BlogHide Resteemsxuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • last month1950年,溥仪听到出兵朝鲜后,当场撕开棉衣取出一物:我自愿上交新中国成立后,美国为首的联合军团开始打起了朝鲜半岛起了主意。此时在生死存亡之际,中国志愿军跨过鸭绿江,誓要将美国联军赶出朝鲜半岛。 此时国内的民众无论老少都积极捐钱捐物,为前线的战士们减轻了负担。而在这个时候,在狱中的溥仪撕开了自己的衣服,直接拿出一件物品道:我自愿上交! 究竟溥仪私藏的何物?又是怎样的契机让溥仪能做出这样的举动呢?…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoThe Forbidden Mystery: The Unsolved Riddles of the Forbidden City's Early Closure《——【·Preface·】——》 When it comes to the Forbidden City, one thing puzzles us: why does it close its gates ahead of schedule at 5 pm every day? Behind this habit lies a little-known story. Many…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago故宫为何一到下午5点就早早关门?1959年的沉痛教训,至今不能忘《——【·前言·】——》 一提到故宫,就有一件事让我们很是纳闷,每到下午5点时,故宫的大门便提前关闭,这一习惯背后却藏着不为人知的故事。 很多游客可能觉得,古老的宫殿早早关门只是为了维护和管理,但实际上,这个决定源于1959年一个沉痛的教训。 当年发生的事件,给故宫留下了难以磨灭的印记。究竟是什么样的经历,让这个世界上最大的古代文化艺术博物馆不得不对开放时间进行严格限制呢?…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoUnraveling the Threads: Xu Fu, Genetic Heritage, and the Complex Tapestry of Japanese OriginsWhen it comes to the historical roots of Japan, the story of Xu Fu's journey to Penglai often springs to mind, leading many to quietly ponder whether the Japanese people might be his descendants. In…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago日本祖先被证实,不是徐福后代,DNA检测让日本人无法接受只要涉及日本的历史根源,徐福东渡蓬莱就会在大家脑海蹦出来,就是因为这样,好多人暗自琢磨,日本人会不会是他的后人? 日本这边,不少人年年进行徐福的祭典,随着科技的发展,科学家指出徐福是日本祖先的说法存疑,待最终结果呈现,日本人全傻了眼,根本不愿接纳,如此一来, 日本祖先究竟是何人,起源于何处? 徐福东渡…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoUnveiling the Shadows: The Harrowing Truth of Jewish Persecution and the Quest for Identity in Nazi GermanyAfter Hitler came to power, he aggressively promoted racism within Germany, with Jews becoming the primary target. There were "cleansings" and concentration camps; throughout World War II, a total…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago希特勒如何区分犹太人,扒裤子量尺寸,犹太人的身体有什么秘密自希特勒上台之后,在国内大搞种族主义,其中犹太人成为了首选目标,又是“大清洗”,又是集中营,整个二战期间,共有600万人遭到了迫害。 问题是,犹太人和德国人从表面来看并未有太大的区别, 一旦怀疑谁是犹太人,审查人员便拿着尺子量一下尺寸或许扒下裤子就知道了。 这种做法显然是荒谬的,那犹太人的身体究竟藏有什么秘密? 为什么痛恨犹太人…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoFrom Desolation to Revival: The Transformative Journey of the Zoige GrasslandIn August 1935, the Red Army arrived at the Zoige Grassland, known as the "forbidden zone of life," during their Long March. This area, riddled with countless swamps and soft mud, was the most…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago中国红军长征时那“吃人”的草地,如今过去80多年,现在变得怎么样?1935年8月,红军长征来到了被称为“生命禁区”的若尔盖草原,这里隐藏着无数的沼泽和软泥,是长征历程中最为艰难的一段。 据统计,仅仅7天的时间,就有16000名红军战士在这片草原上壮烈牺牲,这一段历史至今仍让人心痛。 而如今,已经过去了80多年,那片“吃人”的草地现在如何了? «——·英勇跋涉·——» 1935年8月,红军终于走出了茫茫草地。