Health is Everything
Take care of your body. As simple as it may sound. Strengthen your body. How many people work on their bodies for 1 hour a day in a good way. Very few people do that.
Many people make excuses that we do not have time. This is a useless excuse. If there is no time, where is our time going? If your body is not healthy then you achieved something so what's the use for you. You say there is no time. Time is running out to make money. If your body is not healthy then whom are you earning for? Such people are neither beneficial for themselves nor their families but a liability. Never fall for this excuse. This is an excuse that there is no time. Never say there is no time. The moment you say that your brain accepts it. You can fit this excuse anywhere. Like I want to do a lot but I don't have time. There are 24 hours in a day. Give yourself only one hour out of 24 hours. This one hour can change your life.
Some mothers make excuses that I am busy with my children. How can mothers who can't take care of themselves take care of their children? First, you have to take care of yourself then you can take care of the children.
Why you make excuses
Why do people make excuses? What is the reason for this? Because it's fun to do nothing. Sleeping late is fun. It's fun to Get up late in the morning. Getting up early in the morning and exercising is not fun. Also, people understand that money and success are everything. But it's not true. Health is everything.
how to overcome it
how to overcome these excuses and laziness? You have to change the order of your mind. it's fun to do nothing in the short term but in the long term, it makes you hollow inside. Right now you're having fun doing nothing. If you enjoy doing something, your life will change. This can be understood by those who actually work out. When you push your limit. Like you do push-ups and when you go from 21 to 22 you have slight pain.
Your brain must crave for that sweet pain. In fact, the mind does not know what is right and what is wrong. The brain is like a small child. When you tell your mind that I am tired today and I can't do anything, your mind will agree. The brain will release similar chemicals as you give instructions to the brain. Now you have to lovingly explain to the mind that not having a workout is not fun. You have to tell your mind that you will get sweet pain when you exercise. Then there will be strength in the body. When there will strength in the body and the body is working well, then it will be fun. if you start calling its sweet pain. Like our brain craves for sweets. So gradually you will see that our minds will start craving for this sweet pain.
The day you don't get this sweet pain, you will feel that it is not fun today. You will feel something is missing. Did not exercise today. Today has been a frustrating day for me. What if it becomes your habit? Now you have to work out even if you don't want to. All other excuses will be gone. Time will find automatically. You will overcome all your excuses.
Motivational Speaker
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