Contest | 25-Word Comment - Monkey Business | Depression

in hive-153970 •  5 days ago  (edited)


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Monkey Business



Write a comment about depression

Tulis komentar tentang depresi


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Date: 13.11.2024

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CC @disconnect

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Besides money, I believe one of the major causes of depression is constantly stressing over how our lives appear to others. As what Marcus Aurelius pointed out in Meditations:

“How much trouble he avoids who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks, but only to what he does himself, that it may be just and pure; or as Agathon says, look not at the depraved morals of others, but run straight along the line without deviating from it.”

If we avoid comparing our successes and diligently minding our own business, we can free ourselves, at least in part, from depression.

inviting @tonami @alexanderkass

#betterlife #comment #depression #wewrite

I understand what you mean if it comes to avoiding trouble. Problems are nearly always caused by 3rd persons but depression?

It's a feeling that appears out of the blue, there's no need for a specific reason, a person to cause this mood swing.

If depressed money, a carreer, people, society aren't of interest at all. Nothing is.


Hmm, maybe you're right.

But this is how i see things, for me, nothing comes out of nowhere, i believe there's always a root cause.
Just because we may not know it for now, doesn't mean there isn't.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

True there can be a reason but this reason can always be in the DNA.

Yes, I've heard. It's unfortunate that you actually can inherit it genetically.

I agree with you. I would add that this depression will not go away quickly. It is more of a long-term stress.

Right, many factors can lead to depression. One also you explained.

I totally agree with you. Money is not the main factor causing depression.

There are parts that I agree with your opinion, such as we should stay away from toxic people who may not even care that their words hurt others.

We can choose our friend but please do not bully those toxic people, we don't know why they act like that and toxic people needs guidance, we could be his/her guidance . No man is an island. We need someonevto hear us. For me, I am willing to help their negative outlooks .

You are right. Such people do need guidance. I really appreciate you having the intention to guide them.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator03. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @dasudi

Thank you for the upvote @dasudi

Agree so we have to do our own business.. Dont look those life better than ours . Its better to see how many lives worst than our life.

Exactly. It's just one of the ways we can avoid or lessen depression. Of course, there are plenty other ways but this one helped me with mine.

We have different situation, we don't know what depressed others. For ourselves, we need to hold on we have to think iit always that there are so many blessings ahead and the wheel of our life is not only in one position.. We depressed, we recovered and learned a lesson from it.

Very well said.

Keep going my friend and we never give up. No one help us .

In this contest, I hope to be allowed to share a little about what I feel as a person suffering from depression.

The depression I felt was more than just momentary sadness. Unlike people who say that refreshing can eliminate depression. This feeling of sadness sometimes I can't get rid of even though I've done refreshing.

Trauma factors, the pressure I experienced, hurtful and demeaning comments from people and several other things made my depression even deeper.

I surrender my life to Allah SWT. I really hope that people with bad behavior and words will be given guidance by Allah SWT so that they do not hurt other people.

I invite: @munaa @iqin

#betterlife #comment #depression #wewrite #steemexclusive #club100

Well said! We can't judge how and why? Try to listen their side and allow yourself to be their guidance. Sometimes, we are being used by God to reach out other's life.

You are right.

Terimakasih sudah mengundang saya untuk mengabarkan kontes ini, semoga saja ada cukup waktu utk membuat postingan...🙏

Oh ya, apa sudah di Banda Aceh?

Depresi merupakan keadaan dimana seseorang dalam keadaan tidak baik-baik saja, tertekan batin, rasa was-was yang berlebihan yang menyebabkan pikirannya terganggu sehingga tidak tidak bisa berfikir dengan baik.

Terkadang muncul rasa tidak percaya diri bahkan kalau sudah terlalu parah niat untuk mengakhiri hidup juga bakal terlintas di pikirannya.

Cara mengatasi depresi dengan banyak beristighfar,berdoa dan senantiasa Istiqomah serta teguh pendirian dalam bertauhid kepada Allah SWT, serta perbanyak bersyukur. Mengakhiri hidup bukan jalan yang baik.


