Government by Algorithm - Project CyberSyn Pre Pinochet Government Socialist Blockchain Destroyed by the CIA MUAHAHAHAA + management cybernetics

in hive-150033 •  4 years ago 

Ackza SAND eos: zackzackzack, [20.04.20 05:43]
lets have special rooms like this for telos BPs like Chile's Isabell Allende, the guy before the Dictator Pinochet. Cybernetic Socialism LOL dude this was so ahead of its time! TELOS COMMAND center under mt shasta! Blockchain command economy!

Ackza SAND eos: zackzackzack, [20.04.20 05:46]
There were 500 unused telex machines bought by the previous government. Each was put into one factory. In the control centre in Santiago, each day data coming from each factory (several numbers, such as raw material input, production output and number of absentees) were put into a computer, which made short-term predictions and necessary adjustments. There were four levels of control (firm, branch, sector, total), with algedonic feedback. If one level of control did not remedy a problem in a certain interval, the higher level was notified. The results were discussed in the operations room and a top-level plan was made.
The software for Cybersyn was called Cyberstride, and used Bayesian filtering and Bayesian control.

The vision had been distribution of control and involvement of workers in business planning. The design looked more like bureaucratic centralisation of control via bottom up reporting and top-down direction. Workers were expected to perform processes and use resources in the ways that had been modelled and planned. Any significant deviation from was to be reported upwards, and corrective directives were to be cascaded downwards.

The project is described in some detail in the second edition of Strafford Beer's books Brain of the Firm and Platform for Change. The latter book includes proposals for social innovations such as having representatives of diverse 'stakeholder' groups into the control centre.

Ackza SAND eos: zackzackzack, [20.04.20 05:47]
This old idea from the 1970s that capitalists laughed at can actually happen with blockchains like telos now to become a crazy digital workers union lol we are the stakeholders described in that Stafford Beer Book. Lets bring telos to Cuba! :D or at least some place like Norway to manage their sovereign wealth fund lol

The implementation schedule was very aggressive, and the system had reached an advanced prototype stage at the start of 1973.
The system was most useful in October 1972, when about 40,000 striking truck drivers blocked the access streets that converged towards Santiago. According to Gustavo Silva (executive secretary of energy in CORFO), the system's telex machines helped organize the transport of resources into the city with only about 200 trucks driven by strike-breakers, lessening the potential damage caused by the 40,000 striking truck drivers.[3]

After the CIA-backed military coup on September 11, 1973, Cybersyn was abandoned and the operations room was destroyed.

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