Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Proverb - 6 Steem

in hive-153970 •  7 months ago 


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If yes, share your favourite proverb

Monkey Business

25 word comment Contest  A Better Life(2).jpg


Write a creative comment of at least 25 words in the comment section about your favourite


Tuliskan komentar kreatif minimal 25 kata di bagian komentar tentang favorit Anda



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• Minimum of words: 25

• No plagiarism

• Mention your sources if needed

• All Steemians are welcome!

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• Invite someone new instead of curators, moderators and mentors

• Read at least 3 comments and talk + upvote
Not supportive? You can't win.

• Hashtags - #betterlife #comment #proverb

• Deadline: payout of this post


6 Steem

paid by @hive-169911

#1 | 2 Steem
#2 | 1 Steem
#3 | 1 Steem
#4 | 1 Steem
#5 | 1 Steem

Winners of the last 25-Word Comment Contest

Will be announced in the Comment Section
Pemenang Kontes Komentar 25 Kata terakhir
Akan diumumkan di Bagian Komentar


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I upvote comments and (good) entertaining stories. @hive-169911 is my hive (community). I will grow its SP to upvote stories only. Please, do NOT post in it!
Happy Writing @wakeupkitty

CC @disconnect

#betterlife #contest #proverb #steemexclusive #kittywu #club100

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Saya tidak akan memberikan komentar tapi mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siapa saja yang baca postingan ini. Khususnya kepada @bangunkitty.pal jika anda bersedia menjawab.

Begini ceritanya...., jika anda berangkat dari rumah menuju suatu tempat, bisa itu kantor, pasar, sekolah atau apapun itu dengan menggunakan sarana apa saja. Tentu saja selama anda melakukan perjalanan pastinya berjumpa dengan lampu merah sebagai alat pengatur lalu lintas agar jalanan tidak macet.

Pertanyaannya, berapa jumlah lampu MERAH yang anda LEWATI selama perjalanan menuju tempat tujuan anda?

@aneukpineung78, bagaimana menurut anda

Sebagai warga negara pengguna jalan yang baik dan taat hukum, saya tidak melewati satu pun lampu merah, saya menunggu dia berganti hijau baru saya lewati ,,,

Hahahaha, nilai Scholastic anda tinggi sekali. Bisa jadi cluenya sudah terang benderang ya, tapi semua teman sejawat gak bisa jawab pertanyaan itu. Apa mereka belum pernah dengar itu pertanyaan 😁

Ini hanya permainan kata-kata. Kebanyakan saya lihat, orang terpaku untuk memberi jawaban tanpa terlebih dahulu mengobservasi pertanyaan.

Hahahaha ..

Itu yang saya maksud penalaran terhadap soal, faktor pengecoh dari soal itu sebenarnya cukup kuat. Tapi karena fokus pertanyaan dan gambar maka sudah pasti bisa dijawab dengan cepat 👍

Saya sudah banyak melihat pertanyaan yang salah (atau setidaknya kurang tepat) bahkan dalam forum-forum diskusi ilmiah. Sering premis yang melatarbelakanginya belum teruji kebenarannya, tapi pertanyaan berdasarkan premis tersebut sudah terlanjur dilontarkan. Misal, dalam kasus diketemukan mayat yang DIDUGA korban pembunuhan, pertanyaan seperti, "Kira-kira berapa orang yang melakukan pembunuhan ini?" sudah diajukan. Itu adalah pertanyaan yang bukan hanya kurang tepat, tapi tidak tepat, menurut saya.

Ada tipe pertanyaan yang benar. Ada tipe pertanyaan yang perlu. Ada tipe pertanyaan yang tepat dan perlu diajukan. Jadi, seperti beberapa hari lalu Cikgu Fadthalib pernah bererita tentang anak-anak yang ketika membuat pertanyaan bisanya cuma nyontek di buku, penjelasannya ya itu, karena ngga memahami topik. Hanya orang-orang yang paham yang punya banyak pertanyaan. Karena itu, makin tahu makin ngeut. Huaaahahahahaha!!!

Setiap pertanyaan, menurut saya, memiliki latar belakangnya masing-masing. Sehingga, seringkali pertanyaan itu bercerita lebih banyak daripada jawaban yang mungkin dibuat untuknya.

