EcoFascist Alliance?

in hive-139293 •  3 years ago 

Who are EcoHealth Alliance?

The short answer is the people who started the pandemic.

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You probably recognise the name as the group who were conducting gain of function* research on SARS-Cov 2 in the Wuhan lab of virology.

Even mainstream bodies like the New York Post now say the likelihood of a lab leak is true based on recent revelations or, take the FBI investigation which concluded with moderate confidence that SARS-Cov2 was likely the result of a lab incident.

EcoHealth Alliance whose stated mission is to protect people, animals and the environment from emerging infectious diseases were testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model. It’s on their website, under protecting bats.

EcoHealth Alliance were funded in this research by Fauci’s National Institute for Health (NIH), although when asked about this by Congress Dr Fauci chose to lie and cover up his involvement.


The NIH is now trying to blame EcoHealth Alliance for violating the grant rules. Yet, the entire rationale for EcoHealth’s grant renewal on SARS-related CoVs is that viruses with spikes substantially diverged from Sars-CoV1 and posed a pandemic risk.


Is it coincidental that their funding had been due to run out in September 2019 when on the 12 September the virus database was taken offline? Following this event, security was increased, a new ventilation system and a medical waste incinerator were installed at the Wuhan lab. Leading many to pinpoint this as the date the virus escaped. That virus database is still offline today.

EcoHealth Alliance is led by one Dr Peter Daszak, a British zoologist. His name is connected to Shi Zhengli, aka the bat lady. It was Dazsak who drafted the letter to The Lancet claiming to represent 27 scientists who condemned conspiracy theories for suggesting a lab origin. Later in May 2020 on 60 minutes he stated categorically that there was zero evidence the virus was created in the lab.

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Incredibly, Daszak was the sole US representative on the WHO’s investigative team into the origins of the virus. Their conclusion – a lab-related accident was extremely unlikely. Later he removed himself from The Lancet’s investigation, which he was due to head up, when concerns were voiced of a conflict of interest. Recently a group, “the Paris group ”, wrote calling for Daszak’s removal as president because he “withheld critical information and misled public opinion by expressing falsehoods”. He’s currently still in post.

It’s clear there is support for Daszak from some quarters.

Whilst others are willing to push him and EcoHealth Alliance under the pandemic bus if necessary.

Digging a little deeper in Daszak’s past reveals rather unsavory roots. His father, Bohdan Daszak, was from the Ukraine and worked as a teenager as a clerk in a Nazi death camp. This in itself means nothing, but when put next to Peter's ideological outlook and the history of EcoHealth Alliance the picture becomes clearer.

Dr Daszak has been called an Eco-fascist. He views belong to a sub-set of beliefs long held in elitist circles that the world is vastly over populated and people’s activity is a threat to the planet and hence a climate emergency. It is usually accompanied by a belief structure that some are superior and therefore a superior (scientific) elite should decide who dies. They voice extreme views about conservation, (carbon net zero anyone?), whilst the corporations they invest in deliver massive profits and continue to cause untold environmental damage.

EcoHealth Alliance grew out of the Wildlife Preservation Trust International.

This body, just like the World Wildlife Fund for Nature have their roots in eugenic organisations and people like Julian Huxley pushing their racist depopulation agenda.

Tracing the connections

The history of wildlife trusts reveal how it was naturalist Charles Rothschild (part of the banking Rothschild family and a family that practically owned England following the Napoleonic Wars) who first set up the conservation and wildlife trusts in 1912. After his death in 1923 his daughter Miriam continued his work. She was also a member of the Oxford genetics school and where she met EB Ford a population geneticist.

The society grew and after WW2 they achieved a milestone of establishing a national conservation agency. However, following WW2 those who had openly voiced eugenics had to undergo a re-brand. The important British personage Julian Huxley can be regarded as a bridging figure from the old racism based eugenics to the new eugenics based on molecular biology.

Julian Huxley

Julian Huxley, educated at Oxford, was a proponent of natural selection and belonged to the Eugenics society since 1925 later becoming chair in1959-62. He was secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-1942), where he supported refugee Nazi scientists. His commitment to reform eugenics can be seen in his planned parenthood work for which he gained a special award from the Lasker Foundation in the category of planned parenthood - world population. (John D Rockefeller won the award two years later).

