What's Up Everyone! Welcome to our regular sustainable living curation post from the ecoTrain community. We focus on all things sustainable, as well as the deep and meaningful. Thank you to everyone who is posting to our community, sharing these most important topics and information in these amazing and challenging times. Its more important than ever to learn how to live self sufficiently because we never know what is going to happen in life or when we will suddenly need to be able to live more independently.
Remember, your posts will live forever on the blockchain to inspire and help us all. If you do post regularly and receive good up-votes please consider sending a bit of delegation to @ecotrain! We can barely keep up with the curating and really appreciate your support, which comes right back at you 100 fold!
It has been another abundant week for many of you who have posted to the ecoTrain community, with many posts receiving $10-$20 upvotes from our supporters... and especially with the support of OCD and their community support initiative. If you didn't know, OCD are now partnering with several communities on Hive to help to decentralise our communities and reward posts in niche communities that don't have many up-votes or support. This is a very special initiative and shows how Hive and the decentralised model is so very different to centralised capitalism. A normal capitalist attitude would consider having one popular community, and holding a huge amount of VP to be a great success.. but on Hive it is not what we want, and it is VERY good to see our witnesses such as @acidyo doing what they can to keep things decentralised. Click here for more info.
So to all of you who are either new to Hive, or post good content that is rarely noticed or rewarded.. now is a GREAT time to post to the ecoTrain community and start getting the kind of rewards your posts deserve.
This week I would like to share a few posts that have received our combined support, and touch on some of the subjects that ecoTrain support. These topics include:
"Sustainability, ecoVillages, Community, Self-sufficiency, Off-grid Living, Homesteading, Permaculture, Alternative Energy, Alternative Lifestyle, Natural Health, Cooking, Eco-Building, Earthships, Recycling, Esoteric, Inner Transformation, Spiritual, Nature"
Much love and see you for the next Question Of The Week which comes out tomorrow.
Who's The Real Hero?
This is a topic I've been thinking about for years, while watching people's behavior. It's a sensitive matter and I'm sure many will not like what I have to say here but I'm going to say it anyway as this is not a popularity contest and the matter is not something to sweep under the carpet.
Last week or so @ecotrain had a question about addiction, that made me think of this matter again.
To understand better what I'm talking about, let me tell you a story, which actually made me unsubscribe from a friend's feed on Facebook.
The Usual Heros
A few years ago, when I decided I wanted to learn jogging/running I knew I needed help to do it right as otherwise I coul have damaged myself pretty seriously. Running seems easy and it is after a time but the road to that level is pretty bumpy and dangerous.
Lucky me, I joined a runners group on Facebook, met a bunch of nice people who helped me learn a lot and do it right. This way I have been able to avoid injuries.
Anyway, there were many people in that group, who started running to burn calories so they can lose weight. This is very common as they say it's the best way to make your metabolism work right and lose weight. I met a guy there, an ex rugby player in his late twenties, who was 1.90 high and weighed 170kg.
French crepes with beans sprouts
I love to prepare my own sprouts because I know the kind of water I use and the hygiene conditions. In one of my earliest post in steemit I teach the easy process I use. I use a small chinese green bean but you can use soy beans. It is the best way of eating beans, but once they are germinated you have to discard the skins left in the container because they produce flatulence. This is the way I make my own sprouts Germinated beans are of great benefit for health
The sprouts are a mine of nutrients, they contain minerals and vitamins, and they adquire this nutritive condition when they start to germinate, apart from the fact that they are very digestible. You can eat them with a variety of foods, salads, rice, bread, tacos, chinese lumpias. Well, I will spent all day mentioning the meals you can make with the sprouts. Today I made this crepes for breakfast and my children were satisfied with the result. If you are vegan you can omit the egg, and you can use coconut or almond milk.
Roots are visible in my grafting lemon trees (Now its time to plant)
How to Check the Grafting is done (Some information from my one experiences)
Being a Textile Engineering profession person, I should deal with textiles. Obviously, I do it. But with this I love to do agriculture related activities. Normally, I don’t that my time to do so. But in the Corona Virus and COVID 19 situation I have got some opportunity to do some agriculture related activities as I was at village home on these days.
In my previous couple of videos of this topic, I have shown how to prepare soil for grafting and some basic information on grafting lemon trees. But now, today I am showing you the result of my work and some necessary information on it so that you can do so at home easily. So, now its time to see the result after about 30 days. Roots are visible above the bandage which means grafting is done properly and its now ready for planting in another place. Here I have shown you, how to check the roots. When the roots are visible, then do the next operation which I shall show in my next couple of videos.
Slipping Into The Comfort Zone Of Our Imagination; Should We Feed These Indulgences?
