Steem Sri Lanka Ice Breaking Comment Contest | Share About Your Best friends | Week 05 | 05% For SL-Charity

in hive-133716 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Steem Srilanka.jpg

Hello Steemians ..!

Steem Sri Lanka Ice Breaking Comment Contest 4th week ended with the participation of many people. Everyone is waiting to see how will be the 5th Week of Contest. So let's start Steem Sri Lanka Ice Breaking Comment Contest Week 05.

Share My Best friends / Partner in Crime..

A best friend is someone who stays close to you during the best and worst times of your life. And we all have best friends to laugh at, grieve when alone, and do crazy things. So everyone has one or more best friends in their lives. Then this is the time to tell everyone about your best friend. So let's get started, comment on how you feel about your best friend in a special way. If you have more than one best friend , you can mention all of them.

Check Out Guidelines

•Use between 30 - 50 words and comment on how you feel about your best friend.

•You should make your comment under this post.

•A maximum of 3 photos can be commented.

•One entry for one-person.


I will select 5 Cool comments.

1st Place - 4 STEEM
2nd Place - 2 STEEM
3rd Place - 2 STEEM
4th Place - 1 STEEM
5th Place - 1 STEEM


Contest will be closed on 24th July 2021 at 5.30 pm from Sri Lanka time.

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Here is my entry 👇


Hello People ,

There was a famous saying
"From 16-22 you meet a lot of temporary people "
But at that time i met this lifetime buddies its been lot of years now , someone's are not even in sri lanka now , but our whatsapp groups are still active, and those groups are 7 ,8 years old we used to share our things sadness happyness and all . most of the time when we are free we arrange time to gather and take some chat. we study together for A/L and after each each people choose their path in different ways life goes on , but our friendship will remain same ..
Cheers 🍻

This photo has a big histoty. :) It caused to change someone's destiny.

oh! is it ?

yep ;) oya dawase photo ekak dalane rawatta gaththe

ohhhhh ☺️

"From 16-22 you meet a lot of temporary people "

Most of the time we meet temporary people in life. We always have a very limited number of them. So best friends are those people. So glad you have real friends like that. 🤗

but our friendship will remain same..

That is the most important thing in friendship. No matter how old the friendship is, it is always important to keep the friendship the same.

Yes 💯

Maintaining a friendship for a long time might not be easyy..

most of the time when we are free we arrange time to gather and take some chat

Little dedications are keeping friends together

Yes indeed ❤️

Maintaining a friendship for a long time might not be easyy..

100% agree with you dear...

but our friendship will remain same ..

Most important fact is understanding.... I m very happy to read this comment...


"From 16-22 you meet a lot of temporary people "

That is true. one who will remain will become friends for life time.

Indeed ♥️

From 16-22 you meet a lot of temporary people

This is not true for everytime. You have a example to prove that....

Yeah ,

My best friend I have known since I was 6 years old. She is my neighbor Ana. Throughout our lives we grew up visiting each other, cultivating our friendship and getting through the good and bad times together. In the collage I present you the picture of our childhood and how we are today.


how long you two have been friends? adorable

We have been friends since we were six years old, we live in houses across the street from each other. We grew up together with every adventure. More than friends we are sisters. Her children call me aunt

It's soo lovely ❤️ and since 6 years to now you are maintaining a strong friendship..

Keep your friendship forever it's a blessing

Thank you very much for your support

Are you still living in the same place...?

If each one of us built a small house next to our parents' house so as not to leave them alone.

That's really good...✌️

Wow. it is great to have a best friend for such a long time .

That's right, together we have overcome good and bad times that have strengthened our friendship.

Wow😍 long time friendship.... What a blessing ??? You both are lucky ❤️

hi!! heres my entry

When we say bestfriend a friend that always been support you through the hardtimes and the successful happen in your life.


But this Two pretty girls bestfriend of mine its joan, and jenjen Was the best enemy also, We are a neighborhood in town, from the age of 6yrs. old we already friends, starting with enemy, an enemy plymate,
I remember we always arguing joan , and jenjen is always kept crying. jenjen is the younger among us 3 and im the older of us. When we are little we are playmate, after an hours of playing ,We where fighting (ha!ha!ha!ha)a sort of thing that i cant forget.


