SEC-s20w1: Fitness Training 👉 Cardio

in hive-150419 •  6 days ago 


Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

First of all let me tell you about my health. At present I am thirty-seven years old. And in December 2016 I had a heart bypass. At that time my condition was that I was not able to walk. I was overweight and had three heart arteries blocked by clots. When I had a heart bypass, after that the doctor said that I have to take care of my health at all times. After the surgery I realized I had to keep my weight down. I had been following a careful diet for two years, but I was not giving enough time to exercise, due to which my weight and cholesterol started to increase and the increase in the number of Triglycerides also started. The doctor said that if I didn't exercise daily, my triglycerides would increase and cause more heart disease.

Because the basis of heart disease is the increase of cholesterol and triglycerides in the beginning. My condition was very bad before the bypass and it was due to two things, cholesterol and triglycerides. But after the surgery I thought everything is fine now and I was able to walk and I started carelessness but after two years when I went to the doctor for a check-up, the doctor said if I exercise daily and eat carefully. If I don't, I might get heart disease again, so I was very scared and I told the doctor that I will exercise and all the activities that I was not doing due to laziness and my busy schedule.

I am very happy today that @ngoenyi launched Fitness Training cardio program , that is one of the best training program and it is very important for me to participate in this program for a healthy life. Today I tell you all how I am restoring my fitness on a daily basis and how and what exercise I do daily. But once again I thank Ngoenyi and the whole team for starting this best training program.

My Fitness Training 👉 Cardio

Post informationStatus
Height1.7 M
Waist measurements87
Do you suffer from any illness? Which one?Heart surgery bypass
Do you do exercise?Yes Daily
How many days per week? How many minutes per day?5 Day per week , 2 Hour daily
What time does it suit you to exercise?1 Hour Morning 7 Am to 8 Am . 1 hours day time 2pm to 3pm


What do you hope to achieve with this training plan?

The answer to this question is that if there is health, then there are joys and luxuries in life. A healthy life gives you the opportunity to enjoy life and I have seen times when I was in poor health and had a lot of mental problems because I Being young and getting sick at that young age was a painful moment for me but now I want to keep my life healthy at all costs. I want to get practical exercise and lots of information from this training plan to protect my health and myself from diseases. I want to keep fit and maintain my fitness through this program so that I can enjoy life as a healthy person. Right now I am overweight and I want to reduce my weight. I want to get rid of excess fat from my body. I want to join this program and learn good exercises that can keep me fit and healthy. This program will definitely be useful for me in this regard.

My daily habit is that I wake up early in the morning. The first thing I do when I wake up is to practice deep breathing for five minutes. Activities such as standing, bowing, putting the head on the ground and sitting on the knees in morning prayers refresh me. After that I leave the house at around 6:30 and walk two kilometers and then start bikecycling. I walk two kilometers at a normal speed in the morning and after two kilometers I run bikecycling six to seven kilometers on a road surface. When I run bikecycling at normal speed, my body starts sweating. I run bikecycle for about thirty minutes.

Thus, a total of one hour and twenty minutes takes me for these two exercises. After my morning workout, I drink tea with milk an hour later and eat half wheat bread made with oil. I drink a cup of yogurt. in day time i eat fruit that avaiable that time.

When it's two in the afternoon, I run bikecycling from 2:30 to 3:10. This is my daily routine and from Monday to Friday. I don't exercise at all on Saturday and Sunday and rest for two days. I eat very little beef in my diet. I eat a little meat after two weeks. I eat chicken, fish and rice avidly. But I heard rice is not good for health. Also, I am still taking medicine after heart surgery and medicine is very expensive but medicine is necessary for life and health. But I wish to get rid of medicine after this exercise program. My diet sometimes leads to careless , i eat without thinking heavy food, spice , some time heavy food, but when I see that the cholesterol and triglycerides has increased, I start the diet plan again and drink milk tea, ginger tea.

last month my cholesterol and triglycerides was very much over , reason of this was i did not exercise and cycling becasue weather was very much hot so i could not keep continue my daily exercise becasue of hot weather for 2 month so because of this my cholesterol and triglycerides increased. now i will again check my cholesterol and triglycerides on october 7 , 2024 . hope after joining this training programe my cholesterol and triglycerides will be normal. my cholesterol was 240 and triglycerides was 340 both are much high but now i am feeling well becasue i am doing my exercise daily from august 7 to till now.

