Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, ...

in hive-142013 •  5 years ago 

... not realizing that everyone has a different question paper ✍️

Our thinking is characterized by dualism. It’s either black or white. Shadow or light. We grew up following what we were taught in school, university and became a part of the modern slavery. Now is the time to break the pattern and start thinking in color! Get out of your shell and follow your dreams. ✨

We have two major advantages than the generations before us. The access to internet allows us to receive free knowledge from anywhere in the world and the blockchain technology enables us to create new businesses and become independent.

Instead of spending your time recklessly on social media or working for someone else’s dream, spend your time wisely and learn about the technology of the future! 💻

Sending you much love and positive energy 💫 Love, Soldier


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Looking great ☺☺❤❤

Thanks 😌

Classy 👌😉


great message coming from a gorgeous and intelligent woman🥰

Thanks so much! 🤍

Vogue model 😏😌 Great shot 😜

One day 🤔😝 Thank you!

That's true!! Being yourself is the best policy 💚❤


Love the post and the pic😍

Thank you for being my personal photographer ☺️🤍


beautiful as always ... ♥ ️🥰

Thank you so much 🙏🏽

Very chic, nice outfit beautiful body

Thanks! Appreciate it 🙌🏽

Look like a beautiful Dear 😍

Thanks so much ☺️

Damn girl 🔥🔥🔥


a very beautiful girl 😍

Thanks 😊

Beautiful photo and Beautifully said! 🥰💋 I have always been more of a leader and not a follower that loves being independent and following my dreams on the blackchain, for me it doesn't matter what people think or say about me, I am who I am if they don't like me they don't have to follow or like me...So much hate and drama on Social Media that's why I love Appics we are one big happy family, YOU GO GIRL!🥰🥰🥰👪🧑‍🤝‍🧑👯💃🕺💏👫💑

I couldn’t agree more with you! Appics is a game changer and it made me love social media again! We have so many leaders here who are following their passion which is amazing 🙌🏽 I’ve had problems in the past to go my own path not caring what others may think of me because I was judged all my life. However, I am happy that I had the best support system and went down my special path anyway! Thanks for sharing your story! Always love to read it 💗

I'm so happy you found the right support system here with Appics and thanks so much for your kind reply, much appreciated! Have a fantastic weekend!🥰🥰🥰🥰

...oooh, beautiful Lady soldier, seems that you have a lighten wise time right now, soo it, when people are talking about the real important things, thank you...and ya, I would almost agree, but are we all same? wishes from here.. enjoy..🤔🌺😁✨❤️..

I would rather say we’re sitting in the same boat but have to get out at different stops if that makes sense. We enjoy different chapters together but the book we have to write alone. Thank you for your kind words. I highly appreciate it 🙏🏽 Have a wonderful weekend

Looking so gorgeous 🥰😍

Thank you 😊

What a beautiful style😍

Thanks so much!


Thx ☺️

Lovely pic 🥰

Appreciate it :)

Good looking

Thank you 🙏🏽

Wow nice


You are looking like fire🔥🔥

Thanks a lot ☺️

Really so beautiful look and good shot


Look so gorgeous..😋😋😋❤♥😘

Appreciate your nice words!



What a beautiful and elegant pic my dear ✨🤩👌🏿

Thank you so much 🙏🏽 ☺️

So nice


Wise words. You're right 👍 I see this happening all the time. Copying others can give similar results but the expectations are very different in the end, it can be frustrating. So as you say it is better to follow our instincts 😁😁👍

Exactly! Be different. Everyone else is already taken

Ein sehr schöner Text 😁🤙 Die Vorteile des Internets sind uns Menschen schon länger bewusst. Die Vorteile der Blockchain wird den Menschen erst noch bewusst gemacht. Estland, Vorreiter der Digitalisierung, setzt die Blockchain als Auditierung für Datenzugriffe auf die digitale Patientenakte ein. Damit ist auch jeder unbefugte Zugriff protokolliert. APPICS ist ein weiteres wunderbares Anwendungsbeispiel, wie bahnbrechend diese neue Technologie eingesetzt werden kann. APPICS to the 🚀🚀🚀 😁

Das Internet ist uns Menschen schon länger bekannt, doch trotzdem wird es von den meisten noch falsch genutzt. Unsere Generationen zuvor mussten auf Bücher und Schulen vertrauen, doch in diesem Zeitalter haben wir Zugang zu unendlichem Wissen! Die Blockchain Technologie ist allerdings noch frisch und ich muss dir vollkommen Recht geben, dass APPICS eines der wunderbaren Projekte ist, die die Welt verändern wird 🙏🏽💥🔥

So nice 👍

Thank you sweetheart!

Very true.Beatiful words


Love the look 😍

Thanks darling 🤍



You are the best💕

🙌🏽 much love!


The best investment is still to invest in your own knowledge.

Very stylist❤️

Certainly said. We can’t deny how social media influenced people. As an individual, we are responsible for our own growth. We all bloom in different manner, time and success. We just need to strive for the best version of ourselves. 🧡 you represents both beauty and brain 🧡🧡🧡

One of the main reasons i prefer using Appics more over Instagram is because i beleive it wil help in achieving my dream's & goals! Indeed Blockchain has revolutionized our world 🌍


ufff!!! So pretty :)

Yes,be authentic👍😘


Amazing ideas..

Amazing ❣️


Just wow😍😍

Nice photo dear😍😍😍
