It is hard to understate how obsessed our little toddler is about My Little Pony... she lives and breathes Ponies, from the moment that she wakes up through to the evening when she is likely to choose the My Little Pony book for a bed time read. For some reason, she is always pretending to be Princess Twilight Sparkle... or Rainbow Dash (CRASH!).... and she is always getting one of us (my wife, her sister or me...) to play at being Ponies... she even refers to other people as "every-pony" or "some-pony"!
In some ways, it is pretty cute... but a touch disturbing at times. She has always gotten much more absorbed in passing fancies than her older sister ever did... In the past, she was heavily into Noddy after watching an episode (and the rest of the seasons..) on Netflix. The Netflix version of Noddy was a reboot of the old book favourite... however, with twist that Noddy was a detective in Toyland! It was actually an interesting reboot of an old character that was thankfully updated a little bit for more modern norms....
... anyway, during that little phase of her life... she was Noddy, with a magnifying glass, binoculars and a little pad that all emulated the Noddy for the show.... and we would go everywhere with those things! Hell on Earth if we ever forgot something or left it in the car or at school... Sigh, the sister was always a much easier child...
Anywyay, now the obsession is with My Little Pony of which Metflix also has a series on... and it is the constant choice... despite our efforts to sneak in a bit of Australian Playschool... or Dutch Woezel en Pip! It is quite strange how much of the shows she knows off by heart... and occasionally she will just spring up with some weird quote from the show! (It is more of a testament to a littl kid's memory rather than the time that we let her watch it... I hope...). In some ways, it reminds me of the people who are crazily into The Simpsons (or Seinfield or any other TV series...) and will just see every moment as an opportunity to quote something from the show... however tangentially related!
In the car (when we used to drive to school... these days it is much less!), she would always be choosing the music from the My Little Pony movie... she never had seen the movie, but for some reason got completely into the music after finding it on Spotify (thanks older sister...). These days, I know all of the My Little Pony music inside out... it haunts my dreams... on the other hand, it is pretty damn catchy at times... and I do quite enjoy driving to it!
Like any sort of movie soundtrack, these songs are all linked together by the storyline of the movie... and when you haven't seen the movie, you start to build up a sort of mental image of what that story is! So, after over half a year of listening to the soundtrack in the car every weekday (...and most weekends at home), I had a pretty good idea of what I thought the movie would be like... after all, I do read the comic book and I watch some of the Netflix TV series as well (sometimes my wife is a bit disturbed by how much I know about Ponies...).
Last night was planned to be a little treat for our little girl.... My wife had seen that we could get the My Little Pony movie (2017) on Google Play and seeing as we had been watching more movies together as a family, we figured that it was probably about time to watch something that was going to definitely be a hit with the little one. Most of the movies have been a mix, some she has totally loved (Rainy with a Chance of Meatballls...) and others (Despicable Me 2...) have just not worked. I think it is of a product of her mood and tiredness when we start the movie rather than the movie itself... on the other hand, this is from the father that thought showing Star Wars to her older sister when she was around 4 was a good idea! (It isn't... and you will have to deal with nightmares for a while...).
When the start of the movie came up on the TV... well, it is hard to explain how completely overjoyed the little one was! This was the moment that she WAS GOING TO SEE THE PONY MOVIE! OMG OMG OMG!... you know how little kids are when they completely lose it in a happy way! Honestly, this is one of the best things about being a parent.. the absolute joy in a child!
PS: No spoilers... but it was a pretty decent movie... however, it was completely NOT what I had in my head! Not by a long shot... but it was really cool to finally see how all the music fitted into the plot! Again... none of it was what I had thought it would be!
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