But now We already at the age of 30's our communication is always been there even we already have a children, bussy in work, bussy in family but we still spending twice in a month to see each other, sometimes we go to parlor, a girl thing, going to coffee shop. but for now we mostly going by the house of jenjen, singing some karaoke for bonding moments... I can say we are always a bestfriends through the advice, through the struggles in life, and through the success that we had, we always kept updated in our daily life and the event always been present especially during kids birthday....

hoping that you love my entry,

But now We already at the age of 30's our communication is always been there even we already have a children, bussy in work, bussy in family but we still spending twice in a month to see each other,

this is painful. same with my friends. we now live in different areas so we don't meet frequently. I wish we could live in school age forever

yeah,, this mostly the hardtimes when all our friends have both prioritize in family life and us a mother.but still im thankful we still catching up even bussy in hoping @randulakoralage you can spend time to your bestfriends as well..

@aziel29 it's soo amazing that you keep your friendship until now even you are busy with family and children you keep connection with your besties.

. I can say we are always a bestfriends through the advice, through the struggles in life,

Good friends will never leave you when you are having a hard time.. those friendships are the most precious friendships

friends are precious and yes @madhumunasinghe we still catching up every month. and imiss always kept bonding with them... im hoping you too , enjoy the friendship that what you have.☺️☺️☺️

When we say bestfriend a friend that always been support you through the hardtimes and the successful happen in your life.

That's true. Real friends are always with us during the most difficult and beautiful times of our lives.

I can say we are always a bestfriends through the advice, through the struggles in life, and through the success that we had, we always kept updated in our daily life and the event always been present especially during kids birthday....

The friendship of the three of you is an example to all of us. Even though you are busy with work and children, you are not forgotten your friendship. 💚

thanks too @chathux for this content Im glad I can share my very nice and good bestfriends I had... real friends may forever

Keep that friendship forever.😊

As per the pictures... Your enjoying well with together,,,,,,,

yes,, very much.. goodfriends and quality time.

Friends are who will be there for us no matter what happens.

How nice friendship you have???😍 You are so lucky❤️

and jenjen is always kept crying.

And this reminded me my little brother.....😹😹 he is also cried (without amy reason 😹) when we were playing in our childhood....

yeah... precious friends needs to kept.. hehehe how so cute your little brother that time... reminisce


I present my best friend

Good friends Miles, ask yourself now who your friends are when you really need them! My dear @isabelfrancis28 is my companion of a thousand good and bad adventures and I thank life for coinciding from the first moment we met.

Que bellaaaaaaa amigaaa 😀 I love ❤

How many years have passed since your friendship?

We have known each other since November 2018 and from that moment we are friends @chathux I went to the student residence where she lived to look for availability and I asked her if it was a good place and she told me that the owner was strong, but she did not warn me that she was crazy hahaha, then we moved together to a penthouse


It is a beautiful friendship 🤗

Hola amigos steemias aquí dejo mi entrada al concurso.



Estás son mis compinches, amigas, hermanas, paño de lágrimas, son las personas que están hay en esos momentos difíciles que siente que el mundo se te derrumba, para consolarte y darte su aliento para seguir adelante. También son las que viven contigo esos momentos de felicidad y día de alegrías. Además son las personas que a la hora de decirte las cosas de frente lo dicen sin pelos en la lengua como se dice aquí en Venezuela 🇻🇪.

Nos olvidas y ya no visitas 😣

True, Best friends are like sisters.

Best friends are shining like stars in this fake world 😍

Past & present mean true best friends....

This is my participation:

I am not one to have many friends, and over time I have lost contact with several as they have left the country or we have drifted apart to the point of no longer dealing with each other. That is why my best friends are my sisters, they are my support and I know that they will not leave me aside if we go through a difficult time.



They are my best friends and I love them.

I know that they will not leave me aside if we go through a difficult time.

They are the best friends. So you are lucky to have such people in your life.🤗

Good friends never let you go... They will be in touch in each moment in your life...

That is why my best friends are my sisters, they are my support and I know that they will not leave me aside if we go through a difficult time

this is the importance of having true friends.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)
Hola a todos!! Definitivamente los amigos son un aspecto fundamental en la vida de cada persona, a continuación les muestro a mis amigas, en esta entrada:


Mas que amigas, mis hermanas a quienes quienes Quiero Mucho y Agradezco el apoyo brindado en momentos difíciles, así como las alegrías compartidas... Con ellas me puedo relajar y reír por horas!

