settings of the defunct Nigeria!!! We call on the president of the defunct Nigeria to as a matter of urgency address Nigerians on the matters topically presented above and call an end to the deception of one united nation called Nigeria. To pronounce the expiry through the embers of the #National #Assembly and and the judiciary, the true state of the defunct country. To begin the process of referendum as it is the only way he has to keep his reputation as a sane president to a loudible outcry for such referendum. This will make him a successful last president with honor. That Muhammadu Buhari returns the defense Headquarters back to Abuja officially as he moved it to the North East in a bid to fight insurgents which never yielded any results. We see it as disarming Nigeria and a bud to equipping the insurgents tactically per adventure they seize continually the weapons of the Nigerian Army as the cases are been reported of such. That #Muhammadu Buhari returns the defense Headquarters back to Abuja officially as he moved it to the North East in a bid to fight insurgents which never yielded any results. We see it as disarming Nigeria and a bid to equipping the insurgents tactically per adventure they seize continually the weapons of the Nigerian Army as the cases are been reported of such. That Muhammadu Buhari evacuates the terrorists whom his leadership paved for at his resumption of office to run out of Sambisa forest to other parts of the country by dismantling road blocks and stop and search operations at checkpoints by the Nigerian #security operatives. In the case where he cannot do so then the locals should not be tackled as they fight to get rid of those terrorists. Their names fellows in the army are giving them coverage to excise full military strength on vulnerable communities across the country which must be stopped. That Muhammadu #Buhari at the dismisses all terrorists recruited into the Nigerian Army will salvage their rampage of opening gun fires on civilians running to them for safety during attacks and have also gunned down their fellow soldiers during operations. To note with sadness, they are engaged in #training the #terrorists, revealing information to bandits ahead of military operations as a sabotage against them and the Nation. These eventualities are forcing true Nigerian soldiers in their thousands to abscorn the military service as reports said in recent years. This has also scared away ambitious Nigerian youths who loved to serve their fatherland in the Nigerian Army. We equally asked that the Nigerian Army be taken back to the barracks and the police to be well trained and equipped to function well as the process of referendum is been carried out. We call on our good and peace loving people to remain calm and be prayerful for smooth dissolution of the forced marriage called Nigeria and yet be ready for anything Incase of the ‘ruthless intention to submerge us by means of forcible and radical up-turn of events. We call on the International community to give a listening ear to the concerns of agitators for referendum in Nigeria: The Ooduwa Nation, The Lower Niger Nation and The Middle Belt Nation. We call on our Sons and Daughters serving in the Nigerian Armed Forces And Paramilitaries to be cautious as they are being used to kill their people without cause. They should know that they won’t be spared after wiping their people away. They must surely be a handful few left victims that will be cleared off road as warriors returning from a great battle who had an overwhelming victory. Their celebration is to clear whoever they come across as a #demonstration of gigantic power that has no weariness or despair. They need wisdom from above which is profitable to direct. We are using this press release as a test prove of our true stage in the country and right of expression, we will not expect any ruling against this press statement if we amount to anything and in the case where it is down trodden, it will be a signal that we will never ever be treated as humans or co- equals but as those who settled our #killers. If Nigeria will stay together as a country, the Middle Belt is not going to be part of the #Union and we will never engage in a #fight. Therefore we don’t expect any authority or sect to challenge us to a vicious campaign for such.

Thank you. Signed by representatives of the States either partly or wholly comprised in the Middle Belt Region.

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