A teacher is the direct agent of school action, which undoubtedly means increasing their levels of responsibility and strengthening and enhancing their professionalism through significant tools based on their planning.
In this sense, the didactic tools of the teacher would be the resource planning with which they have been working in the educational field but that as time has passed has been innovating and improving in an open and flexible dimension due to the educational demands and to the environment of the students of the new millennium
education has also been seeking the necessary tools and resources through innovation and has implemented as a significant resource the Classroom Pedagogical Projects; project that, as will be seen, constitutes in education the last level of curricular concretion and in which teachers, from each grade level, acquire a special and irreplaceable role.
The innovation of this project arises in the first place to return to the teaching staff the role that corresponds to them as the most direct agent of school action and thus enhance their professionalism since in recent times the role of the teacher has been disqualifying due to many factors.
On the other hand, the elaboration of the Pedagogical Projects of the Classroom comes to enable the essential consideration of the student as the center on which the entire teaching-learning process must revolve.
In this context, and from this perspective, facing the preparation of Classroom Pedagogical Projects constitutes one of the most important and valuable challenges that we face for the development, improvement and transformation of education and our students.
The Classroom Pedagogical Project is a teaching planning instrument used by teachers as a working tool through which teachers have the opportunity to organize and program the teaching and learning processes that they are going to develop, with your students, throughout the school period that constitutes an educational degree
It is understood that pedagogy starts from the knowledge of some factors to plan the work tools of its students from the following terms
And really these are very valid in the classroom learning project specifically in basic education but this is mainly part of the orientations of reality and is concretized in the formulation of responses for action in the following questions:
What do we teach?
In this first term we are going to select the objectives and the contents that will be developed throughout the grade where there really must be an integration of concepts, procedures and attitudes that will specifically favor students for the construction of learning which will be linked to significant experiences. derived from research activities
When do we teach?
All teaching is accompanied by an order and a sequence, in this case the selected objectives and contents are selected based on the educational reality from which it is started and the school time available.
Ordering and sequencing that will be structured in periods of teaching and learning that we could qualify as Work Projects
The teaching will be aimed at determining and planning the methodology and the teaching and learning activities that will favor the achievement of the previously selected objectives.
What, when and how do we evaluate?
This is aimed at specifying the evaluation that will be carried out throughout the process and that will allow us to verify whether or not the proposed learning has been achieved.
From this perspective, the Classroom pedagogical Projects or Learning Projects are conceived as a methodological and didactic planning process that are built with the participation of teachers, students, parents, representatives and managers and members of the community in order to organize the practice education to promote the learning process
In this way, a strong and necessary group is involved in the learning of the students since to build their learning, not only the teachers will do it, but it will be the articulation and protagonism of all the factors immersed in the environment of boys, girls, young people and adolescents in order to integrate reality and their experiences into more meaningful learning
These planning habits are very effective and have a great impact in the classroom.
Why are Classroom Pedagogical Projects more attractive than others?
They are more attractive because this planning is not done by the teacher individually, it must have a global approach, it must be a project conceived and developed from an integrative option of content where the teacher internalizes and integrates all other areas of the curriculum, for example in a language classroom project it must be integrated with mathematics, English, social sciences and natural sciences which will allow students to establish interrelationships between the dimensions and scope of the transversal axes of the other areas
Furthermore, this project makes sense because it considers students as the center of the learning process; They are the ones who learn, develop their capacities, transfer knowledge to the various situations that they have to live and the problems they pose, providing alternative solutions, which also means that teachers appropriate and feed back the experiences obtained in the interaction.
The Pedagogical Projects of Classroom or Learning come to demonstrate to us that the center of the school activity is not the teacher nor the disciplinary contents but the student and his Learning process because, the whole project is based on his experiences his environment his possibilities for his due participation and construction since the importance of the constructive participation of the student and at the same time the intervention of the teacher for the learning of content optimizes the development and the necessary skills for their comprehensive training
Among other things the Classroom Pedagogical Project is a flexible work Project where the contents can be modified when the reality of the student and the school so warrants that is all those curricular adaptations that are necessary to satisfactorily serve the students who have special learning difficulties. Finally, these allow the globalization and integration of learning, especially favoring meaningful learning.
Bibliography consulted: Educational Notebook for the construction of Pedagogical Projects