It's often usual for people to struggle with what's necessary and what's really right, sometimes we just want to do what's right by us but then this wouldn't really be good for our families, the people who loves us, the people who counts on us to set a pace for them to follow and when we take a look at the narrative, we'll understand that the pressure to do right sometimes comes externally and mostly ignoring the voice to do right would take something big to shut off our conscience. Most times, our emotions becomes our undoing even when we feel it makes us human. However we're perfectly flawed so much that this flawness often becomes one of the reasons why we fail and falter, we find it difficult making the right calls because our emotions are entangled and we become even more uncertain
At the end we feel utter regret, disdain and anger. These are the resultant emotions we have when we show compassion, love, hesitancy and so much more. We're often conflicted with doing what's necessary and doing right by us because sometimes doing the things that are right by us and ignoring what's necessary for us might sound selfish, inhumane and inconsiderate so much that at the end of the day we end up trading what would eventually make us happy because we want to follow a path; a path of righteousness, a path of good, a definition of responsibility and love and while we might not get to live with the repercussions on others of doing what we really want, sometimes we're satisfied that our decisions would make some people happy.
WEEK 7 COMPLETED : Cheat Week?
As of now, I am trying to not complicate things. I still follow the restricted time eating whilst also trying to minimize as much as carbs and sugar intake. It has been challenging I'd say especially that this week, I have been going out more than I have ever been the last couple of months. So, my going out includes eating out, had a pork fiesta and some sugary drinks. It was kind of rude awakening when I started getting so fed up about my weight once again.
So, I plan on making some necessary adjustment such as how I am going to spend like a college student once again for a month. This has helped me lose weight before so I wonder if it is going to have the same effect to me now. I know the situation are much different but I'll just have to try if this trick works like a charm. I feel scared honestly to even think about it. I have no idea how I did it before but I did it. So yeah, we'll just have to see if I lose weight/gain it.
🌺 Hive Community Garden Journal Challenge - September
Nerves Of Steel
These days, getting a post up on Hive really requires you to have nerves of steel. I've been trying to get this post up for two days, but it just wouldn't work. Both days, I cycled through all the nodes trying to make the transaction go through. But it just wouldn't. My nerves are made out of a lot of things, but steel is not one of them, so I gave up. Let's hope today is a good day, and I'm crossing my fingers that when I click 'Publish' button in a minute, it will work as it is supposed to work. Let's see and find out.
Anyway... It's that time of the month again...
Welcome to the Hive Community Garden Journal Challenge, which encourages you to share your monthly (indoor) garden/balcony updates with your the community and create your own garden journal.
5 Easy and zero cost ways to nourish your plants. | 5 easy and no-cost ways to nourish your plants.
Para todos a los que nos gustan las plantas no hay mayor alegría que verlas bonitas y sanas, desarrollándose justo como deberían. Muchos cultivamos de manera orgánica, ya que no nos gusta llenar de químicos nuestros futuros alimentos, además de ello, en muchos casos adquirir fertilizantes en tiendas es costoso. Es por ello que en este post les daré 5 formas fáciles de preparar abonos para nutrir esas plantitas que tanto queremos.
El siempre confiable compost es la mejor forma de aprovechar los desechos de la cocina y del jardín para mejorar la calidad del suelo y la absorción de nutrientes. En esta ocasión la verdad es que no les voy a enseñar un paso a paso de cómo hacer un compost ya que hay muchísimas maneras y lo más aconsejable es que ustedes busquen la que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Sin embargo si les diré cuales son los principios básicos para armar un compost.
For all of us who like plants, there is no greater joy than seeing them beautiful and healthy, developing just as they should. Many of us grow organically, since we don't like to fill our future aliments with chemicals, besides that, in many cases buying fertilizers in stores is expensive. That is why in this post I will give you 5 easy ways to prepare fertilizers to nourish those little plants we love so much.
The always reliable compost is the best way to take advantage of kitchen and garden waste to improve soil quality and nutrient absorption. This time the truth is that I am not going to teach you a step by step of how to make a compost since there are many ways and the most advisable is that you look for the one that better adapts to your needs. However, I will tell you the basic principles of composting.
Real wealth found in nature at the ocean shore on the southernmost coast of Africa
Here in today’s video clip with your host Jules, we find ourselves on the shore line at the south Cape coast of Africa, compared to the cliff tops. Today I managed to climb all the way down to the water’s edge itself. As you can see there is a fireplace where one can camp out and cook a meal. Fresh water flows in a little stream nearby, all the way to the ocean waves.
As a result the place is totally life supporting. There is no habitation anywhere along the shore line here, and the closest house is up at the top of the cliffs. I seldom see anyone here at all, and perhaps only a handful of people ever come down to this shoreline in a year.
As a result I feel really fortunate to be able to take shelter in this part of nature, without anyone else around. I like to come here to find solitude and peace. In this kind of environment I can become calm and centered and access a meditative space.
