I woke up this morning and brushed my teeth. Then I freshened up. I went outside. I saw that it was very cold outside. I couldn't see anything in the cold. Then I opened the chicken door. I gave the chicken food. I also swept the kitchen. Then I made tea. I ate pedis. I cleaned everything. I came to the room and cleaned the furniture in the room. I swept the room. Then I went outside with my sister. The road in front of the house looks beautiful again. I walked home a little. When I came, I got some puishak trees. I saw a ginger tree next to it. I picked some ginger. I went to the room. When I came, I gave the vegetables to my aunt to cook.
I had lunch. Then we all sat down and chatted. We talked. I cut betel nuts for my grandmother. When I came home, I saw that the flower plants were slightly sunny again. I watered the plants again. Then I came back to my room and worked. I browsed FB.
I went outside. My sister and brother played hide and seek after a long time. I saw my uncle keeping rabbits on the roof. My brother was feeding them again. I also took a beautiful picture. Then I went to get milk. Many beautiful roses are blooming at my sister's house again. Red roses. It looks very beautiful to see again. Meanwhile, I also took a picture of my sister. Then I talked to my sister. I came home. When I came, I saw my brothers playing. We all sat outside and chatted. The call to prayer was given and I went home
I closed the chicken door. I heated the milk. I made tea. I ate pita. I watched TV. I browsed FB. I had dinner. I went to my aunt's house and talked. I taught my brother a little. I sat by the stove and chatted. It was getting cold. It felt good to chat again in the warmth of the fire. Then I came home. I came and cleaned the bed. I browsed FB and took a long nap.
My mobile camera: Samsung Galaxy A10s
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