Nah, itu yang di maksud dengan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Mengapa perlu soal cerita, supaya anak bisa menalar kata kunci yang dimaksud. Sejak dulu saya selalu menekankan pentingnya arti sebuah kata tapi itu semua kembali ke kemauan dari anak-anak. Makanya skor PISA negara kita tidak terlalu bagus, masih lemah di literasi informasi dan numerasi.

Sebenarnya jika mau jujur terkait penalaran baik guru dan murid nilainya 11-12, hahahaha



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Curated by : @damithudaya

Thank a lot bro 🙏

Apakah selama hidup saya, minggu ini atau tahun ini?
Di tempat saya tidak ada lampu lalu lintas, juga tidak di jalan raya. Sekitar satu tahun yang lalu ada satu di sebuah desa yang jaraknya sekitar 30 kilometer. Itu jarang berfungsi. Mereka menyadari bahwa jika orang hanya fokus pada lampu, mereka tidak lagi memperhatikan dan juga melewatinya karena mereka tahu kapan harus berhenti (ada gelombang hijau tertentu yang berkaitan dengan kecepatan Anda mengemudi).

Sekarang ada jalan baru dan desa itu diabaikan.

P. S. Nama saya diterjemahkan Saya tidak akan menerima pemberitahuan dengan cara ini.

Saya rasa ini masalah terjemahan dari pertanyaan saya. Kata kuncinya ada pada lampu lalu lintas yang berwarna merah. Kata kunci yang kedua itu lewati. Pertanyaannya, berapa jumlah lampu merah yang anda lewati?. Pasti tidak ada karena saya berhenti ketika lampu merah menyala. Tapi ada jawaban yang tidak terpikirkan yaitu tidak ada satu lampu lalu lintas di desa anda 😁, atau semuanya melakukan pelanggaran karena jalanan sepi?. Bukankan itu aturan yang tidak pada tempatnya?

Saya pikir lampu lalu lintas adalah kemewahan, biayanya terlalu mahal dan kami semua dilatih. Anak-anak sekolah dasar melakukan ujian lalu lintas dengan sepeda, sepeda motor, dan mobil, Anda hanya diizinkan mengemudi setelah pelajaran dan lulus 2 kali ujian.
Yang paling kanan didahulukan kecuali jika persimpangannya tidak sama.
Pengendara sepeda memiliki jalan sendiri di seluruh negeri, tetapi... Di kota-kota, mereka diperbolehkan untuk mengabaikan lampu lalu lintas merah jika mereka pergi ke kanan. Tentu saja banyak pengendara sepeda yang mengabaikan lampu lalu lintas, begitu juga dengan pejalan kaki di kota. Di desa jarang sekali ada lampu lalu lintas. Polisi melakukan apa yang kami sebut "razzia" beberapa kali dalam setahun (selalu di hari libur) untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Denda yang tinggi. SIM dengan mudah dicabut jika Anda mengemudi terlalu cepat, mabuk, dan sebagainya. Aturan, aturan, aturan, kami dibiasakan untuk mengikuti aturan demi menjaga keamanan masyarakat. Lampu lalu lintas tidak akan menambah apa pun saat ini karena ada bundaran setiap beberapa meter dan desa-desa mengalami kemacetan dengan berbagai cara. Jika Anda mengabaikan peraturan, kemungkinan besar Anda akan merasa sengsara selama dua minggu jika Anda lahir dan dibesarkan di sini. ☹️

I wonder now I read this back if it has something in common with our expression "naast de pot pissen"...

Mungkin saja, karena saat dia kencing di sebelah pot maka tak tampak. Bisa jadi, saya juga tidak paham juga.

Hello friends. How are you?

So today I want to share with you some information about the Power Of Words.

So I am very thankful to
wakeupkitty.pal (70) for organizing this kind of contest

Sometimes words can make a person weak and sometimes make a person laugh. In fact, these words can give someone the courage to live, while these words can also destroy someone's life. Soft words can give someone life and a harsh word can destroy someone. .Because we put words out of our mouths without much thought, but those words have a lot of power.

Sometimes the word is like can destroy someone's life. Other times the word is like a drop of clean water that can give life to someone.

The other thing is that among the things that cannot be changed again after being used, words are also something that cannot be changed again after being used.

So I request you very lovingly to use words carefully, because after once they are used, there is no way to correct them again. As much as possible, let's heal everyone's hearts with soft and kind words. Then we can be proud of ourselves.Then the world will so beautiful.

So I warmly invite the following three friends to share your beautiful ideas with us.

@alee75,@ayijufridar, @suryanitj.

