An introduction to homeschooling and why you should educate your children at home

in hive-120412 •  4 years ago 

Home education is the trend of parents to educate and raise their children at home, as an alternative to the traditional school education system, and this alternative system depends on parents teaching the sciences, languages ​​and other subjects taught in schools to their children at home, instead of enrolling them in schools, in order to give them better education and education than their peers who They accumulate in classrooms to obtain educational certificates that do not reflect a real level of education, and thus they provide a solution to a clear problem in the upbringing of children that resulted from a defect in the school's education system.

This method began to spread in recent years in the United States of America and other countries around the world, and those interested in this type of education established parenting clubs and discussion groups, and experts wrote in them a good number of books, but the Arabic sources are not enough, so I try here to help parents In the Arab countries to understand the system and move to it easily.

Is homeschooling substitute for school?

This is what parents interested in the idea ask me most about, and this question contains a well-known logical fallacy called the charged question, because they assume in advance that school is essential and necessary and that homeschooling is nothing but a substitute for it, and this is simply not true.
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The truth is that the school that we considered throughout our miserable life is a necessary necessity like water and air is not a necessity, our children do not need it to live a happy life, nor do they need it to ensure a better future, neither in the labor market nor in social life, and we did not need it as well. Our parents are deluded when they send us to it amid our tears and screams, schools are a method that people have invented, tried and proven to fail, schools are not the only place to learn physics, arithmetic and history, even though there are people who have deluded this so that it has become an indisputable matter and it does not occur to us to wonder about its validity or validity.

For thousands of years, since our father Adam, peace be upon him, until recently, people raised and taught their children themselves at home, the shepherd teaches his son to graze, the carpenter teaches his son carpentry, and even the doctor can teach his son medicine, and before the professional specialization stage, parents at an early age used to transmit all Their experiences in life and their knowledge of their sons, and mothers pass on everything they know from the affairs of housekeeping and cooking to their daughters, this was wonderful and sufficient until the emergence of modern countries.

Schools spread with the modern form of the state, so school or formal education became mandatory, not because it benefits the people or because, as governments claim, it benefits nations and states, but because in fact it benefits the influential people, businessmen and stakeholders, who control money and the law, who want millions of workers and employees For their companies, because it gives them generations that do not understand little of life, and most importantly, they are domesticated, listen and obey, do not oppose and do not discuss, not even think about what the administration dictates to them, standing up and sitting, sun and moon, yes and present, is it worth this to stop your whole life In order to give it to your children?

All this is nice, but nevertheless the school benefits the children.
Nobody says school is useless, but we say it:

Its harms are greater than its benefits

Benefits can be obtained at home
One of the alleged benefits of the school is that it teaches children to socialize and gain life experiences through other children of the same age, and this is not true, and to make sure of the invalidity of this claim, review with me the study program, from the morning queue to the departure bell. The time for "recess", as for the lessons, the child is forced to remain silent and does not speak without the permission of his teacher, and if he dares to speak with his classmate, then he is in violation of the school law, and then the teacher either seizes him and punishes him for this violation or violence him, or he is skilled at escaping From punishment, so he lies and claims that he did not speak or speak in a whisper so that the teacher would not hear him, in all cases the child is placed in an environment that is closer to imprisonment than for normal life, in normal life no one imposes silence on you and punishes you for speaking for about 5 hours every day.

Among the harms of school is that you expose your children to falling victim to other children who have no creativity, they call them "bullies". A bully stops his actions, and often bullies do not stop hurting their classmates until they transfer to other schools, some people are still affected by problems they encountered in school until a later life.

How do I teach my kids at home while I am not a teacher!

The biggest obstacle for parents is not their conviction of the necessity of homeschooling, one session is enough to convince any sane person of the harm of school and the benefits of home education, the problem beyond conviction, how do I start, and how do I teach them myself if I myself do not know, how do I teach them while I hate physics and do not remember a single word From trigonometry. The answer is simple, I summarize it for you as follows.

You are under no obligation to teach them everything yourself. You can seek the help of school teachers, give them special lessons as they would have needed if they went to school, and you can also seek the help of relatives, neighbors and friends, all of whom help in their education according to their specialization. You say to yourself, and what did you save if I resorted to private lessons? You saved a lot, and you saved the long hours that are wasted in school, and you are not bound by specific teachers nor the time imposed on you, and the pressure that the government puts on students does not bind your children, so what is torment for others becomes a pleasure for them, and the benefit is greater because what others save to be tempted in a piece of paper The answer is forgotten at the door of the committee, your children understand it without being forced or obliged to memorize.
You are not bound by school curricula. There are simpler curricula, fun for you and them, and more sophisticated than the curricula of antique schools, and there are curricula designed for home education, and because you teach them all year long and do not pay attention to exams or morning queues, the whole year is in front of them to learn better.
It does not depend on the school curriculum, as there are other necessary skills and activities that schools neglect. There is a zoo, museums, factories and fields, which are no less important than books. There is the club, the swimming pool, martial arts training, and other sports that school children cannot find time for. This is half of what they need in their lives, and the curriculum is the other half and maybe less than half.

The school curriculum is more trivial than you think, you can teach them elementary school curricula in one year, but you can collect school curricula from the first day of school to the last day of the high school exams, you can collect them in a few books, one book for each subject, one book that collects geography from the first Fourth grade primary to third secondary, all you have to teach them to read and write and put them in a library with their food and drink and close them, the matter is not like this of course, but it is that easy, English taught in six years suffices one year in a respectable center for your son to learn English and start in Reading useful books that have not yet been translated, while schoolchildren are still lost in the difference between the past perfect and the simple present and the door meaning window and rat never remains.

Education is more important than education, and in any case you are obligated to educate, whether you send them to school or teach them at home, and you will read and learn the arts of education whether you teach them in school or at home, simply you are a father and the topic came out of my hand, so you must contribute to the upbringing and education of your children And you must learn even if you read a few books about parenting, and that weakens parenting.

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I am always in a dilemma between homeschooling and "normal schooling" for my 7 year old. I find it soooo hard at times to educate at home, brings back all the childhood frustration when trying to be "the teacher" of my kid. Somehow is rewarding, although in the moment is challenging. Thank your for your post and bringing the topic into a broader discussion!

I totally agree with you. I've felt that the quality of education is becoming less reflective than what it is used to be before covid.

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