#betterlife #comment #depression

Excellent Explanation

By believing in Allah Almighty, one can protect oneself from depression and one can sure depression too.

Benar sekali teman, terimakasih telah memberikan semangat buat saya dengan komentar yang sangat baik🌹

Red and White Video Centric Coming Soon Instagram Post.png

Depresi itu sebuah keadaan yang di alami oleh suatu jiwa tertentu, sering kita dengarkan dengan istilah Bad Mood. Dimana depresi ini terjadi dikala seseorang itu mengalami suatu hal yang kurang menyenangkan, seperti ada rasa tertekan, hati sedang gundah dan gelisah, ada suatu masalah yang harus memeraskan pikiran.

Orang yang mengalami depersi ini, sering terlihat melamun, menyendiri, terlihat jiwanya tertekan dengan beban yang berat, kemanapun tidak tenang.

Kalau pun diajak berbicara kadang kala mempunyai nada bicara yang tinggi, suka marah-marah, suka berteriak juga untuk melepaskan bebannya mungkin.


#betterlife #comment #depression


It is a friend of my life. I am proud to tell you that I had been depressed many time, it's been normal routine every now and then. I cried million times but it made me proud and happy! Why? I conquered it and I won ma many times. It gave me a chance to picked the broken pieces and move forward . How could I weigh the real happiness of success if I didn't feel the pain? The sweetest successful life after the rain.

#betterlife #comment #comment

Good explanation

That k you and we should understand that life is changing everyday!

  ·  4 days ago (edited)

Assalamualikum. I am isfatema. Now I explain depression meaning. Let's start:

Depression is a mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities that once were enjoyable. It goes beyond temporary sadness or feeling "down" and can significantly impact a person's thoughts, emotions, behavior, and overall well-being.

Common Symptoms of Depression

Emotional: Feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness; irritability; feelings of worthlessness or guilt.

Physical: Fatigue or loss of energy, changes in appetite or weight, sleep disturbances (insomnia or sleeping too much), physical aches or pains.

Cognitive: Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions; negative or self-critical thoughts.

#betterlife #comment #depression #wewrite #steemexclusive #club5050

Devinisi yang komplit, depresi itu hanya keadaan suasana hati yang kurang mood saja. Dengan adanya depresi ini usahakan jangan terlalu lama dalam kondisi seperti ini, nanti bisa menambah suasana yang lebih buruk lagi. Bila nanti melihat kawan yang sedang Bad Mood hiburlah mereka, bila itu terjadi pada diri sendiri, tenangkan dirimu, jalani dengan kegiatan yang bisa merubah mood mu dari depresi menjadi ceria lagi.

Saya yakin ini adalah teks yang dibuat oleh AI atau Wikipedia. Bukan pengalaman sendiri, tidak ada tips, tidak ada yang bersifat pribadi.

saya juga begitu memikirnya, namun tidak berani menebaknya.

Your are right..


Did you ask AI or wikipedia to give you this answer? It's better if you share your own understanding, experiences and thoughts.

প্রথমে যখন আমি একটি প্রশ্ন দেখি তখন আমি সেটি নিয়ে চিন্তা করি। তারপর সেটি দিয়ে ভাবি। যখন কিছু তথ্যের প্রয়োজন হয় তখন আমি অন্য জায়গা থেকে সাহায্য নি। কারণ একটি মানুয় সব জানতে পারে না। । বলতে গেলে এটি আমি নিজ চিন্তা দ্বারাই ভেবে তারপর উত্তর দিয়েছি। কিন্তু অনলাইন থেকেও আমি একটু সাহায্য নিয়েছি


Congratulations! Your comment has been upvoted through @steemcurator03. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @jyoti-thelight

