Barcelona: the Gypsy Sorceress

in hive-119845 •  5 years ago 

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Since I had the opportunity to visit it a few years ago, Barcelona, ​​the Ciudad Condal, has always seemed like a real universe to discover.

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Based on this, it should not be strange that that king of the rumba or ‘caramba carambita carambí y ulá’, who was Peret, already described her as ‘the Gypsy Sorceress’.

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And indeed, Barcelona, ​​metaphorically speaking, is like the old gypsy woman who in traditional fairs - in addition to reading the lines of the hand or looking at the crystal ball from the depth of some irises in which the ancient genes of the Wisdom of the Vindyan Aryans - take out the deck of Tarot cards and each Arcanum is a mystery to be discovered.

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For this reason, the Paseo de Gracia is an alternative universe, where the Fool, the Magician, the Priestess, the Devil, the World and the rest of the Major Arcana of the Wisdom deck, assault the visitor's curiosity, seducing him with the strength of its magnetism.

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Magicians of Architecture, such as Antoni Gaudí, Comas i Thos or Puig i Cadafalch adopted as a model a Priestess, whom they called Reinaxança or Renaissance, whose legacy is contained in some incredible and modernist buildings, which they infused the city, what doubt it fits, an eminently special look.

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For this reason, walking the Paseo de Gracia to the Ramblas and the famous Canaletas Fountain, where traditionally the fans of the Catalans celebrate the triumphs of their team, constitutes an adventure overflowing with imagination, magic and mystery, adjectives that can be summarized, however , in two simple words: beauty and splendor.

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A beauty and splendor that, of course, do not go unnoticed by travelers, tourists and visitors, who make their visit to Barcelona an experience not only special, but also simply unforgettable.

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Barcelona: the Gypsy Sorceress.

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NOTICE: Both the text and the photographs that accompany it are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
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Maravillosas fotos de una ciudad llena de edificaciones de gran belleza, ya sólo con Gaudí tienen, y hay mucho más, abrazos amigo juancar.

Ciertamente, Gaudí es el alma de Barcelona, pero como bien dices, podría decirse que existe vida aparte de Gaudí, como lo demuestran esos imponentes edificios, pertenecientes a un estilo modernista que no sólo triunfó en Barcelona, sino que además se extendió al resto de las principales ciudades españolas. Barcelona es un universo por conocer, y aquí apenas se muestra un pequeño fragmento. Muchas gracias por tu comentario y un fuerte abrazo