#betterlife #comment #proverb #steemit #srilanka #powerofwords

Terimakasih telah menyebut saya.
Anda benar chathu, ibarat kata pepatah, bahasa menunjukkan tingkah laku.

Salam hangat untuk anda
Semoga sukses dengan contesnya.

Thank you so much dear 🙃

You're welcome


This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator0x/ Curated by: @solperez

«El único modo de hacer un gran trabajo es amar lo que haces» Steve Jobs.

Thank you so much ♥️♥️♥️

@solperez I think on the picture you use the curator team is not filled out it says: steemcurator0X

How true! Words, like fire, can either burn or warm.

Yes, it's true. A word can kill someone and make someone live. These words have so much power.

The power of words is a good expression but I don't think we can always avoid to not hurt someone. How we weight words, how we feel if we hear them has to do with us. Our feelings make us hear them stronger or ignore them.
What sounds lovely to me, might make you feel uncomfortable or harrassed.
What sounds like music to your ears I might label as noise and showing off.
What is cheering for a team to you, I can see as an expression of aggression against me.
A compliment I can see as a insult and a message as badmouthing.
Kind words inappripuate and the naked truth we all say we want ti hear it rude and insulting.

We are all raised in a different way, culture, norms, values, an abusive childhood, education, insecurity all influence how we feel and what we dmsay but also how we express ourselves.
The spoken word can be mighty but more often it's not heard what is meant to say.

Thanks for sharing your proverb with us.

Yes, I respect your opinion. And I agree with your statement. I think that the extent to which we feel happy and sad due to something is determined by the amount of positive and negative influences from the angle we look at something. You are right. Something that gives happiness can cause another person's sadness. It is quite difficult for us to change the way someone thinks, but we have the ability to handle the words we utter well.

Thank you so much for commenting your valuable ideas dear♥️🙃

I thank you for stopping by and adding some vue to this episode of :?"Monkey Business". Altogether there's a lot we have to think about before we speak/reach out and connect to others. I can imagine more and more people stop engaging.

A lovely day to you.. 🍀❤️

Thank you so much dear

Recently, I have thought about the lone wounded wolf. He walked to the deepest mountain and tried to find a secluded place to stay. He wandered around the forest to find food, which was enough for him. He just wanted to close his eyes forever without worrying about waking up again. None of the things interested him anymore, he never worried about who was following whom, or who would think about him anymore. When the dark fell he walked out of the cave to see the moon and howl just to say "I am here watching you rise to the full".


You're so dark. Are you sure you're not from DC Universe?

I'll bet they are! 🤨


how much?

0.001 Steem! 😁


Wow you are extremely generous! 🤩


This post has been upvoted - Steem's Angels with @steemcurator0x/ Curated by: @solperez

«El único modo de hacer un gran trabajo es amar lo que haces» Steve Jobs.

How beautiful!

Such a nice picture 😍
The lonely wolf doesn't have deep thoughts he has instinct and uses it.


If they howl they communicate. One starts the others follow and it can be heard in a wide area. Here they do it at certain times. I worry if I don't hear them. 🥺

They never cried at the moon. 🤔

It's not their cry for help but yours and I hear you.
My idiom: langzaam aan dan breekt het lijntje niet

slowly and the line won't break (fishery - fishing line)

Meaning something like: if you do it slowly with attention it will all work out fine.


Is that your wolf kitty, it is so adorable, I had a dog when I was on Mentawai Island, I adopted him and raised it for 2 years of my assignment on the island.

Thank you for the advice (idiom). Now I have more relaxed time to do things

Yes it is mine, one of the 4. What happened to your dog?

It is good to hear you have more time.

If only I were to be a flower, I will take much time to grow and bigger time to have branches and fruit because what has a beginning has an end and I wouldn't want to end that easily. An old woman who they gave a child to look after and she said she doesn't have teeth, who ever gave her the child didn't mean death to him. An old woman doesn't travel because she feels that releasing gas is better done in her home where she is much comfortable

An old man also should be in the same means😄😄😄😄

I am glad you mentioned it.

You think so? It is funny


Jajaja... "Una anciana no viaja por la liberación de gases". No lo había pensado. Lidos y divertidos proverbios. Un abrazo y exitos.

Entonces, un anciano tampoco viajaría😄😄😄😄


I wonder about the idiom...
Or are all of these proverbs?
I wonder about the flower, it's the end result just no fruit (yet). It will never grow stronger, be a buch or a tree. It can hope but will die hiping and leaves with a bit of luck seeds behind.

