in hive-120861 •  8 months ago 



Assalamu Alaikum.
Hello Steemians !
What's up. This is @arjinarahman here. I wish everyone is doing good. I'm doing okay too. Hey everyone, I'm entering a cool contest in this community today. I hope you all have fun with it. Let's get started.

Green lifestyle

Yellow and Green Organic Collage Burger Food Instagram Post_20240613_180229_0000.png

1.What do you know about green life style?

"Green lifestyle" refers to a way of life that emphasizes responsibility towards the environment and strives to be sustainable . It aims to minimize the impact of daily activities on the environment. By adopting a green lifestyle, we can protect our environment, reduce pollution, and create a sustainable planet for future generations.


There are many ways we can lead a green lifestyle, such as:

• Reusing resources
• Relying on renewable energy sources
• Supporting sustainable farming
• Using environmentally friendly products
• Avoiding plastic
• Planting more trees
• Preventing water wastage and harvesting rainwater
• Using bicycles or public transportation
• Using electric vehicles
• Installing solar panels
• Practicing organic farming
• Minimizing food waste
• Reducing waste generation

2.Have you ever implemented green lifestyle activities in your daily life? Tell us an example?

Yes, I personally follow a green lifestyle in my daily life. Some examples include:

I own a personal bicycle. Whenever I need to go somewhere nearby, I use my bicycle. Cycling is environmentally friendly and also a form of exercise.

When traveling long distances, I prefer to use public transportation. Whether it's buses or trains, I choose public transport. Recently, I traveled by train from Dhaka.

IMG_20240608_100219_793.jpgJourney by train

Our home is equipped with solar power, which helps meet a significant portion of our electricity needs.

IMG_20240613_093625_652.jpgsolar system
IMG_20240613_093604_816.jpgsolar system

In front of our house, there is a small garden where various types of plants are grown. The greenery and the variety of plants make it visually pleasing. Some plants bear fruits, while others have flowers. Gardening is something I enjoy.

IMG_20240613_174554_662.jpgflower garden
IMG_20240612_184655_792.jpgfruits tree in our garden

Cows at our home

We have a few cows at our home. The cow dung is used to produce organic fertilizer, which plays a crucial role in environmental conservation as chemical fertilizers can harm the environment.

I minimize food wastage and avoid wasting water.

3.Do you think it is important for everyone to apply green life style? What are the benefits?

Yes, I believe it's very important for everyone to follow a green lifestyle. By following a green lifestyle, we can do a lot of good. For example:

Our environment will be much improved compared to before. Pollution will decrease, and if there are changes in the climate, they will be minimal.

Our natural resources will not be depleted, and biodiversity will be preserved.

By following a green lifestyle, when we reuse something, the daily expenses of our life will decrease significantly. Not only that, but if we use solar panels and electric cars, we won't have to spend on fuel. Then we will be able to save money.

Due to the green lifestyle, the quality of our air will improve, and we will be able to maintain mental health and a healthy lifestyle. As a result, we will be less likely to be unhealthy and will be able to lead a healthy life.


Finally, it can be said that the green lifestyle is not only for the environment but also very important for our economic, social, and health sectors. By taking small steps, we can bring about big changes and create a sustainable and beautiful planet.

I would like to invite @safridafatih @muksa @bahrol @suryati1 to participate on this contest.

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Terimakasih atas undangannya. Hidup ini sangat penting menerapkan kehiduoan yang ramah lingkungan. Tanpa kita sadari kita telah melakukan pelestarian alam, dengan melakukan penanaman dan juga trlah melakukan hemat energi dan lainnya seperti yang telah anda lakukan. Dengan kehiduoan ramah lingkungan ini kita telah menyelamatkan bumi juga dari berbagai pencemaran. Semoga kehiduoan ini anda terpkan hingga berkelanjutan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sukses selalu untuk anda.

Yes, you are absolutely right. If we do not fulfill the responsibility of protecting our environment properly, then sometime we will have to fall on the path of threat. It is increasing day by day so we should keep the environment green. That's why we should plant more trees. I try to keep everything around my house covered in greenery.

Saya setuju dengan pendapat anda, sesuatu hal itu terapkan dan lakukan terlebih dahulu pada diri sendiri dan lingkungan sekitar kita, walaupun dengan ruang lingkup yang kecil. Semoga nanti perbuatan anda akan di ikuti oleh orang-orang di sekeliling anda, karena ini adalah perbuatan yang baik juga.

Merawat lingkungan selalu hidup sehat, kita menyadari polusi sangat berdampak di dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Lingkungan hijau dengan menanam tanaman di pekarangan, hal yang sangat menguntungkan jika lebih menghemat energi adanya tenaga Surya. Semoga sukses untuk kontes ini.🙂

Thank you so much for commenting here. Your comments inspire me. Best of luck to you💛

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Terimakasih atas surat undangannya 🤗

Nice post brother. Thank you so much you have invited me to follow this Contest. Good luck