Friends like sisters rarely meet. So you are very happy about that.🤗

Making friends so fast is not one of my things. So, I have a little circle. But, I know they are the true ones. they will be always there.

From these two girls, @sandu (Right side) was my friend since AL's and we knew each others since grade 6. And Nawo(left side) is like a big sister to all of us.

This is my university girl gang, who were there for each other every time. @erandika and @imalka are in this gang also. these bunch of friends are also so important for me.


Finally I am declaring this guy as one of my best friends because I feel so.


Finally I am declaring this guy as one of my best friends because I feel so.

The special person you meet in life and being the best friend is a really good thing.

hi 😍

From these two girls, @sandu (Right side) was my friend since AL's and we knew each others since grade 6

is that all that you have to say about me? imhi imhi imhi 😕😕😕😕

Sorry girl, this is a comment contest. I cannot write books here 🤭.

okay you mean that you can write a book about me. 🙄😍🙊

A book about how annoying you are 😄🤪.

Poor @sandu......🤭🤭🤭

oya boruwata ohoma kiyanne. imanthage hitha ridei kiyala🙄

Thanks @chathux . And the #steemsrilanka family. Who has made his creative idea with this contest.

Friends who are so close to us, do all friends make us comfortable. It's not necessarily that sometimes many of your friends can't control the situation, but having a better friend can share your worries and a place where you can tell your sad heart.


True friends are friends in arms who live in playtime before marriage, having true friends is so beautiful because true friends can know everything about our lives, not all of us have true friends, laugh together and grieve together with feelings in our hearts.


Choosing a friend is very much determined from each of us, determining a good friend is very influential on us.


Note : Note: I don't have real friends, but I have many friends and one of those friends made me a lover and got married. It's so much fun isn't it.


Note: I don't have real friends, but I have many friends and one of those friends made me a lover and got married.

A friend has changed your life. So you can be happy. 🙊

Yes, it started with friends. but true friends are not necessarily like that. myth

Hey @maulidar, last pic you both are like twins 🙊🙊🙊

But it's a selfie with my aunt. we are similar but not twins.




This is my best friends. Charitha sir's instructing crew. We spent 1 year together after our advance level examination. We went lots of trips. We still share our memories with everyone. I am really lucky to have this kind of friends in my life. Some of them are in my University.


Thank you for organizing this contest.

Having some best friends is also something special in life.💚

dan meke oya kawuda?

Wam paththe edan thun weniya

Ah ha .. bunch of friends... Lots of trip ...Its mean you should have lovely experiences with them.....

You're right. Those days was the most beautiful days of my life. 😌☺️

the crazy gang 😉.
What about me? I am not a best friend of yours 😒. I was going to put you in my list.

I am not a best friend of yours 😒


I was going to put you in my list.

You're welcome


moda kolla. mm tharahai.😕😕😕

I have very limited amount of best friends. And I know that they are always with me.

  1. My school friends

We were together from grade 7 to now.. Still we meet as we can but keep connecting with phone. I close to them now more than I was at school. They always be there when I need them. I love them a lot


  1. My university friend

It is strange to show just one friend as a university friend. But yes, @janakee is the only person I spent almost all my time. She really fit me. Very calm person and very innocent.

Many people forget their school friends when they come to university. What do you think about that? 🤔

Very calm person and very innocent.

Mata hithaganna puluwan...Eda ara...ekko oni nehe...

even a limit number, they are worth more than having a lot. because they are the true ones.

Today I want to introduce you to three friends who are my great friends, they are already 20 years of friendship together, it is easy to say but it is almost a lifetime with them, each one has a unique and beautiful personality, we have many things in common, together we went to concerts, we travelled, I did a lot of sleepovers, we talked, we forgave each other, we helped each other, we gave each other advice and we made sure that each one met the right person to get married even though I was still missing, We talked, forgave each other, helped each other, advised each other and made sure that each one of us met the right person to marry even though I am still missing, it is a beautiful blessing from God this friendship and here we continue to enjoy our great friendship that I hope will last a lifetime.


they are already 20 years of friendship together,

You may be very happy to have such friends for such a long time. And you are so lucky enough to have friends for everything in life. 💚

Si, la amistad es un sentimiento muy hermoso y estos años han sido una bendición de parte de Dios, gracias por leer.😊

Yeah...That's true..😊

20 year friendship 😍

Si, le doy gracias a Dios por permitirme conocer estas chicas tan hermosas de corazón y especiales.