Julian Huxley went on to create/become the first Director of UNESCO. In this role his ideological views can be seen expressed in one of UNESCO’s key goals which is to promote population control. Then in 1960 the wildlife movement went global with the creation of the World Wildlife Fund by Huxley, Guy Mountfort, Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfield, Godfrey A Rockefeller and others. Their key goal to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

Humans living in harmony is called sustainability now. Can the planet sustain us all?

EcoHealth changed their name in 2010 to reflect a refocus on their work centered around captive breeding of endangered species. It seems the elite have a fancy for exotic species and EcoHealth’s conservation work extends to controlling the wild pets market.

The concerns of conservationists can be seen impacting the virus origins story. In the narrative that Sars-Cov2 arose from zoonotic transmission in nature is a confirmation of an over arching narrative that people’s activities are driving closer contact between humans and wild animals with their diseases. That wild habitats need to be protected from people.

Let’s take a look at what else EcoHealth Alliance are up to;


  1. Biosurveillance (already sounds creepy doesn’t it?) - they are creating a wildlife biosurveillance network. First this is part of the commodification of nature. Second this biosurveillance network is going to include us – the herd.

  2. Deforestation - these organisations whilst continuing to embody the protector of nature also “green-wash” for polluters like Monsanto and partner up with the likes of Coca-Cola and IKEA. For example EcoHealth is funded by Colgate Palmolive, a major destroyer of the environment.

  3. One Health – moving towards more global connections.

  4. Pandemic prevention – the irony speaks for itself

  5. Wildlife Conservation – the eugenics connection.

The end of the world represents a great time to make profits

With non-governmental organisations it’s especially important to know who they are partnered up with.

EcoHealth Alliance has many partners, for example; Johnson & Johnson, Reckitt Benckiser, The Earth Institute Center for Environmental Sustainability, several universities, the CDC, the NIH, Planetary Health Alliance, Global Health Security Agenda Consortium, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and Future Earth.

Plus not surprisingly they are partnered with the WHO, the CDC, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. One of their policy advisors is David Frantz, a former commander at Fort Detrick the US government's main biowarfare department. source

There has been suggestion online that Daszak views the political and social values of China as admirable and is therefore a China apologist. Does that mean he helped orchestrate the initial Chinese stage of the plandemic? Well he would have been aware of the research in the lab and kept updated about major events at the very least. Then there are the three researchers from the Wuhan lab who went to hospital with SARS like symptoms in November 2019.

According to an interview with Wired in March 2020 when Daszak first hears the news on New Years Eve about an outbreak, he gets hold initially of Marjorie Pollack. Pollack is one of the leaders of ProMED, a programme of the International Society for Infectious Diseases. She has been regarded as the person who broke the story of the Wuhan virus.

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Interview with Marjorie Pollack. Although no mention is made of Peter Daszak.

ProMED are partnered with USAID, The Wellcome Trust, Robert Koch Institute, and EcoHealth Alliance among other familiar looking names. Daszak claims he became deeply worried when he couldn’t get hold of senior Chinese people. Claiming in the same interview that he feared the mortality rate was 10%. Remember it was on December 31st 2019 that the WHO picked up a statement by the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission talking about viral pneumonia.

According to this website Daszak has published at least 25 research studies painting the CCP in a positive light. Basically a junk science shill for the CCP. He’s also a political donor for the Joe Biden Democrats, need I say more?

If you need further evidence of the link between the pandemic and money reflect on the words of Peter Daszak back in 2015;

To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. source

The enormous profits made by the drug companies speak for themselves.

In Summary

EcoHealth Alliance and its president Peter Daszak are guilty of crimes against humanity.


It was their research that led to the pandemic. They then sought to lie and cover it up. The roots of both the organisation and its president are highly questionable to say the least. Dig a bit deeper and you find a rich history of eugenics movements. A movement that now speaks the language of sustainability, and at its heart, lies a population control agenda. The overview of the programmes EcoHealth Alliance are involved in provide a good encapsulation of their interests. An examination of EcoHealth’s partners and funding contributors reveal an organisation sponsored by Johnson and Johnson!! Daszak’s obvious relationship with the CCP should also be of concern. However, bad as their crimes are, they are part of a much wider web involved in the plandemic and beyond.

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Recent Development

  • Gain of Function research – referred to in the business as Gain of Threat – has now been renamed Potential Pandemic Pathogens, ePPP Research, and Oversight. .
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