Lockdown Lego

in hive-142010 •  4 years ago 

Thirty seven...That's how many phone calls I made to existing clients before lunch today. It's a fair amount considering each call took about eight minutes on average...That's almost five hours on the phone having essentially the same conversation over and over. These were simple touch-base calls to clients to let them know we are still here and that their investments are being cared for.

Whilst I was working Faith decided it was time for her to freestyle with some Lego. of course Grouchy, ever the opportunist, never misses the chance to play with Lego and had to join in the Lego-sesh.

I get the impression he was a little, "what the actual fuck", when he realised I wasn't playing Lego with him, and that he'd have to share the blocks with my wife but before long they were deeply engaged in the Lego building session and was playing [sharing] nicely.

During this process I was pacing around my house, into the back yard and even out into the front yard, engaged with my work conversations; All I heard was woeful stories of lost income and jobs, closing businesses and hardship. What was nice though, was that they all thanked me for my call, for taking the time to make it and showing we cared. That felt quite good and I think will pay dividends moving forward.

As I write this, whilst eating some lunch and having a coffee, Faith and Grouchy are sifting through Lego blocks in pursuit of whatever pieces they need to complete their design...It looks to be some sort of building to me although I can't be sure. All I can hear is that familiar sound of hands sifting through Lego blocks; If you've built Lego you'll know the sound. Of course there's the occasional curse when a block cannot be located.


I had a conversation with one of the Directors at my company today...We're trying hard to retain staff and my calls, all of the teams' calls, to clients are pivotal to that, and to the rebound we hope to happen post-virus. It's a fight but one we're trying to gain the upper hand in. That's why I'm making so many calls whilst I'm working from home. It's not as good as the face-to-face contact I'd usually have, but it's all we can do right now.

It can be a struggle at home during lockdown, finding things to do, a positive attitude and the right emotional state of being.

We have a lot to keep occupied with though and Lego is one of those things. It's a creative outlet and no two freestyle sessions are the same. I'm looking forward to seeing what my wife and Grouchy come up with and may post about it sometime. For now though, I'm happy that they are playing nicely and glad to have the soothing sound of Lego-sifting in the background as I work...Which I should get back to now.

I hope y'all finding something to do, keeping productive and feeding your emotional side with enough to keep your spirits up in these tough times.

Get some Lego y'all!

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well

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I think we are going to have to get a box of Lego soon as the duplo is getting a bit tiresome :D

Good plan...She's smart and won't eat it...But who has really lived if one hasn't swallowed a Lego.

P.s. Keep an eye out tomorrow for a post featuring a young lad and a couple Foster's promo girls...Lol.

My grandson is big into Legos, I think I am going shopping on line to order some for myself. The weather here has been cool but the sun has been showing up, so we have been outside doing some Spring clean up. Physical work during the day helps me sleep better, it also changes my head space, makes me feel better. Glad you're still employed @galenkp, so many out off work now. Very tough for lots of folks. It's nice to hear you are keeping in touch with your clients, I am sure it's reassuring to them that you care.

Lego is a good thing to have around...I guess it's like a jigsaw, or colouring...Just keeps a person occupied and creative. Outside work is good too, Faith has been doing some of that also.