One of the most common thoughts that people have is that the world is going to hell-in a handbasket. Some people view the world as a cruel place where only the strong survive. Other people view the world as a friendly place where we can all get along.
No one thinks that the world is ideal; rather, they tend to think that it is on the wrong track and could use some help. Strong opinions are held regarding what should be done to help the world. So, what is the solution to make the world a better place?
One solution that many believe in involves sacrificing personal interests for the good of society. For example, sacrificing your time or money for a cause that you believe in may seem like a sacrifice at first.
However, this type of sacrifice often leads to greater rewards. For example, if you volunteer at a homeless shelter, you may gain muscle and time while helping others.
On the other hand, if you focus on wealth and status instead of helping others, you may find yourself miserable and unable to help others. In both cases, half measures often result in greater rewards than full measures.
Many who believe in sacrificing for the greater good have understandable reasons for doing so. For example, sacrificing allows you to avoid making any errors or mistakes- this minimizes risk while maximizing your efforts.
It also allows you to avoid conflict by convincing others to sacrifice along with you; this minimizes disagreement and conflicts while maximizing your efforts.
Additionally, half measures often result in less than ideal outcomes when compared to sacrifices made by those who want greater results.
Minimizing risk (by avoiding mistakes or disagreeable outcomes) often makes for a calmer path with less drama and stress along the way.
Essentially, compromise can often lead to much better outcomes than contentiousness would.
However, many argue against half measures due to their potential drawbacks. For example, many deem compromise unspiritual- having an opinion that you will stand by no matter what makes you more spiritual in their opinion.
When other people compromise on an issue that they care deeply about, they may appear weak in their eyes- which can undermine your efforts to gain their support.
Furthermore, when people focus on achieving something big, this attracts big results from powerful entities such as gods or spirits in their minds.
Compromising on a small issue may earn you the trust of less powerful people; however, compromising on an important issue may cause it to lose all meaning for you and alienate you from your core being.
The world faces many problems that need solving- but finding solutions can be difficult when people avoid half measures. Instead of jumping headfirst into an issue without planning ahead, consider taking partial steps first before making any decisions or compromises.
This will allow you to weigh your options and make informed decisions while keeping yourself safe at the same time.
Ultimately there is no easy solution when it comes to solving world problems- but having an open mind about solutions may help us all bear our share of the burden of change instead of letting others bear all of it alone.