Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

in hive-120412 •  4 years ago 


I went to the cinema to see Harry Potter 6 this evening. After reading it, I felt a lot. Appreciate his cruelty. At last, when Dumbledore died, he didn't cry, though his heart was shocked. He just felt that such a "depressing" ending was very suitable for the development of Haqi.

See you when you come back. Friends have different opinions on Harry Potter 6, and some even say some radical words. In fact, there is no need for people to be angry about this. Some people are dissatisfied with the director and the film. In fact, you can think like this. "Harry Potter" series, the original works are westerners, and the directors and screenwriters are foreigners. JK Rowling of England wrote this novel with her superb imagination, and American Warner Bros.

Film Company produced Harry Potter 6 with excellent special techniques. It should be said that the whole movie was made with westerners' thoughts and ideas (except for the Chinese lanterns on the Lagerhorn Party in the movie). Therefore, I think that when we look at this movie, we should appreciate it from a different angle. Starting from the western concept, we should not only pay attention to the plot, but also lay particular stress on the plot. The whole movie will look very watery.

In fact, I personally think that there are many highlights in this film, and many friends think that too many plots have been deleted in this film, such as the Dursleys, Hogwarts Guild Wars, Phoenix Elegy, etc. In fact, we can find some subtle "modifications" from some details.


Before watching movies, I found a lot of information about Harry Potter 6 on the Internet. When I really watched it, I found that the "information" was actually the tip of the iceberg.

[Lens 1] At the beginning, a girl from Muggle Coffee Shop asked Harry: "Who is Harry?" And questioned Harry about the moving pictures in daily prophet. Harry's answer to the girl's question about who Harry is: "He is nobody."

In fact, this is reflected: Harry himself does not think that he is the so-called "salvation star". This is just a small foreshadowing for the following. This plot also reflects Rowling's idea that everyone is a hero. Therefore, although this plot is not in the original, I personally think this shot is meaningful.


[Lens 2] Next, Dumbledore took Harry to visit Lagerhorn's "house". Some things happening here, though small, reflect the thoughts of many authors and directors.

First of all, from a small point of view, (what I said may be a little formatted) there are some meaningful sentences in the conversation between Dumbledore and Lagerhorn in the so-called "house" in Lagerhorn. I remember one thing.

(1) Dumbledore (pointing to the house disguised as chaotic by Lagerhorn) said: "Then we'd better help them repair it."

② Dumbledore came out of the bathroom: "Can I have this magazine (Muggle magazine)? I like this style of sweater very much. " (I don't remember the lines clearly, which is roughly like this)

These dialogues, only from the movie point of view, are more funny. But for those who haven't read the original book or come into contact with Harry Potter for the first time, careful people can find that witches like muggles. This can reflect that Dumbledore is close to Muggles and belongs to the category of people who protect Muggles. Therefore, some people think that these shots are so-called "boring", but in fact they have some functions.

[Lens 3] Some friends think that the three fragments about Horcrux memory are too rough. In fact, I think this has already achieved results.

(1) When Dumbledore went to the orphanage to visit Voldemort, the director had already made it clear that Tom Riddle was a child with super ability.

② Lagerhorn refused to answer the horcrux for young Voldemort (although this memory was tampered with), and the director pointed out that Lagerhorn was escaping, which laid a certain foreshadowing for Harry's communication with Lagerhorn in Hagrid's cabin.

③ Lagerhorn answered the horcruxes for young Voldemort, and the director explained through the language and manner of young Voldemort that Tom Riddle made many horcruxes.

To sum up, the intentions and functions expressed by these three memories have been perfected, and the expected results have been achieved. But according to my friends, these memories should be more specific. In fact, if the memory part emphasizes the description and talks too much. Will affect the structure of the whole film. The main color of this film is gray-black, which gives people some gloomy feeling. Therefore, if the description is emphasized in the recall part.

Will greatly increase the emotional appeal. Therefore, in my personal opinion, the director's handling of "memories" is perfect.


[Lens 4] I think the most discussed and controversial one is some plots after Dumbledore's death.

Actually, I heard about the funeral being deleted before watching the movie. At that time, I also felt very unreasonable. Because in the original book, "White Tomb" and "Elegy of Phoenix" are the key chapters of the book. Rowling must have put a lot of thought into writing these two chapters. Therefore, when I was looking forward to Harry Potter 6, I always looked forward to Dumbledore's gorgeous funeral.

But as rumored, this paragraph was really deleted. But personally, I think. In the narration of the whole film, through the plot of expelling dark mark with wands, the whole school teachers and students have already completed the expression of the film feelings (it's hard to say the feeling, I think people who have seen Harry Potter 6 will have some feelings in this clip, but I won't tell you the details). In fact, this is a foreshadowing, a very big foreshadowing.

Those who watch a complete set of "Harry Potter" must remember the last Hogwarts Counter-offensive. In fact, this chapter illustrates the fact that unity is strength by depicting the unity of people. It also achieved Rowling's writing intention-if she is United, she will not dispel the darkness. And this plot is precisely through everyone's unity to disperse dark mark, to imply everyone's unity in the final big counterattack. Therefore, I think it's better to use this lens to describe a funeral than to spend a lot of money on it, which not only conforms to the development formula of the film, but also has a far-reaching significance.

[Lens 5] I think the most foreshadowing lens is Snape's gesture of "Don't talk" to Harry under the floor of the Astronomical Tower.

Actually, when I saw this shot. It can really be said that you have to clap your hands. Regardless of this scene, Harry shouted at Snape when the Death Eaters left Hogwarts in the latter part of the movie: "You coward!" And Snape hit back:

"Don't call me a coward!" This plot is the finishing touch in the original book. In a movie, this shot is of course the best ending of the movie. However, the classic of Snape's gesture to Harry in the Astronomical Tower is that it shows that Snape is not a coward. Everyone should be aware that Snape did not go upstairs to join the Death Eaters until he finished his gestures with Harry. It also shows in advance that Snape has been secretly protecting Harry.


If you haven't read the original book, I think most people will think when Snape points his wand at Harry: Snape will kill Harry. It is because of the great contrast of Snape's behavior. It also makes this lens a highlight of this film.

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Powerful write up. I like your artistic eyes and views on this.