Announcing SL-Charity Phase III

in hive-133716 •  4 years ago 

Steem Sri Lanka is now going to officially announce SL-Charity Phase III...

After the successful completion of Phase I and Phase II we are now ready to SL-Charity Phase III.

Budget Allocation

PhaseAmount in LKRApproximate STEEMStatus
01122 400558Completed
02250 000 557 2801075.60 4324Completed
03150 0002122Starting from Today


Planned Events

Usually, with the experience of the past 2 phases we had, a huge number of requests are coming to us. So we are in the decision of supporting events on demand.

We have discussed spending steem on a variety of projects rather than bigger individual projects as we have only 2300 STEEM available right now.

But based on our experience, we believe that we can do more with time.

Time Line

Start Date : 17th July 2021
End Date : 30 th August 2021


Do You Know Someone Need Our Help?

If you know someone who is really suffering due to any of the above reasons or any other, please talk to us :


Currently, we are conducting events only in Sri Lanka.


Do You Like to Help Us?

You can set any amount of beneficiary to our charity fund @sl-charity .

Get Together to Grow

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Get Together to Grow 😍💪

Really glad to be part of this

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Let's help others... 😍😍😍😍

After successful two charity phases, SL-Charity phase III has been started.
Really happy about this valuable concept ❤️

I'm really glad that I could contribute to this even a little. Let's keep up with this great work!

Another charity work, going to please someone else. Good job guys. 😍😍

we could do many things during last two seasons. hope we can do more this time. cheers!