…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoThe Terracotta Army: there's a persistent rumor among the people that these terracotta figures were made by firing live people.The Terracotta Army: What do these three words signify? It's common knowledge worldwide that they represent the eighth wonder of the world. When you hear this from the mouth of French President…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago兵马俑是“活人”烧制?1974年陕西一尊兵马俑开裂,真相水落石出兵马俑,这三个字代表着什么? 全球人都知道,那是世界第八大奇迹。从法国总统希拉克的口中说出这番话,你就知道这玩意儿有多牛。 为啥?兵马俑这东西,量大、管饱!几千个真人大小的陶俑,站那儿就跟活人一样,这气势,谁看了不迷糊? 更别说几千年下来,颜色还能保存得这么好,说它是艺术品,一点都不为过。 但问题来了,民间一直有个传言,说这些兵马俑是用活人烧出来的。…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoEunuchs in ancient times, despite their physical disabilities, yearned for emotional connections like anyone else.Eunuchs in ancient times, despite their physical disabilities, yearned for emotional connections like anyone else. A poignant tale from the Ming Dynasty records an aged eunuch who, on his deathbed…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago古代太监娶妻后,会对妻子做些什么?一般女子是无法接受的古代太监娶妻后,会对妻子做些什么?一般女子是无法接受的 世人皆知,在古代宫廷中,太监是一个特殊的群体。他们虽然失去了男性的特征,但内心深处依然渴望拥有一份正常的情感寄托。明朝的一本野史中记载了这样一个令人唏嘘的故事:一位年迈的太监在临终前,竟然将自己积攒多年的俸禄全部留给了他在宫外的"妻子",而这位妻子,早已在多年前便离他而去...…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago历史上贡献最大的十个皇帝,康熙只排上第七,第一才是千古一帝!我国历史上一共四百二十二位皇帝,有被百姓们称赞的明君,也有被百姓唾骂的昏君,还有在当时被骂,然后被后世赞扬的明君。 在封建时代,社会的进步离不开一位贤明的君主,在这四百多位皇帝中,又有哪些皇帝可称明君?哪位皇帝的贡献最大?哪位皇帝的风评最好? 结束分裂破败局面…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoThe Great Wall, standing for over two thousand years, why has it never collapsed? A secret that cannot be told.The Great Wall, standing for over two thousand years, why has it never collapsed? A secret that cannot be told. Have you ever pondered a question? In modern society, with all sorts of high-tech…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago长城距今两千多年,为何从不倒塌?不能说的秘密你有没有想过一个问题? 现代社会拥有各种高科技技术,机械使得效率翻倍。 可盖的房子修的路,不是这儿倒就是那儿塌。 然而,古人纯靠人力,用石头堆砌了两万里的长城。 虽然至今已经有长达两千多年的时间了。 可它却依然坚挺,经历这么久的风吹雨打都屹立不倒。 这其中是不是隐藏着什么惊人的奥秘? 有人说是因为秦始皇采用了一个非常“残忍”的办法。…xuelianzi (36)in hive-188972 • 2 months agoAncient Funeral Customs: Why Were the Anuses of Concubines Blocked?Why did ancient concubines have their anus blocked during burial? Is this the wisdom of ancient people? Introduction: It is well known that ancient imperial tombs were built luxuriously, but…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago古代妃子下葬时,为何会把肛门堵上?这正是古人的智慧之处古代妃子下葬时,为何会把肛门堵上?这正是古人的智慧之处? 引言:…xuelianzi (36)in hive-180932 • 2 months ago走完长征的唯一西方人李德,1939年离开延安,为何再没回过中国?历史的长河奔腾不息,总会留下一些耐人寻味的故事,一些让人忍不住想要探究的人物, 在中国革命的史册上,就有着这样一位充满传奇色彩的西方人——李德,他本名奥托·布劳恩,一位来自德国的共产党员,却在中国度过了人生中最跌宕起伏的六年,亲身参与了中国革命的洪流,甚至走完了举世瞩目的二万五千里长征…xuelianzi (36)in hive-172186 • 3 months agoMy introduction post --Achievement 1Self-Introduction Hello! My name is Zhao Yun, and I’m 40 years old. I currently reside in China, where I have a deep passion for sharing the richness of Chinese history, culture, and tourism. My…