This is conducive to good health and a mindset that is composed, calm and connected. The connection comes from accessing both hemispheres of the brain and linking them. IN this way we can have a whole brain experience, which is the secret to greater insight and productivity., as far as creativity and original or helpful ideas are concerned.
A Magical Natural Drink, From Blue To Purple
Have you ever seen a simple miracle without a spell? Just a drop of lemon that can change the color of a drink.
Previously, I posted about the Butterfly Pea Flowers ice drink which is refreshing and also healthy. You can read more HERE.
This time, I will share something that is not far from the previous drink. There are a few different things, like lemon drops that can change things.
A Process I Call Magic
I call lemon magic in this drink.
Air pollution increases the risk of viral diseases, and generates higher mortality from COVID-19
We have always heard that exposing ourselves to or frequenting environments that present air pollution (pollution of the air we breathe) can have consequences on our health, mainly because polluted air contains toxic substances, for example; carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane, nitrogen monoxide, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, and it has been shown, that these substances affect our respiratory system by deteriorating the pulmonary system, leading to the subsequent onset of diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and lung cancer.
Vegan Chilli Recipe with Quinoa
I’ve tried a few different “vegetarian” chilies in the past few months. Whole Foods makes an interesting one with quinoa, but I found it to be more like a Southwestern soup. It was too thin for chili and lacking in flavor. The quinoa did inspire me though, and this recipe was the result.
I decided that the chili needed to remind me of a traditional meat chili, full of that tomatoey, chili-powder flavor that I love. (And yes, I did just make up the word “tomatoey.” It’s my blog, after all.) At the same time though, I wanted to make sure that there was plenty of depth of flavor. I think that meat chili gets most of its flavor from the fat in the beef, and we can’t do that here. So, I settled on a cooking technique that my mom and stepdad use when they make gumbo, using what we call “trinity.” I think the end result is great! There’s great depth of flavor, the chili is thick and hearty, and you get all of that tomatoey chili-powder goodness that you’d experience in a meat chili. Plus, quinoa is like, a superfood. Don’t be surprised if your Spidey-Senses turn on after eating this!
Reuse plastic bottles || 3D decoration, made of recycled plastic.
I introduce myself to you ecoTrain community, my name is Jenny Zerpa in Hive I am found by the user of @jennyzer, I provide varied content in my blog, food, marketing, makeup and crafts using recycled materials, the latter is my favorite option, Every week, I share with my colleagues step by step to make crafts using disused materials such as cardboard, cans, aluminum, plastic, among others. I even have my own initiative aimed at recycling (Creative Recycling Challenge), with which I intend to motivate my creative colleagues to make recycling a daily habit.
Me presento ante ustedes comunidad ecoTrain, mi nombre es Jenny Zerpa en Hive me encuentran por el usuario de @jennyzer, brindo contenido variado en mi blog, comida, marketing, maquillaje y manualidades empleando materiales reciclados, esto ultimo es mi opción preferida, semanal comparto diversos paso a paso para realizar artesanías empleando materiales en desuso como, cartón, latas, aluminio, plástico entre otros, inclusive tengo mi propia iniciativa orientada al reciclaje (Reciclaje Creativo Challenge), con ella pretendo motivar a mis colegas creadores y que hagan del reciclaje un hábito diario.
ecoVillages Journal #34 - Week 3 of life off-grid: Going to pickup my first long term volunteer!
Bom Dia as we say here in Portugal. That is sadly about the extent of my Portuguese right now, and something that I hope to improve on very soon. Learning a new language is perhaps the most important and challenging part of moving to a new country., and i hope to start some Portuguese classes very soon! SO it is week 3 of my settling in and today is a very special day for me and the ecoVillages project! Until now i have spent the past several months working along and managing every aspect of building my off grid Yurt and the basics i need to survive here. Things have gone well, and I am now able to function somewhat normally, in a rustic way but functional. I am at least able to host my first volunteer, Josh, who is arriving today. We don't yet have water, but i hope within a week or two the borehole people will turn up and find it for us! In the meantime I am very frugal with water, and source about 30 litres at a time from a nearby spring. It is amazing water!
Simple meditation practice in reducing stress!
Meditation is always helpful to calm our minds, focus, bring mental peace. We have a mindset that meditation requires time, a proper environment, and a certain mental state. This mindset leads us to ignore/skip meditation because managing them all together is not easy. But do you know, meditation is not that hard? We can practice it simply in any situation and it's very helpful to reduce stress.
Breathing. I find this one the most helpful. Because anyone can practice this anytime like on the subway or on the office. Also, breathing practice is very easy to do. You can find several tips online to do this better. Don't worry thinking if you are doing this right. Just breathe deeply, it will relax your muscles and brain too.
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