The weather had transitioned already here in my part of world and it is no longer that cold ༺✿༻ El tiempo ya ha cambiado aquí en mi parte del mundo y ya no hace tanto fríosteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-138689 •  2 years ago 



The sunny weather has its own magical effect, making people cheery and happy the opposite of a cloudy day's as we all know and expect.

El tiempo soleado tiene su propio efecto mágico, hace que la gente esté alegre y feliz, lo contrario de lo que ocurre en un día nublado, como todos sabemos y esperamos.

I noticed that showers in the morning had become more bearable already. In the coldest times of the year I would often shiver while taking a shower because of the fact that our bathroom has an exhaust fan that takes steamy air out and sucks fresh air from outside. So if it is cold outside it will definitely make you feel the chills for that matter. Regardless of the weather whether it is raining, it is hot, or it is too cold, if I needed to use the bathroom for any reason whatsoever, then I will go for it. It doesn't matter much for me if my nerves rattle me because of the cold, what is important is that I do not suffer from "hypothermia" like in the former times when I was severely anemic where I would suffer from chills after using the bathroom even in the middle of a hot day. It is because anemic people cannot tolerate the cold temperatures aside from suffering from other symptoms of it.

Me he dado cuenta de que las duchas por la mañana ya son más llevaderas. En las épocas más frías del año solía tiritar mientras me duchaba porque nuestro cuarto de baño tiene un extractor que expulsa el vapor y aspira aire fresco del exterior. Así que, si hace frío, sentirás escalofríos. Independientemente del tiempo que haga, llueva, haga calor o demasiado frío, si necesito ir al baño por la razón que sea, lo hago. No me importa mucho si los nervios me traicionan a causa del frío, lo que importa es que no sufro de "hipotermia" como en los tiempos pasados cuando tenía anemia severa donde sufría de escalofríos después de ir al baño incluso en medio de un día caluroso. Esto se debe a que las personas anémicas no pueden tolerar las bajas temperaturas, además de padecer otros síntomas de la misma.



Nobody really like to shower with water so cold but maybe there is a benefit to it but my body would hardly get to cope.

A nadie le gusta mucho ducharse con agua tan fría pero quizás tenga algún beneficio pero mi cuerpo apenas llegaría a soportarlo.

I am always emphasizing the effects of weather temperatures and seasons because it has a direct impact in my well-being. I suffered a lot of times coping with temperatures while I am in an anemic state because as I had mentioned, dialysis patients in particular cannot tolerate the cold. Some would even refuse to take a bath because it makes them cold. For my case who do not have much fat and only a thin skin covering my body, I would often take a blanket if it is cool in the room or if it is the cold season although I can relatively tolerate it because I am not that anemic anymore.

Siempre hago hincapié en los efectos de las temperaturas y las estaciones porque tienen un impacto directo en mi bienestar. Sufrí mucho con las temperaturas cuando estaba anémica porque, como ya he dicho, los pacientes de diálisis no toleran el frío. Algunos incluso se niegan a bañarse porque les da frío. En mi caso, que no tengo mucha grasa y sólo tengo una piel fina que me cubra el cuerpo, a menudo cojo una manta si hace fresco en la habitación o si es temporada de frío, aunque puedo tolerarlo relativamente porque ya no estoy tan anémica.



My tolerance to cold had been very low for so many years that it has become a seemingly new experience for me tolerate it when I use cold water to shower and not minding a lot the shivers afterwards.

Mi tolerancia al frío había sido muy baja durante tantos años que se ha convertido en una experiencia aparentemente nueva para mí tolerarlo cuando utilizo agua fría para ducharme y no importarme mucho los escalofríos de después.

I thank God a million times for not being so much anemic because until this time I cannot explain why my "hemoglobin" levels is not crashing because it should not be the case for a dialysis patient because their Kidneys doesn't work anymore. The "erythropoietin" hormone is produced in the Kidneys in response for continuously correcting the body's low oxygen content of the blood by releasing the mentioned hormone to raise the level of red blood cells. It tells the bone marrow to produce red blood cells so that the body can use those red blood cells to absorb oxygen and deliver it to the cells that continuously needed it.

Doy un millón de gracias a Dios por no estar tan anémica porque hasta ahora no puedo explicar por qué mis niveles de "hemoglobina" no se han desplomado, ya que no debería ser el caso de un paciente en diálisis porque sus riñones ya no funcionan. La hormona "eritropoyetina" se produce en los riñones como respuesta para corregir continuamente el bajo contenido de oxígeno en la sangre liberando la hormona mencionada para aumentar el nivel de glóbulos rojos. Indica a la médula ósea que produzca glóbulos rojos para que el cuerpo pueda utilizarlos para absorber oxígeno y entregarlo a las células que lo necesitan continuamente.