@jiya99 @rashid01

#betterlife #comment #proverb

not just gas, but passing urine also. Everything comes out for the old body. Staying home makes sense.

Thank you ma'am

Here we are... a new post on X. X started something new and the question is: Should we join or not. Does it make sense? The truth is I have no idea but I keep promoting even if it's with words no on likes to hear.

High guys, how was the Steemit meeting? Did you all survive (cool isn't it writing what you like since no one will read it anyway).

That's what friends are for

I used this saying more than once during the past days.
Fact: friends are hard to find if they can be found at all. It's all about the money (a song but it's a proverb by now)

Van de hak op de tak springen

(jumping from the shoe heel to the branch)

Jumping from heel to heel
Restless, nervous, jumpy, chaotic, upset, angry, excited, not skilled if it comes to communication... I daily (nightly) deal with it at work it's exhausting, the worst. Trying to understand what is told or written. Likely nothing or everything at the same time, lot's going on. Is it saving time?
Once the jumping is over there's silence. A plus is if no answer is required. LOL


source tried to generate a pic but Bing doesn't speak dutch or refuses to show it. Let's say... If you talk like the guy on the picture walks it will be hard to follow the oath. Kind of jumpy.

#comment #betterlife #proverb @shabbir86 @vwrites @fadthalib share your proverb and comment the rest

Be careful, next to the tree is a canyon and no one knows how deep the canyon is. But if you are brave enough you may likely find a treasure cave, even the diamond at the bottom of the canyon. I had been there once, and I found a big diamond, big enough for one person to carry it out, so I left it there, I was not interested it, instead, I took a handful of soil and brought it with me, because the soil will grow thousand kinds of magical herbal that is much more useful for healing the mother earth is a top priority for me. Don't you know that I am a son of Mother Earth, the only son!. And I will sing this song while traveling along the way to the wonderland:

when no one hear my song, then I will use the soil, to regrow the earth over may interested in the soil and sing along with me or take a bag full of golds and diamonds and forget the song I sing for you


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07 We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.

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Curated by : @damithudaya

So you stole and broke a part of mother Earth and took it home.

The songtext will always be of all time but I don't think Mother Earth's heartbeat is felt.

I didn't know you can sing. You can do so on a Steemit meeting. 👍

I did not steal it, I left it there, but only a handful of soil that Mother Earth asked me to keep. I don't sing that song, I am just able to humm it

Have you been in that place too? what did you see there @wakeupkitty.pal?

Are you asking me if I was in the tree, stumbled around, fell in the canyon? It sounds like me. No diamond but the warm embrace of mom earth. I like if it's dark and it smells good.
How about the herbs?

Oh my god, so you are the one Mother Earth told me to meet If I went out, it turns out to be you the first who came to that canyon and was able to make it home while many others look into it as the death end.

That guy will go flat. Those legs don't work together. Brain damage? I'll see if you get out. No need we both go. I take the tree and listen to the song. Thanks for sharing!

what herbs are you a magician?

No herbs I guess, ginger perhaps?

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Gajah di depan mata tak tampak, semut di seberang lautan tampak. Artinya : Kesalahan besar yang dilakukan oleh diri sendiri tidak kelihatan sedangkan kesalahan kecil yang orang lain lakukan kelihatan.

Budaya manusia hipokrit akan selalu dengan mudah menyalahkan orang lain. Walaupun orang tersebut benar secara aturan. Tetap dia akan mencari kesalahan orang tersebut sekecil apapun.

Kejahatan muncul bukan hanya ada niat dari pelakunya tapi juga karena adanya kesempatan. Maka waspadalah.

Kepada @nasuwaaa silahkan mengikuti kontes ini.

What a wonderful world it is if there's no need to focus on own mistakes. The only elephant I know next to Dumbo and Lollifant (Winnie the Pooh) is 'the elephant in the china shop'

Hear, hear, the idiots at word

"Look at his ears!"

Terima kasih atas video hiburannya, sangat menghibur.

Great idea, let me see if I can make something with sheep. 😁🍀❤️


"A gorilla in a sheep face"?'

Sesuatu untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang yang terlihat memiliki wajah yang lemah belum tentu tidak menyimpan kekuatan yang besar. Hanya saja dia jangan sampai "dibangunkan".

' Hanya kalimat bikinan sendiri. Maaf.