My entry

My Bestfeiend


I met my dear friend from that second class. We have been together since I was 5 years old. My best friend's name is Dastagir.


His house is next to our house. We used to go to school together since childhood. We still miss school days a lot. I am together. He still helps me a lot in times of danger. We are now studying in two different colleges. But our friendship is still the same as before. In the age of social media, we communicate with each other through my messenger, WhatsApp.

Every occasion we celebrate together.Tomorrow we will celebrate Eid together.Pray for me and my bestfeiend. Stay home and stay safe

Eid Mubarak to all.

You are so lucky to have a friendship that has not changed for years. And keep that friendship forever. 💪


You two look similar to mee....✌️✌️✌️✌️

Thank you🥰

You two look similar to mee....✌️✌️✌️✌️

Hello guys!
This is my bestfriends in university. unfortunatedly unable to find photos with school friends. So.. really lot of friends met in university to me. They gave their best support to us.


We have been captured this photo near Rawana waterfall in Alla area. This is my 03rd year batch trip with my best friends in university.
This very amzing journt to me and also it's gave nice momarable things to me.

rekindled the beautiful past through this contest.

Thank you so much Steem Sri Lanka and @chathux

university friends are so important in the life.

yes are correct.. i know it

You are lucky to have spent four years at university with friends. But we do not have that opportunity. 😪

Now I can remember that, how this fellows came to our uni as Junnan. We took care of this innocent well....🤭🤭🤭


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Aqui está mi entrada:


estos somos mi amigo Gabriel y yo, nos conocemos desde que tenemos 8 años, cuando me mudé no era de salir mucho , luego fui conociendo a varios amigos que viven cerca de mí pero con el que siempre convivía mas era con gabriel tenemos muchas historias, hace dos años decidí empezar a hacer ejercicio y lo fui motivando a el y a otros de mis amigos, luego en este año 2021 cada uno de nosotros tomó caminos diferentes uno de ellos le dio la espalda a el y yo tenia meses sin hablar con ninguno pero luego Gabriel y yo hicimos las pases y volvimos a entrenar calistenia nuevamente, y nos ayudamos mutuamente y es por eso que es uno de mis mejores amigos. y eso es todo espero que les guste.

Friends mean a lot to us. As a one & only child in my family, I only have friends who feel like brothers. In the different stages of our life, we met different types of friends. At school, University we met new friends. My wife was also a friend of mine before we married. Apart from that, I have friends who met because of the vehicles.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-23 at 4.06.59 PM.jpeg
Friends of Nissan B12 Club of Sri Lanka

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-23 at 3.49.52 PM.jpeg
Friends of රෝද දෙකේ රස්තියාදුව during a charity work

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-23 at 3.49.51 PM.jpeg
Friends for Life

My wife was also a friend of mine before we married.

The both of you must still be good friends.🙊

Yes malli... 🙈🙈🙈

Api ethakota tharaha kaarayo...

Koheda eye photo ekak ganna hadaddi ba kiwe


She is Janani. We have been friends for almost 15 years now. She is a very talkative and gorgeous girl who is very good at heart. We met at the age of nearly 11. We have never been angry. She is with me in the good times as well as the bad times of my life.

The different people we meet in different situations will disappear as soon as the situation is over. But a very few of them will remain with us. So she is the best friend I've ever met and still have with me. 💛

A very old friendship. It is a pleasure to see such a thing. 🤗

The different people we meet in different situations will disappear as soon as the situation is over. But a very few of them will remain with us. So she is the best friend I've ever met and still have with me. 💛

Good friends are like that. They are with us in any situation in our life.

The different people we meet in different situations will disappear as soon as the situation is over. But a very few of them will remain with us.

That's the truth and that's the best friendship... ❤️

The word FRIEND is a beautiful word in the world. I have lot of friends but only few of them are my best friends for long time and now they are not only my friends, but also they are my sisters.


