I favour the Knights (particularly Knight++, not too fond of base-tier), so I wouldn't mind a set of these to go along with them.
A half point for mapping the Ma to the CEO description card well, and a couple for extending out the move set:
Creativity 2.5/5.
Theme 2.5/5. Not sure how you'd theme or "un-"theme this, really, so I'm going to give what I assume is a neutral rating.
Execution 4.5/5. Everything looks OK. Not too fond of the swap at +++ (though I believe CEO Knight+++ had swap before it was changed to how it is now), but it isn't bad.
If base Knight gets bumped up to 6, the 5 on base here would look OK (maybe you were taking that into account?); otherwise it's the same cost for a (slightly) weaker piece.