My exercise videos , that show my fitness but now i am ready for this training programe

First video:

i am trying to climbing but making a lot of force to climb , so it is youtube short video .i have no idea how to perform this exercise that give me more benefit after completing it.

2nd t video:

in this exercise i tried to burn my stomach fat that increase cholestrol and trigrclride . fat stomach is not good for health . so i came to know that i can decrease fat of stomach with this exercise .

3 video:

i do this exercise to reduce fat of the chest, to make the strong the heart musle and also shoulder area. what is the proper way of doing this exercise , i will learn from this training programe

4 video:

my this exercise is to keeping hands active in working position so all this is to bring the body active

five video:

in this exercise i am runing, walking fast that imporve my runing and walking ability .

i am trying to climb up , so also puting great force at the time of climbing, this exercise is hard exercise like hiking to mountain .

six video:

in this exercise i am jumping to make soft in the body. so this exercise i do 2 mints to five mints in a week in evening time if weahter not hot.

i am very much week in exercise no three that is my purpose making strong shoulder , chest exercise that reduce fat, from chest area make strong shoulder . i have no idea , i am doing this exercise in good way or not becasue i did not learn any exercise from any trainer. but two time in week i try this exercise for 3 to mints. i came to know that it is good exercise .
i have no idea my this video is related to my today entry post or not but it is my daily routine cycling road that i daily use , i gave tittle of this exercise

My video >51KM Cycling Journey

A few days ago I made a video of running a short three-day bicycle and uploaded the video on YouTube, you can watch it. How am I bicycling in extreme weather? weather was rainy but hot very much . Cycling is very healthy for a heart patient and I have benefited a lot from cycling. But both cycling and walking exercises play a very important role in shedding fat, body fat. I am very satisfied and I am trying to be consistent in my workouts.

My video > Runing exercise Video

The six exercises I did today, I don't do them every day, but I definitely do them one day a week. But the timings for cycling and walking that I mentioned above are the same. I now hope after joining this program that I will get a better workout which will also eliminate my health and physical weaknesses. I want to exercise in a way that does not burden my body and is good for my health. I don't feel any pain while walking. I can run for more than six minutes almost without stopping. I hope to get the most out of the fitness program and adopt a healthy lifestyle. All videos in this article are mine.

I hope you will like this entry of mine. I invite @anwar1976 , @jessica @teukuipul87 in this contest to participate in this challenge.

Exclusive to Steemit: This article text, videos (youtube channel name is yousaf haroon khan vlog )original creations of @yousafharoonkhan, published on Sep 14, 2024.

Best wishes



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¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

El ciclismo es un cardio fascinante... En mi infancia lo practique mucho cuando jugaba con mis primos jajaja y, no te niego que hoy día me gustaría retomarlo en algún momento porque, sin duda alguna es un deporte que aporta beneficios fascinantes a nuestra salud.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Sí, estoy 100 por ciento de acuerdo, el ciclismo es el mejor ejercicio para mejorar la salud. También me gusta el ciclismo desde mi infancia, pero en la época universitaria, lo dejé, pero ahora estoy en bicicleta, el ciclismo me dio un gran beneficio para mi salud. Reduje mi peso, grasa y muchos beneficios. Así que querido, vuelve a este deporte. Me alegra saber que estás pensando en volver a unirte al ciclismo. Un gran abrazo también para ti.

Sir @yousafharronkhan this is good thing for healthy life .

health is wealth , without it there is nothing life taste. thank so much


What an insightful post to maintain health and fitness.

My uncle also had high cholesterol and triglycerides two years ago. He wasn't exercising at all and his diet mainly had fast food. He lives abroad.

Doctors had to put him on medication otherwise it could also worsen his diabetes( diagonsed with more than a decade ago).

My point of sharing this is that he still prefers medication over lifestyle changes.

And it is so good to see you doing exercise and eating clean to avoid medicines in the future.

Bicycle is your best friend to lose weight, my biology teacher said and suggested us to:

Do walk and cut off white sugar from your life.

Bicycle is best to reduce high cholesterol and triglycerides , these two point are base of heart disease so i am doing my best. we can eat any food, if we have exercise in life . thank you so much dear for thiss kind review


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