Excuses that keep you from your goals πŸ‘‰πŸ˜Ž

in hive-120412 β€’Β  4 years agoΒ 

What takes you away from your goals?


"I'll do it tomorrow", "I don't have time", "I'm not good at that" ... All these phrases that you have surely said at some point in your life and that have served to build a wall between you and your go

Goals to achieve or dreams to fulfill are the engine of our life. Those who have no goals, it seems that they cannot continue to be on this planet. However, many times it happens that because of fear, uncertainty, low self-confidence or ignorance, we end up escaping from the idea of ​​dreaming, imagining or planning.

It is at that moment when excuses begin to appear. They are not the same for all, since as they say, each person is a world, but they can be grouped in similar situations. Perhaps you have not said or thought the identical phrase but if you have something similar or that meant the same.

It doesn't matter what your goal is, how difficult it is to achieve it, or what things you need to do to make it come true. It is vital that you put excuses aside and focus on achieving your goals.

The most frequent excuses that do not allow progress

"I have no time". The phrase par excellence in the 21st century. We always live at a thousand an hour and we never have even a minute for what is important. Our days go by going from here to there and ultimately we do not enjoy anything. The current pace of life is quite frenetic, no one can deny that, but it is also true that if we want to, we can. Do not hide behind the excuse of not having free time to not do things.

Doing what we have to do is a matter of priorities. If there is really something that you are passionate about, you would look for free minutes from anywhere, you would get up earlier, you would take a faster means of transport, you would not work overtime, etc. Analyze how you are using your times before using it as an excuse.

"I have to save money". If you have reached your budget to pay for your goal, why not use it? If it is true that crises, economic fluctuations and stock market values ​​are not watertight, however, you cannot keep all the money in case something happens.

Try to save a little more to keep a reservation for any situation and use the rest for the realization of your dream. You don't know where you can be tomorrow and what would happen to that money. Better use it smartly.

"What are the others going to think?" The "what will they say" is something that has always worried us and we have to accept it. What will my parents think if I stop studying because I don't like that career? What will my in-laws say if I decide to quit my job to take care of the children? How will my friends react if I tell them that I have decided to start my own business?

The truth is that you don't care what people think. They will always have reason to criticize you, whatever you do. If you are really interested in what others say about your actions, talk with your close ones before making a decision, but you always have to have the last word.

"I don't have the capacity." Lack of self-esteem is a very serious problem that does not allow us to make our dreams come true. If we are not confident in our abilities, it is impossible for us to get ahead and meet the goals we have thought of. No one was born knowing, don't forget. Maybe you need a little more experience, knowledge or practice, but never say that you are a "good for nothing", even when things are not going quite right for you.

Also, if you haven't even tried it, how do you know you can't do it? You will surely stumble over a lot of stones on the way. Your ability lies in getting them out of the way and moving on. Life is making mistakes and learning from mistakes and then making a mistake again and moving on.

Put aside the excuses and be brave to achieve your goals. Don't say that "it is not the right moment", "you are too big", "everything is already invented" or "I am afraid of failing". Try whatever is necessary and what you want to do. If it doesn't turn out as you expected, at least you will have a new experience to add to your anecdotes.



#lifestyle #noexcuses

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