Anemia was a major factor for my cold intolerance for more than two decades aside from being weak, emaciated, and having a poor appetite.

La anemia fue un factor importante de mi intolerancia al frío durante más de dos décadas, aparte de estar débil, demacrado y tener poco apetito.

The main production center of Erythropoietin is already "dead" and non-working which is why I am still thinking why my hemoglobin and or red blood cells are not crashing for many years already. So it is a great reason to thank God for because it is a sort of a miracle which is why I am not worrying about suffering from the symptoms of severe anemia like a very bad appetite although in fact that I do have a bad appetite maybe because my hemoglobin is not that high or in the usual normal ranges compared to the hemoglobin of a normal healthy person. I am also enjoying the benefits of not being insomniac because the sleep fairy is always visiting me and prompting me to get some "Shut-eye" moments several times in a day and that really had improved my quality of life.

El principal centro de producción de Eritropoyetina ya está "muerto" y no funciona por lo que todavía estoy pensando por qué mi hemoglobina y o glóbulos rojos no se están estrellando desde hace muchos años ya. Así que es una gran razón para dar gracias a Dios porque es una especie de milagro que es por eso que no estoy preocupado por el sufrimiento de los síntomas de la anemia severa como un muy mal apetito, aunque de hecho que tengo un mal apetito tal vez porque mi hemoglobina no es tan alta o en los rangos normales habituales en comparación con la hemoglobina de una persona sana normal. También estoy disfrutando de los beneficios de no tener insomnio porque el hada del sueño siempre me visita y me incita a "cerrar los ojos" varias veces al día y eso realmente ha mejorado mi calidad de vida.



If a person's kidneys are not able to produce the crucial Erythropoietin hormone, they will die from anemia.

Si los riñones de una persona no son capaces de producir la crucial hormona eritropoyetina, morirá de anemia.

Insomnia had been a kind of scourge in my weary soul for so many years before I went for my very frost dialysis session and many years afterwards. I resorted in asking the doctors to prescribe me some "sleeping pills" because of that which really didn't solve the problem. Those sleeping pills just made me dizzy and some would not be effective like I had only taken a "sugar pill". Some would make my mind blank which is why these "sleeping pills" are not really beneficial and will just be a factor of making me poor because of their cost plus making me have a great risk of accidents where at some instance I feel while am riding a bike while under the influence of sleeping pills for the reason that it affected my sense of balance at that point.

El insomnio había sido una especie de azote en mi alma cansada durante muchos años antes de someterme a mi sesión de diálisis helada y muchos años después. Recurrí a los médicos para que me recetaran "somníferos", pero eso no resolvió el problema. Esos somníferos sólo me mareaban y algunos no me hacían efecto como si sólo hubiera tomado una "pastilla de azúcar". Algunos me dejaban la mente en blanco, por lo que estos "somníferos" no son realmente beneficiosos y sólo serán un factor de empobrecimiento debido a su coste, además de hacerme correr un gran riesgo de sufrir accidentes cuando en algún momento me siento conduciendo una bicicleta bajo los efectos de los somníferos, ya que afectan a mi sentido del equilibrio.



Imagine your eyes getting hurt already by trying to shut them down just for you to get some minutes of sleep, it happened to me.

Imagínate que ya te duelen los ojos por intentar apagarlos sólo para que duermas unos minutos, a mí me pasó.

Anyway it is in the middle of February already and it is the beginning that my room will be a giant toaster again. I am quite excited to feel the "Sauna" effect of the weather. I can enjoy more fluid consumption because of the effects of humidity even in the middle of the night. It is quite weird for me to ever like that type of temperatures because most people would try to evade the heat by staying inside their air-conditioned rooms. Not for my case and situation due to my need to make that kind of setting to benefit me for a better well-being while compromising a certain comfort for the sake of wellness. That is why I am not considering to buy an A/C system anytime soon because I cannot see some value from it for myself, besides my father would just pester me from using it because he doesn't like A/C in the first place which is why he is always adjusting the thermostat of the A/C in my room from the hospital when I was confined for getting my appendix removed last January of 2020.

