in hive-153264 •  5 years ago  (edited)


I have observed that so many people are living in fear everyday. There is more fear today than courage in the society. Varying from little children to adults.
I have tried engaging a couple of persons on some argument and i found out it is same everywhere.

The fears people live with varies in different ways, such as the following:

  • Some has fear of lost of investment.

  • Fear of heartbreaks in relationship, which could result from wrong choice of partner.

  • Fear of failing in marriage.

  • Fear of failing in school.

  • Fear of the unknown.

  • Fear of death.

  • Fear of betrayal.

  • Fear of not making it in life.

And the list goes on and on and on.
I woke up with this question in my mind, and i decided to ask the great minds here.

Do you live in fear.?

What is your greatest fear in life.?

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We make decisions based on logic, intuition and emotions. Hence, emotions are one of the levels at which we make decisions, the other two being logic and intuition.

There are basically five natural emotions: grief, anger, envy, fear and love.

Although there are five natural emotions, the first three (grief, anger and envy) are an outgrowth of the last two (fear and love). In fact, even fear is an outgrowth of love. Your fear is always of a loss or damage of the self (or an aspect of the self) or of someone or something you love. If you don't love yourself, somebody or something, then you won't have fear of losing or damaging yourself (or an aspect of yourself) or the other person or thing.

So fear in itself is not bad. How can it be bad when it is an outgrowth of love? A mother who saves her child from an accident is expressing both fear and love at the same time: fear for her child's life and love to risk her own life in the process. But her fear is actually an outgrowth of love.

If you don't express and experience fear from young, as you grow older it becomes panic. So, if you don't express and experience the fear of public speaking, as you grow older you will panic when asked to speak in public. If you don't express and experience the fear of failing in doing something from young, as you grow older you will panic (an unnatural emotion) when asked to do that thing. Therefore, children should be encouraged to express and experience their fears.

Expressing and experiencing applies to all five natural emotions. Children who are not allowed to express and experience anger, as they grow older will find it difficult to express their anger and will go into a rage(another unnatural emotion). Anger is turned into the unnatural emotion, rage. Likewise grief repressed becomes the unnatural emotion, depression; envy repressed becomes the unnatural emotion, jealousy. Fear repressed becomes panic.

@voice.direct, I think you are right in this comment.
Thank you for taking your time to analyse all this.

My greatest fear in life may seem funny or silly to you but it's actually very strong. My greatest fear is leaving this earth and discovering that there's a God and heaven and hell and not making heaven. I just can't imagine it, so i'm trying to live my life for God because if there's a heaven, i don't want to miss it.

@resuscitate, that is the best decision any one can make. Living your life in the fear and knowledge of God.
Bet me, you will not regret it.