WE BARE BEARS / drawing step by step | by @christopherb

in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 


Hi steemians:

A few days ago, reviewing my old folders and drawings, I found a fanart that I made in early 2018 in pencil as a gift for a friend. The fanart was from one of my favorite animated series to date, "WE BARE BEARS".

Reencountering the drawing I had an endless number of mixed feelings, borning in me the need to pass it to the pc to add color and thus be able to finish it, to present it here to you. I hope you love it!


Step by step

1. The first thing I did was photograph the drawing by hand so that I could transfer it to the PC.


2. Then, I continued to pass it to my art program to perform Lineart.


3. After this I continued drawing the Lineart, polishing details.


4. Then, I decided to start coloring the three brother bears.


5. I kept coloring her ice cream, the hamburger and the sandwich.


6. Then, I also colored the pizza on the floor and the spilled soda.


7. I decided to continue coloring the carpet.


8. Then I kept adding color to the floor at the back and the couch


9. I decided then to start coloring the walls of the premises.


10. I finished coloring them while coloring the exit sign, and the front door.


11. Finishing the process I added my signature on the drawing.


12. And finally, I played around with the overall nuance of the drawing for warmer colors.


As final result: Our Bare Bears.


I hope you enjoyed it as much as me. We Bare Bears is a caricature that I love and I found it very nice to share this fanart that I made of these dear bears. As always I would love to know your opinion in the comments, a big hug!

ChristopherB - Animado.png

All illustrations and history were drawn and write by me @christopherb.

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