De todas formas ya estamos a mediados de febrero y es el principio de que mi habitación vuelva a ser una tostadora gigante. Estoy bastante emocionado de sentir el efecto "Sauna" del clima. Puedo disfrutar de un mayor consumo de líquidos debido a los efectos de la humedad incluso en mitad de la noche. Es bastante raro que alguna vez me guste ese tipo de temperaturas porque la mayoría de la gente intentaría evadir el calor quedándose dentro de sus habitaciones con aire acondicionado. No en mi caso y situación, ya que necesito que ese tipo de ambiente me beneficie para un mayor bienestar al tiempo que comprometo cierta comodidad en aras del bienestar. Por eso no me planteo comprar un sistema de aire acondicionado en un futuro próximo, porque no le veo ningún valor para mí, además de que mi padre me molestaría para que no lo usara porque no le gusta el aire acondicionado, razón por la cual siempre está ajustando el termostato del aire acondicionado de mi habitación en el hospital cuando me internaron para extirparme el apéndice el pasado enero de 2020.



Our house has no insulation, it is like an oven when it is hot and my room is the hottest part. It is bad if you would imagine it but it is good for me because I needed it.

Nuestra casa no tiene aislamiento, es como un horno cuando hace calor y mi habitación es la parte más caliente. Es malo si te lo imaginas pero es bueno para mi porque lo necesitaba.

I thank God that I can walk a little bit which is enough for me to go and get to use the bathroom or toilet easier compared to the former years. Now I can just get up and take a shower if I wanted without having to call my mother. I am thankful that I am not anymore too dependent to my parents in moving me from point A to point B here in the house particularly from my room and to the bathroom and then back to my room. It is because I like showering a lot when I was still able to walk. My former routine for showering of at least two times per day was only disturbed after the emergence of my body pain to the point that my mother is already volunteering that she would do it for me because I am not only weak but suffering from pain with every body movement that I make. Now I can move with a relative great ease and because of that I can easily go to the bathroom all by myself in this coming months of hot and dry season.

Doy gracias a Dios porque puedo andar un poco, lo que me basta para ir al baño o al aseo con más facilidad que antes. Ahora puedo levantarme y ducharme si quiero sin tener que llamar a mi madre. Doy gracias por no depender tanto de mis padres para trasladarme del punto A al punto B de la casa, sobre todo de mi habitación al cuarto de baño y de vuelta a mi habitación. Me gustaba mucho ducharme cuando aún podía andar. Mi antigua rutina de ducharme al menos dos veces al día sólo se vio alterada tras la aparición de mi dolor corporal hasta el punto de que mi madre ya se ofrece voluntaria para hacerlo por mí porque no sólo estoy débil sino que sufro dolor con cada movimiento corporal que hago. Ahora puedo moverme con relativa facilidad y, gracias a ello, puedo ir al baño sola en estos próximos meses de calor y sequía.



At least I can walk now but slower than a turtle, which is why I am happy to easily to frequently for a much needed shower.

Al menos ya puedo andar, pero más despacio que una tortuga, por lo que me alegro de poder darme con frecuencia una ducha muy necesaria.

As I grow older I had witnessed for myself on how the weather had changed over the years. Usually if it is the rainy season there will be weeks and weeks of continuous rain over the big part of the country. However there are less disasters of landslides and severe flooding in those times. But now it had become different, because the rains would just pour heavily during the wet and rainy season but will not be continuous which feels like there is no such season anymore except from having a mix of hot, rainy, and then cold days in the cold months of the year. There is no comfortable weather for me and it is always like being in an extreme situation everyday. That is why I am always seeking ways to cope because it is the reality of our current weather condition here in my country maybe also because of the climate change worldwide.

Con los años, he podido comprobar por mí mismo cómo ha cambiado el tiempo. Normalmente, en la estación lluviosa llueve sin parar durante semanas y semanas en la mayor parte del país. Sin embargo, en esas épocas hay menos desastres como corrimientos de tierra e inundaciones graves. Pero ahora es diferente, porque las lluvias caen a cántaros durante la estación húmeda y lluviosa, pero no son continuas, por lo que parece que ya no existe tal estación, excepto por la mezcla de días calurosos, lluviosos y fríos en los meses más fríos del año. Para mí no existe un clima confortable y siempre es como estar en una situación extrema todos los días. Por eso siempre estoy buscando maneras de sobrellevarlo, porque es la realidad de nuestro clima actual aquí en mi país, y quizá también debido al cambio climático en todo el mundo.



I am still thankful for my country current type of weather, not too cold and not too hot, and had been mostly fair all year 'round.

Sigo dando gracias por el tipo de clima actual de mi país, ni demasiado frío ni demasiado calor, y ha sido mayoritariamente bueno durante todo el año.

I had been taking advantages of the things around me to help me with my current health condition...



...that is why with the coming hot and dry season, making it a natural sauna bath is what I will do for a variety of health reasons.

