What I learned from prototyping veg bags / 野菜袋を作ってみて気づいたことsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-127911 •  5 years ago  (edited)


Last week I post my plan to make veg bags with leftover cotton/linen fabric as a small protest to polyester bags sold as veg bags in super market.

Making veg bags with leftover fabric

I sewed three bags and dropped them at a local eco market on last Saturday. Market visitors can drop/take bags and cartons in the box for shopping.


It was just three bags but it was an interesting experience to think about production cost, an ideal shape for use/production, use cases of these bags etc.


At markets, I was wondering for what do I need a veg bag.

  • Potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchinis, paprika etc: They can be in a same bag. The bag is not necessarily in fridge (we eat quite quickly and go for shopping again). A bag with certain size is ideal ....... then regular eco bag is fine, which we got and have a lot at home.
  • Small leave: Spinach, corn salad, baby leaf mix etc. To keep them separate from others I need a bag. Eco bags can be used for this use.
  • ★ Mushrooms: I want to put them in a bag separately to avoid crushing in my backpack. I buy 5-10 mushrooms, 5 shiitakes etc at a time.
  • (★) Tomatoes: I want to put them in a bag separately to avoid crushing in my backpack.
  • ★ Lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli etc: Would be nice to have a bag but it should be quite big. Or a big fabric such as Japanese Furoshiki. It can be flexible up to the size of veggies.

Those with stars may be the area I shall focus. Bags should be 20cm x 20cm. My furoshiki is 65cm x 65 cm.

That's it about the veg bags. I make them time by time.

Another finding was that "good to try an idea quickly in a small scale". We hesitate and thing about a plan too much but thanks to NeedleworkMonday, I could make a first step and got insights. Another thing is that I had an inspiration of a bag for upcoming spring/summer. I'll go to fabric shopping tomorrow and will write about it next week :)






Needlework Monday is initiated by @crosheille and @crystalize. Now it has its own account @needleworkmonday. Thank you to the team for hosting this wonderful & fun weekly tag!

針仕事の月曜日は@crosheilleさんと@crystalizeさんが始めた月曜日の針仕事コミュニティーです。和気藹々針仕事の話題で盛り上がります。英語の投稿にヘルプが必要でしたら discord などでお気軽に声をかけてください。

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I never heard about Furoshiki before - that's interesting. My dive into Wikipedia made me find a PDF with 14 different folding techniques published by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. Perhaps that might help me with gift wrapping, which I hate ;)

And I like the Japanese Azuma bags. Since you can simply make a knot with the handles, the size adjusts to the contents. With bags with "normal" handles, it's often difficult to keep them closed when they are mostly empty.

Welcome to the new community - have a !BEER

Danke for the warm welcome muscara! I'll learn the new community function from Needlework Monday :)

I'm not sure how much folding I can do with my Furoshiki but it's quite convenient. I brought a casual one for daily use from Japan. Azuma bag has an interesting design, which we can make from a slim long fabric:


The bag I'll make for spring/summer is an Azuma bag. I'm already looking forward to visiting a huge fabric store tomorrow.

I like the different bag ideas for different sorts of fruits and vegetables. The organic box delivery has stopped using plastic bags for some of the sturdier leaves (good), but I want a bag to keep them together and provide some protection until I am ready to use them. These could be the answer - and they can be cleaned :)

That's right. I cannot go for no bag for some veggies. And the bags should be washable :)

I am not sure if you planned this, but your three bags look lovely together. The different subtle patterns and grey hues together with the red one are beautiful. And that you gifted them is even nicer. I am looking forward to your own experience with the bags you will make, for example how much they weigh (if you want to use them for buying fruits or vegetables) and if they are easily washable which is a huge plus as the thin satin bags a friend of mine sewed are not washable... they get holes.

Thank you for the complement neumannsalva! The color and pattern combination was made by coincidence ... or a kind of my taste from my leftover box ;) My mini azuma bags are doing good so far after been washed time by time so it seems cotton can be material for veg bags. I'll continue my experiment :)

Then your left over box has a fabulous taste in colors and pattern :-D

Flattering 😆

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