The Story Of Mt.Lavinia Hotel | 10% For SL-Charity

in hive-133716 •  3 years ago 

Love is a wonderful feeling. There is hardly anyone in this world who has not experienced this feeling. Love is a feeling that everyone embraces in a very pure way. Some love stories are entitled but in some places they are not. There are plenty of people among us who quietly love the loss. Some people are used to living in loneliness with the loss and living with that love in their dreams.But that is not the case everywhere. Others are ready to give up their lives when they cannot bear the loss. This is one such love story. Many people in Sri Lanka already know Mount Lavinia as a love affair. But that is not the case everywhere. Others are ready to give up their lives when they cannot bear the loss. This is one such love story. Many people in Sri Lanka already know Mount Lavinia as a love story.


Sir Thomas Maitland alias Tom was the Governor who ruled the country during the colonial period 1805-1811. He began building his official governing house, now known as Mount Lavinia, on land owned by the then governor.


So this Thomas Maitland is someone who has always held ceremonies at his official residence. One day he has brought a dance troupe to this festival. Each is a rodeo dance troupe. It is a fact that we know that there was a lot of caste division in Sri Lanka at that time. Somehow the governor's eyes were drawn to one of the beautiful women in the dance troupe. She is 17 year old Lovina Aponso. The girl, Lovina, was born to a Dutch man and a low caste Roddy woman .The governor, who liked Lovina, was often tempted to search for her. All the members of this Roddy caste lived in the vicinity of the Governor's house.


Her name was Lovina, but Maitland had difficulty pronouncing it. That is why he has called her Lavinia. The two eventually fall in love when they finally get to the dance at the official residence. It is said that he loved her so much that he betrayed and killed people of his own race on his behalf. One English soldier seeks Lovina's love and is killed by the governor. On another occasion a soldier was seen staring at her naked chest and he too was killed. At the time, Roddy women were not allowed to wear tops, but after the incident, the governor allowed them to wear tops. It also provides an opportunity not only to build houses but also to engage in farming or other occupations like the common people. The governor had even created tunnels from the governor's official residence to the house where Lovina lives. In the midst of all the obstacles, this love affair flowed quietly.


But an unfortunate time came for their love story. In 1811, King George III of England received several petitions against the governor. It was reported that the governor was in love with a young woman who did not fit in with his position or power, and that the king's wealth was being spent on her behalf. Then, in February 1811, Maitland received a letter with the royal seal. It stated that his governorship had been suspended with immediate effect by order of the king, and that he would be given the governorship of Malta in consideration of his military service. It stated that he should board the ship and leave Sri Lanka within two weeks. So he could not back down from that royal order. He had to leave the country. Before he left, he had written a note saying.

"The governor who comes here after me does not know whether he will use this house as his official residence or not, but he is requesting that this bungalow be named Mount Lavinia."

So in the end the governor had to board the ship alone without his beloved Lovina. He shipped with a broken heart and is said to have died single in Malta. Unable to bear this departure, Lovinada jumped into the sea and committed suicide by looking at Maitland's house. Her body is believed to have been buried in a nearby church. That was the end of a love story that lasted for about five years.

The governor, who eventually replaced Maitland, considered his proposal and named it Mt.Lavinia. Also, Lovina's house is where the Mount Lavinia Girls' School is today. Meanwhile, in 1877, the tunnel was closed and the railway line was built to cross it.Later, the village of Roddy developed into a modern city. It is said that all the factors related to this love affair were destroyed during the reign of Governor Edward Barnes who came to this country after Maitland. But the Mount Lavinia Hotel, a gift of this romance, still exists today.How many people have fallen in love here.but It is not their destiny not to be one of the reasons to be loved here

So love does not always end in happiness. The end of many immortal love stories was not the separation of the two? Isn't it better to live with everything for the love of those you love, no matter where you are?Losing does not mean losing everything. It is to bear those things and move forward. However, this love story will be immortal among us forever.

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Thanks for unfolding the fascinating love story about " Lavinia". We really love this place because of the mouth-watering meals ( traditional culinary arts )🍞🍰🍴🔪from Chef Pubils

Yeah of course and it has beautiful location

I've seen a book named "Loveena" . I guess it has this same story. You have nicely written it. It's heart breaking.😥❤️

Thank you

It's only now I got to know that there is such a heart touching story behind Mount Lavinia.

It is very famous story That area.

@dushantha OMG... I didn't know this before....

😁😁 Thanks

I never thought that there has a real incident behind Mt.Lavinia hotel. 😀

Lovina's house is where the Mount Lavinia Girls' School is today.

Interesting ❤️

Thank you