My Funny/Embarassing Korean Stories

in hive-136561 •  3 years ago 

우리가 또 만났네요 여러분! :joy:

I thought I'd share some funny/embarrassing stories about things I've done when learning Korean.

So I was on TTMIK I think one day and I was learning about 너무 (very/really) and I was at the example sentences. So I was doing good translating everything without the help of the website or google translate and then I got to the sentence (this isn't the exact sentence or translation I'm just using it cuz... It's close enough):

그 사람은 너무 멋있어요.

And the translation was:

That person is really cool

And at first I was like ¿ :no_mouth: ?

I was reading 멋있어요 as 맛있어요, which means delicious.

So I translated it as "That person is really delicious," and I saw the translation below and I was just thinking "okay cool delicious and cool are the same thing in Korean" and then I had to think again and look over it again and I was thinking "no that doesn't make sense??" so I looked through the sentence one more time, went back to one of the first lessons which was like "It's tasty/It's disgusting" and then I realized that the 2 words had a difference in ONLY THE FIRST VOWEL!!



And it took me probably a solid 30 minutes to figure that out.

Now whenever I'm talking to 아줌마 at the Korean restaurant down the street from my house and some dude walks in, she always whispers to me "그 남자는 너무 맛있어요!" :joy:

Next story is when I went to this coffee shop with some friends and another 아줌마 was working the cashier and I heard her speaking in Korean to the customer before us so when I walked up I asked her "한국어 말해요?" (Do you speak Korean?) and she said "네! 동생도 한국어 말해요?" (Yes! You do too?) *Note that she was speaking formally to me because I was a customer. So she asked me "주문을 도와드릴까요?" (Can I take your order?) and I said "네. 녹차 한 잔과 코피 두 잔 주세요." (Yes. One cup of green tea and 2 cups of coffee.) Well here's the thing. I didn't say "coffee" (커피); I said nose bleed (코피, 코 is nose and 피 is blood) so I legit said 2 cups of nose bleed please and the 아줌마 was like "So who's the nose bleed for?" and I had to think for a sec about what she said and what I said and then we both just died of laughter pretty much. If you watch the youtube channel JOLLY which is one of the youtube channels I recommended in my resource blog, you'll see that the guy Ollie makes the same mistake :joy: I feel you Ollie~


That's it FOR NOW.

Knowing me I'm going to do something dumb in the future like introduce myself as apple or potato or something :joy:

Anyway, have a good day guys!

잃거 주셔서 감사합니다~ :bow:

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