We six are friends since our school ages. Yeah! Long time friendship ❤. @anusha96, @randulakoralage, @roshipeiris, Paramee, Malki and me. What lovely memories I have with them....😍 I think I'm the one who did a lot of stupid and lunatic works in our gang😹. But they were with me everytime. They love me a lot. They happy more thank me when I gained any success. I'm so lucky for having friends like them to my life.....🤗

Thank you @chathux for giving us a lovely comment contest 😍😍

Love u my crazy buddies.... 😘😘😘

Love friend circle 🙈❤️

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I think I'm the one who did a lot of stupid and lunatic works in our gang😹.

Such a person should be in every gang. ✌️

That little bunch of friends....Nice captions...

Crazy buddies..... 😍

Friendship is one of the greatest blessings that not everyone is lucky enough to have. I am so lucky to have you as my best friends in my life.

@randulakoralage, @roshipeiris, Malki, Parami and @sandupi

Even you all are met at the school for the first time, now our friendship is more stronger than school days. We have passed many years together with collecting handful lovely memories.


Love you all... 🤗😘

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

The Gang Leader @randulakoralage . Akka hena gammen inne 2nd Photo eke😅🤭

Omg 🤣🤣🤣

This is not fair.... All are shared pictures of same gang...So possibility of winning is high among this crazy....funny...lovely gang...

You three also can share pictures of same gang. 😌😌😌

crazy....funny...lovely gang

Love your words 😍😍😍

Here is my entry


We have met a variety of friends since childhood. A lot of them were going to close us like brothers. In fact I was able to associate closely with friends in my campus period for a long time. So they are my family....

The reason for Campus friendships long last is specially because you are far away from home and they become your family

Yes I love it..❤️

Most people make real friends at university.🖤

Yes.because we are with them for long time..❤️❤️

My best friend is my partner, Krzysztof. We know each others over 11 years. He is the first person who hears the good news and the first I am asking for the emotional support in the bad moments. We share similar believes and agree in most of the things. If I would have to, I'd give my life for him - it's the most important person in my life.




  ·  4 years ago (edited)

We know each others over 11 years.

A very old friendship…

From these images we can see that you are two people who spend their time working crazy.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I have met different kinds of friends during my 17 years lifetime such as in school, Sunday school, private classes.

But here👇🏻 are my best friends I met in school when I was 13 years old. In grade 8 and 9 we had the craziest times during our whole school days until now. We all were in the same class and all were music lovers. We used to sing, play, fight, laugh, chat, and be punished always together
We all were nicely matched because we all were almost crazy as always. But in the middle of grade 9, one friend, who is on the right side image, went to Japan with her family to continue her school life there. It was a hard time for her as well as for us, but still, she is connected with us from calls and msgs. Anyway, they are the coolest guys and very close best friends' gang I have met in my school life.


And also I can't forget this girl👆🏻 'Kawmini'. She is my very close and loving friend since grade 6, which means I met her when we were 11 years old. During the time of grade 6 to 11, we couldn't be classmates for 2 years, those days we met new friends, but we remained as best friends and our friendship didn't end. Actually, she had been with me in the hard times more than in the happy moments. I know that our friendship will last forever🖤

Wow, you have nice friends and nice childhood. 😁

Hee I think so😁

In grade 8 and 9 we had the craziest times

The craziest time in most people's school life is like Grade 8 & 9.

As well as You have a beautiful childhood. 🤗

Hee yes, It was the best part as we had so much time to play together

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

"We met people by chance, either a blessing or a lesson."

This is my partner in almost everything. One of my best friends who's always been there for me in every step of the way, in good times and in bad. She's the one that I could tell most my secrets of. The one that I could rely on, offering shoulders for me to cry on if something's gone wrong. We met first at school in our college days but we just became closer, without knowing that we've come this far, as best friends.

Hey there @saneunji. ILoveyou dai. I am really grateful that we become best friend suddenly. ❤




Thank you for this another ice breaker @chathux. By: @hae-ra

Aweeeehhh i yab yow @hae-ra 😍😘😘

The one that I could rely on, offering shoulders for me to cry on if something's gone wrong.

The most important thing a girl can have in a friendship is to be able to find a friend who can comfort her when she is sad. And only a best friend can point you in the right way when you go the wrong way..

Cool your maintaining a nice relationship 😍😍