in hive-148441 •  5 years ago 

The moral development of children is very important in their formation and helps greatly to live in harmony with the rest of the world because certainly when we talk about moral development we include values ​​as a practical lifestyle in the child's environment.

Values ​​are principles that mark the attitude and conduct of people, that is, they are aspects that influence their behavior and allow them to grow as individuals by understanding them as positive contributions to the development of their lives.



It is worth saying in this case that things are not valuable by themselves, but they have the value we give them, which is why each person has their own scale of values ​​because in some cases what seems to me an essential value can be that for another it is simply an antivalue. However, values ​​are necessary in children's lives and must be important for their formation, although it must be recognized that values ​​are not transferable, but rather that we acquire it in different ways.

Remember that the family is the first school of values ​​since every person in their childhood, that is, in their first years of life, receives their first habits within the family.
In this sense, values ​​become essential because without them there can be no harmony for life and to face it.

Values are very important for people and society because a society without values is like a society without rules and without defined objectives without empathy and without ethics.

We must remember that children need tools to learn responsibility in their actions and values are everywhere and are acquired through practice and example.



In this sense, it is necessary to ask: to whom does the task of forming values correspond?
It is important to say that although this is a joint responsibility of all, most of it is held by the family, the adults who surround the children, in this case, mom and dad, who play a very important role in the moral development of their children, since through of this development they will really be able to look at the world, that is, through the moral development that children receive will affect their way of seeing the world.

In this order of ideas I want to emphasize about what the moral development of an individual means

The moral development of an individual is the process of building values ​​and patterns of conduct regarding the consideration of other people as real or potentially equal to us, more or less in need of our help depending on their situation, more or less worthy of assessment according to their behaviors and who can be demanded more or less according to their abilities and personal possessions.

Moral development according to Piaget
Piaget relied on two aspects of moral reasoning to formulate his theories: respect for rules and the idea of ​​justice for children. Based on the children's answers to their questions, Piaget established various stages of moral development. This way of understanding the moral process is known as cognitive-evolutionary theory, and in a simple way: it seeks to understand morality from the inside out, as an understanding of the subject that is later expressed in their attitudes. Piaget explained that, in order to understand the morality of the subject, it is not only necessary to delve into his discourse —the principle that governed many of the investigations of the moral in his time—, but it was essential to define his cognitive structure, that is, the logic and thought patterns that govern the basic moral understanding of the individual



From this it is inferred that the formation of values is a matter of parental responsibility which is formed in children through knowledge and the accumulation of information where memory, involves, opportunity, education, the potential, creativity, intelligence ... available thanks to a learning process or the experience received in their first stage of life which will define behavior with adults and with their peers for which as parents we have the task of developing the moral of our children so that they can become successful adults in our society, that is, where they can master the instruments of understanding of the world, acquiring abilities to order dispersed information with empathy and ethics as a result of established values.



How important is the moral development of our children in order to become a responsible adult with ethics and empathy! but with these attitudes one is not born they are taught and sometimes we parents find it difficult to explain to our children the values that we really want for them. However, there is no better teaching for our children than the practice of doing and the example because really We need to discern the values that we believe are important so that they can practice them and perceive them as something correct and important in their stage of life. ¡Be your example!

According to the teachings received and the pattern of values established in their childhood, it will be the way that our children can see the world and not only see it but react to it.

Remember that for a child to learn to be goes beyond the acquisition of abilities or habits, to touch the core of each individual's being and the meaning of their life, it is necessary to influence widely with significant situations of tools necessary for them to grow spiritually and physically and without values without morals this would be impossible since personal well-being and the meaning of your life depend on it.

Do you want to have compassionate, kind, honest, respectful, responsible, humble, generous children? This really comes at a price and it is acting day by day in your development with responsibility and optimism.

References: Educational stage for children, educational didactic bag


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