STEEMING COMMUNITY CONTEST "HUMAN HEALTH" || " A simple Tips About Human Health" By @sailawana

in hive-139293 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Hello Steemingzen

Have a good day. Hopefully everyone are in a good condition, stay safe, healthy and be happy 🤗 .

Today I'm here again to take a part and show my participation in this community. at the contest with theme human health. Pada kali ini aku akan memnciba berbagi tips tentang kesehatan berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah aku jalani selama ini.

In my opinion, human health cannot be separated from several factors, namely:

1. Mental health factors

Mental health in a human being is the main key, because with a healthy soul and mind, it will greatly affect the body's metabolism.





Tips to maintain mental health is to always think positively, forgive yourself and others' mistakes, focus on the good that is within yourself. And not easily influenced by negative things. Fill the soul with piety and spiritualism.





2 Physical health factors (Body)

The health of the body greatly affects our various activities. Therefore, in order for all activities to run smoothly, we must have a healthy body.

Tips maintain a healthy body is to consume nutritious foods, containing protein such as meat and fish. And consume vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.


examples of foods that contain protein



Tips The next step in maintaining a healthy body is by exercising regularly.
Because sports activities are needed by the body, it burns calories stored in the body.



3.Lifestyle factor

A person's lifestyle will determine the quality of his health. Because the lifestyle that is run and becomes a habit will greatly affect a person's physical and mental health at the same time. This sometimes we don't realize

*tips to live a healthy lifestyle is to leave bad habits such as staying up late and smoking or alcoholic beverages that can damage the body's organs. And reduce instant food or *** junk food ***


junk food

The next tips is to get used to a clean, orderly life. Maintain a diet by choosing the intake of food substances that are beneficial to the body,

To maintain mental health tips is to increase emotional and spiritual abilities in dealing with various problems. And avoid *** stress and over thinking ***

The last tips in maintaining health is if you have a disease, then immediately consult a doctor and tell about the symptoms you are experiencing in order to get the right diagnosis and medication. Don't wait until your illness is serious.



"Your health is the most valuable and irreplaceable treasure, therefore take care of yourself by taking care of your health"

So that's all my sharing and simple tips about human health, may its be useful and I hope my steemingzen friends like it. I also want to invite my friends to take part in this contest @safridafatih @liasteem @asiahaiss @ozzarn. Come on join guys🤗🤗

Thank you for stopping by my post today. Have a great day all 🥰😍😘

Special mention to @cryptokannon and @steemingcommunity and @fabio2641



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Wow nice post my dear friend 😍. Thank you so much for your invitation. I Will try to participate in this wonderful contest, Insyaallah

Tommorow is the last day of the contest, i wish you can join too. Thanks for visiting my post and accept my invitation. Goodluck ya bu 🤗

Waduh, waktu yang singkat say. Semoga bisa dan terkejar Bu @sailawana. Terimakasih banyak atas informasinya. Have a good night Bu

Sbnrnya udh smbggu kontesnya cm saya br hr ini smpt nulisnya. Sama2 ya bu.slmat beristrahat🤗

Ya Bu. Terimakasih

What a great post, Kak @sailawana 😍
Let's break a leg, Kak ! 💪🏻😚💖

Masya Allah.thanks a lot for your best support sista🤗😘

Afwan Akak lon sayang 😘🧡🤗

!zen 30

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1. set 30% post payout to steemingcuration
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3. posted at Steeming Community
4. at least 300 words
5. used of own photos or with source
6. contest post resteemed
7. commented the post link
8. invited at least 3 friends
9. tags used

Thank you so much for joining this contest. I wish you good luck!

Aamen. 😇🤗

!zen 30

Helloo, It is Alejandro. I just pass by to tell you that I have curated your post using Steemingcuration account. Keep up with the good work 😊

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Thanks alejandro for your support 🤗