When Corona Ends; the real humanitarian service begins with you and I

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 

Quite a topic for discussion at this point in my life. Covid-19 pandemic has taken more lives than we ever envisaged. As humans we only hope that, in no distant time, we find the cure by producing vaccines drugs to ameliorate the problem of difficult.

800px-COVID-19_(Coronavirus)_Girl_in_mask.jpgGirk on surgical mask during corona virus pandemic, CC BY-SA

Now to the main matter for discussion. It is no longer a new thing that this corona virus pandemic has shut down virtually almost if not all the economy of the world, especially in terms of forcing individuals to sit at home. It has also caused an exponentially increase in the prices of goods and services across many countries and one of which is Nigeria.

The big question, do we have any choice as humans? Yeah we do and that is to obviously sit at home or maintain proper hygiene practice as well as ensuring social distancing. Failure to do this, will likely result to being infected with the virus.

When it is all said and done, the first thing I will do is to pick up my suit, cleaned and well ironed and go out straight to get more income to cater for my family and the needy ones around. Staying at home and being under forced isolation has not only caused speedy decline in my savings account but it has also cost me accumulated debts.

Due to the fact that you are not allowed to go out in the street, those that manage to bribe law enforcement agents luckily manage to get stuffs, they hike the price in a bid to make more money. You don't have any other option than to buy at any price they offer.

So I will really need to go and there and work hard in a bid to compensate for the days that I have lost. Yeah, it may not be fully recovered but will do the best I can. There is definitely no harm in trying. Life is full of ups and downs but we have to always strive to be reach our goals and potentials. Anything good is worth trying, when we fail, life gives us another chance to try again. So, after this whole saga, life goes on. Family must feed, bills have to be paid. All this can't be possible without adequate finances, hence the need for going out there to work.

The second thing I will do it to by all means visit isolation centres (obviously if allowed) and offer volunteer service as well as offer any help in the area of ensuring that those that require assistance in returning back to their normal life gt the best. This has always been in my mind from the onset. Visiting them is not enough, I will as well reach out to them in terms of financial support through the much I have raised while working. I believe there is much in giving than in receiving.

Prisoners_are_taken_from_the_Kondengui_Central_Prison_in_Yaounde,_Cameroon,_July_23,_2019._(M._Kindzeka,_VOA).jpgPrisoners, CC BY-SA

The little I can offer to them, I will donate. Doing this will alleviate the problem they are facing. I count myself not being infected with the virus and since I am able to work, earn some cash, I see no reason not to show this victims love.

Doing this will make them understand that no matter what, they are still loved by the world and they are never outcast. Being a victim of circumstance is not the end of the world. They deserve our love and I also using this medium to reach out to other people. If you are privileged to donate, do the best you can, nothing is too small.

The victims will sure need proper guidance and counseling and me being in the medical profession, I will willingly educate them on the need to eat healthy and carry out activities that will boost their immune system to prevent opportunistic infections. Some of the survivors will sure want to listen and be enlightened further on how to live a healthy life style.

Me doing this will give them that confidence once again that Yes, they can still make it despite the pandemic. No one survives this corona pandemic and remains the same. Their psychology and mentality changes and if they are not counseled, they could remain downcast and hopeless, hence the need for counseling.

The last and obviously not the least thing on my mind is to resume my social life. Nothing has been more boring than sitting at home all day and night, watching Corona virus updates. Virtually all TV stations glue their updates on the Corona virus pandemic.

I will need resume my normal social life such as swimming, partying, hanging out with some of my friends on fridays without fear of law enforcement agents coming to bully you home with their God forsaken ass reddening whips. You done wanna see how the doing those evil whips on people. A single whip will sky rocket the level of adrenaline in the body, making one run faster than Hussain bolt. Its just so barbaric.

Life has really been boring under isolation, I only hope for the future. I am optimistic, in no time the final cure and solution to this corona virus pandemic will be found.

Let's always remember to stay safe. Maintain social distancing, wash our hands with soap and running water. Hand sanitizers alone cannot protect us. It must be done in addition to washing of hands.

Stay safe!

When it is all said and done, we will live happily ever after.

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