Translated in Filipino [Taglish]

Napansin ko na ang pag-ulan sa umaga ay naging mas matatagalan na. Sa pinakamalamig na panahon ng taon ay madalas akong nanginginig habang naliligo dahil sa katotohanan na ang aming banyo ay may exhaust fan na naglalabas ng umuusok na hangin at sumisipsip ng sariwang hangin mula sa labas. Kaya kung ito ay malamig sa labas tiyak na ito ay magpaparamdam sa iyo ng panginginig sa bagay na iyon. Anuman ang lagay ng panahon kung umuulan, mainit, o masyadong malamig, kung kailangan kong gumamit ng banyo para sa anumang kadahilanan, pagkatapos ay pupunta ako para dito. Hindi mahalaga para sa akin kung ang aking mga ugat ay kumakalabog dahil sa lamig, ang mahalaga ay hindi ako nagdurusa ng "hypothermia" tulad noong mga unang panahon na ako ay malubhang anemic kung saan ako ay magdurusa ng panginginig pagkatapos gamitin ang banyo kahit sa gitna ng mainit na araw. Ito ay dahil hindi kayang tiisin ng mga taong anemic ang malamig na temperatura bukod sa pagdurusa sa iba pang sintomas nito.

Lagi kong binibigyang-diin ang mga epekto ng temperatura at panahon ng panahon dahil may direktang epekto ito sa aking kapakanan. Maraming beses akong nagdusa sa pagharap sa mga temperatura habang ako ay nasa isang anemic na estado dahil tulad ng nabanggit ko, ang mga pasyente ng dialysis sa partikular ay hindi maaaring tiisin ang lamig. May mga ayaw pang maligo dahil nilalamig sila. For my case na hindi gaanong mataba at manipis lang ang balat na tumatakip sa katawan, madalas akong magkumot kung malamig sa kwarto o kung malamig ang panahon although medyo natitiis ko dahil hindi naman ako ganun ka anemic, hindi na.

I thank God a million times for not being so much anemia kasi until this time hindi ko maipaliwanag kung bakit hindi bumabagsak ang "hemoglobin" levels ko dahil hindi na dapat ito ang kaso ng dialysis patient dahil hindi na gumagana ang Kidneys nila. Ang "erythropoietin" hormone ay ginawa sa Kidneys bilang tugon sa patuloy na pagwawasto ng mababang oxygen na nilalaman ng dugo ng katawan sa pamamagitan ng paglalabas ng nabanggit na hormone upang itaas ang antas ng mga pulang selula ng dugo. Sinasabi nito sa bone marrow na gumawa ng mga pulang selula ng dugo upang magamit ng katawan ang mga pulang selula ng dugo upang sumipsip ng oxygen at maihatid ito sa mga selulang patuloy na nangangailangan nito.

Ang pangunahing sentro ng produksyon para sa Erythropoietin ay "patay" na at hindi gumagana kaya't nagtataka pa rin ako kung bakit ang aking hemoglobin at/o mga pulang selula ng dugo ay hindi nag-crash sa loob ng maraming taon. Kaya ito ay isang malaking dahilan upang magpasalamat sa Diyos dahil ito ay isang uri ng isang himala kung kaya't hindi ako nag-aalala tungkol sa pagdurusa ng mga sintomas ng malubhang anemia tulad ng isang napakasamang gana, kahit na sa katunayan ako ay may masamang gana. oras dahil ang aking hemoglobin ay hindi kasing taas o nasa karaniwang normal na mga saklaw kumpara sa hemoglobin ng isang normal na malusog na tao. Nasisiyahan din ako sa mga benepisyo ng hindi pagkakaroon ng insomnia dahil ang sleep fairy ay palaging dumadalaw sa akin at nag-uudyok sa akin na "ipikit ang aking mga mata" nang ilang beses sa isang araw at iyon ay talagang nagpabuti ng aking kalidad ng buhay..

Ang insomnia ay isang uri ng salot sa aking pagod na kaluluwa sa loob ng napakaraming taon bago ako pumunta para sa aking napakalamig na sesyon ng dialysis at maraming taon pagkatapos. I resorted in asking the doctors to prescribe me some "sleeping pills" because of that which really didn't solve the problem. Nahihilo lang ako ng mga pampatulog na iyon at ang iba ay hindi magiging epektibo na parang "sugar pill" lang ang ininom ko. Some would make my mind blank that is why these "sleeping pills" are not really beneficial and will just be a factor of making me poor because of their cost plus making me have a great risk of accidents where at some instance I feel while am riding isang bisikleta habang nasa ilalim ng impluwensya ng mga pampatulog sa kadahilanang naapektuhan nito ang aking pakiramdam ng balanse sa puntong iyon.