Banyak penyebab terjadinya depresi,seperti stres,banyaknya masalah dirumah atau di tempat kerja,masalah ekonomi dan banyak lagi,akibat tekanan batin yang terus menerus lama kelamaan kita akan mengalami depresi,bahkan ada juga yang hampir gila,bahkan sampai gila karena tak sanggup menerimanya.
Bahkan banyak juga yang sampai bunuh diri akibat ditinggalkan orng yang sangat dicintai,baik itu pergi atau meninggal dunia.
Sebagai orang Islam saat mengalami banyak cobaan sebaiknya mendekatkan diri kepada Allah yang maha esa,supaya kita terhindar dari hal-hal yang buruk seperti depresi dan sampai bunuh diri, nauzubillah.
Saya ingin mengundang teman saya

#betterlife #comment #depression #steemexclusive #indonesia #club100

Terima kasih undangan nya seemoga berhasil🥰


Terimakasih atas surat undangannya Bu, semoga beruntung ya bu

Aamiin,mari ikutan Bu😊

Siap akan segera menyusul 🤗

Your effort is good with easy explanation.🥰


Being a person with a physical disability makes me prone to depression. Videogames and prayers with the good advice of my mother helped me through most of it.

Lebih baik kita jangan sampai depersi, buatkan hati kita selalu ceria, dan melewati hari-hari dengan suka ria, seberat apapun beban dipundak ini, lewatilah dengan ikhlas. Hindari kesedihan yang mendalam. Semangat untuk dirimu sahabat.

That is easier sad than done. Depression is no free choice. It doesn't help to say: I am happy. It can be hard to keep oneself busy. 🤔

Orang yang mengalami depresi itu mudah dilihat, walaupun kita ajak kemana saja dengan tujuan untuk membahagiakannya, tetap saja tidak akan bersenang-senang seperti hari yang dilewati dengan penuh kebahagian sebelum depresi itu terjadi.

Bahagia cuma di bibirnya saja, tetapi hatinya masih diselimuti mendung hitam.

terima kasih banyak


It's good to hear you found something to keep you distracted and have a helpful mother. Is it easier once older or can you feel if itgoes downhill?
Any tips to share?

A warm embrace to you

Not easier once you get older. My Christian upbringing has taught me to pray sincerely and surrender my problems to God. Things usually go for the better. Avoiding negative people and doing positive tasks also helps.

Sad to hear that but you are still lucky that you have your mother in your side . Many people have a lot of money and healthy but there's no mother who look forward their everyday life.


Greetings everyone, I'm @ability20 from Nigeria.

Firstly, Depression is a complex mental health situation which can possibly wreak confusion and havoc on an individuals well being and quality of life. It is also unhappy mood characterized by persistent feelings of a sad mood, hopelessness and lack of pleasure in activities.

It may affect a person's sense of reasoning and can also interfere in their daily activities. Signs of depression is very severe and duration, which may involves lost in appetite, thought of self harm like suicide, and fatigue irritability. In treating a depressed person, it includes combination of therapy, medical attention, and above all a life style changes..

Thanks so much for your time, I'm inviting @ellustanley @molla48 @kuzboy

Welcome to. 'Monkey Business' @ability20. I wonder if you know anyone wjo is depressed. The 'not in the mood' and 'not showing interest in anything' is true. In many parts of the world December is a dark month. Winter, feeling extra lonely, being alone during celebrations while "love is spread", bills piling up and no prospects to a "happy New Year".

Do you have any tips?



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator03. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @dasudi

Usahakan jangan melami depresi yang vatal hingga sampai terjadi bunih diri, kalau bisa kuatkan iman, sebesar apapun masalahnya jangan lupa untuk makan.

Thanks so much sir,

You are welckme, sir

Last week's winners...

We spoke about a cashless society. Will we engage more if trading is all there's left? Will homemade be appreciated again?

@henryclive, @beevicsam and @darthnava 2 UVF for each one of you.


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Paid by @wakeupkitty

Thank you!

Thank you so much

You are welcome andgoodfor making one think. 🤗🍀♥️

@tipu curate 2

Thank you very much 🍀♥️