Anyway it is in the middle of February already and it is the beginning that my room will be a giant toaster again. Medyo nasasabik akong maramdaman ang epekto ng "Sauna" ng panahon. Mas masisiyahan ako sa pagkonsumo ng likido dahil sa mga epekto ng halumigmig kahit sa kalagitnaan ng gabi. Medyo kakaiba para sa akin na magustuhan ang ganoong uri ng mga temperatura dahil karamihan sa mga tao ay susubukan na umiwas sa init sa pamamagitan ng pananatili sa loob ng kanilang mga naka-air condition na silid. Hindi para sa aking kaso at sitwasyon dahil sa aking pangangailangan na gumawa ng ganoong uri ng setting upang makinabang ako para sa isang mas mahusay na kapakanan habang ikompromiso ang isang tiyak na kaginhawaan para sa kapakanan ng kagalingan. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit hindi ko isinasaalang-alang na bumili ng isang A/C system anumang oras sa lalong madaling panahon dahil hindi ko makita ang ilang halaga mula dito para sa aking sarili, bukod pa ang aking ama ay guguluhin lang ako mula sa paggamit nito dahil hindi niya gusto ang A/C sa unang lugar kaya naman lagi niyang inaayos ang thermostat ng A/C sa kwarto ko mula sa ospital noong na-confine ako dahil sa pagtanggal ng appendix ko noong Enero ng 2020.

Nagpapasalamat ako sa Diyos na nakakalakad ako ng kaunti na sapat na para makapunta ako at mas madaling magamit ang banyo o palikuran kumpara sa mga nakaraang taon. Ngayon ay maaari na akong bumangon at maligo kung gusto ko nang hindi na kailangang tawagan ang aking ina. Nagpapasalamat ako na hindi na ako masyadong umaasa sa aking mga magulang sa paglipat sa akin mula sa punto A hanggang sa punto B dito sa bahay partikular na mula sa aking silid at sa banyo at pagkatapos ay bumalik sa aking silid. Mahilig kasi akong mag-shower noong kaya ko pang maglakad. Naistorbo lang ang dating routine ko sa pagligo ng kahit dalawang beses kada araw pagkatapos ng paglitaw ng pananakit ng katawan ko to the point na nagvo-volunteer na ang nanay ko na gagawin niya ito para sa akin dahil hindi lang ako mahina kundi dumaranas ng sakit sa bawat galaw ng katawan na ginagawa ko. Ngayon ay nakakagalaw na ako nang medyo madali at dahil doon madali akong pumunta sa banyo nang mag-isa sa mga darating na buwan ng mainit at tagtuyot.

Habang tumatanda ako ay nasaksihan ko mismo kung paano nagbago ang panahon sa paglipas ng mga taon. Kadalasan kung tag-ulan ay magkakaroon ng mga linggo at linggo ng tuluy-tuloy na pag-ulan sa malaking bahagi ng bansa. Gayunpaman, mas kaunti ang mga sakuna ng pagguho ng lupa at matinding pagbaha sa mga panahong iyon. Ngunit ngayon ay naging iba na, dahil ang mga ulan ay bumubuhos lamang nang malakas sa tag-ulan at tag-ulan ngunit hindi tuloy-tuloy na parang wala nang ganoong panahon maliban sa pagkakaroon ng pinaghalong mainit, tag-ulan, at pagkatapos ay malamig na araw sa malamig na buwan ng taon. Walang komportableng panahon para sa akin at parating nasa matinding sitwasyon araw-araw. Kaya naman lagi akong naghahanap ng paraan para makayanan dahil ito ang realidad ng ating kasalukuyang kalagayan ng panahon dito sa aking bansa marahil dahil na rin sa pagbabago ng klima sa buong mundo.

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You are truly blessed to have the parents you do, I am glad you are able to do more on your own now. I know they do not mind helping, but its a blessing to be able to do more on your own when you want.

Yes I cherish every moment that my parents are still around because I know that things will not be the same anymore without any of them around especially my mother which does a lot for me because many things that my mother does that my father cannot do except driving me from point A to point B which is done by my father.

However it is a great problem if my father will not be able to drive me in important places that I want to go particularly on the day of my schedule for my regular dialysis which is always scheduled at 5:30 AM. We have to start to prepare at 2:00 AM on dialysis day.

So I am still in a very precarious situation because of my physical and emotional dependence on my parents, they are truly a hand of God for me which I am fortunate in that regard. I still have some plans for my parents too and I hope that I can be able to realize those plans as soon as possible because I am really indebted to my parents for all the selfless love that they had done for me.

Thank you @azfix
God bless you always.