Picture source: gorilla, sheep.

Pak Guru @bahrol, peu nyang paih talakap nan meulatang lam poto nyan...




I wonder what you guys laugh about. Making a fool of the ladies? Are you allowed to look at them?

It's not about the ladi, dear @xiao-aine. It's about something written on the picture. Tha lady herself is one respected singer in my country.

Why do you think we aren't allowed to?

So only girls women need to cover vips not. Interesting

Made up is fine too. It is how idioms start. Someone was the first.
We also have sayings started by a commercial. You have them too.

I don't think your proverb means "pokerface" it's more like

Stille wateren kunnen diepe gronden or Geen slapende honden wakker maken

Quiet waters may have deep grounds

Better don't wake up a sleeping dog 🤔 no it doesn't cover the meaning...

Aha.... That's it. Someone in your country have beaten me by being the first.

Creepy picture!

I know, riiiight ... ??



Do you like Reynold's Deadpool?

I'm not sure I watched it should I?

Son lentejas: si las quieres las comes y si no, las dejas. This is a Spanish proverb that means there is a circumstance or situation that we should or need to accept as it is. Otherwise, better to completely dismiss it. Literally, in English the proverb would sound: these are lentils: if you want them, you eat them, otherwise you refuse this food😄 (it could mean so you'll have to starve😄😄😄😄). This proverb reminds me the funny story of my grandparent's cat, that only wanted to eat as it would be a billionaire prince😄😄😄😄

Ps.: inviting friend @xiao-aine

You have lentils we have brown beans. The saying is: honger maakt rauwe bonen zoet.
Hunger makes raw beans taste sweet. No need to cook just wait till the family is starving and ready to break teeth on it. I think it's just for picky or spoiled eaters or those always complaining. If hungry you eat everything is the motto.

@eveetim @davidesimoncini qual è il tuo proverbio?/ what is your proverb?

Very good, it's all legumes😄

Sounds like my mother.

"Keep five yards from a carriage, ten yards from a horse, and a hundred yards from an elephant; but the distance one should keep from a wicked man cannot be measured."

This is one of my favourite Indian proverbs. It's an excellent piece of advice for avoiding unnecessary drama in your life.

Needless to say, drama isn't caused by carriages, horses or elephants. It's caused by people. By wicked people. So it's best to keep them at an arms length.

When I use the term "wicked" I don’t just mean psychopaths who will kill you in your sleep. I also mean those who cause problems for no reason, other than they have nothing better to do with their lives.

That neighbour who gossips about your other neighbours, that false friend who spills secrets about other friends, that monster who wants you to join an MLM scheme..... Let's keep a safe distance from all of them.

I'd like to invite @brianwong to join this contest.

#betterlife #comment #proverb

I agree with you and that's what we do. I can tell you it makes life way easier. My son said a few months ago: If we habe problems it's always because of other people. It's true I noticed that years ago. Therefore at most 8 have my phonenumber. It's enough and better if no one calls.

Thanks for the wise words I will remember them and stick to the wolves.

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Musang Berbulu Ayam, ini sebuah peribahasa yang hampir sama dengan Serigala Berbulu Domba. Peribahasa ini sering di ungkapkan kepada mereka yang melakukan pengkhianatan dalam sebuah persahabat atau sebuah kelompok. Musang berbulu ayam ini masih sering kita dengarkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terutama dalam sebuah persahabatan.

Musang berbulu ayam ini mempunyai sebuah arti yaitu, orang yang baik didepan namun jahat (munafik) dibelakang. Perumpamaan ini sering di ungkapkan untuk menyindirkan seseorang secara halus serta untuk mengingatkan agar berhati-hati terhadap orang lain yang berpura-pura baik.

Disini kita harus hati-hati terhadap orang seperti itu, bisa saja nanti akan menusuk kita dari belakang. Sifat ini ada dimana saja baik dalam sebuah persahabatan maupun dalam ruang lingkup keluarga. Waspadailah orang-orang yang mempunyai sifat munafik, egois, mereka akan melakukan segala macam cara agar tujuannya tercapai.

Mungkin kita tidak akan mengenal secara pribadi akan keegoisan dan munafiknya, orang seperti ini sangat pintar dalam melakukan pergaulan dengan bersikap baik terhadap sasarannya dengan memberikan bermacam perhatian, kebaikan namun pada akhirnya akan menikam dari belakang dengan cara menjelek-jelekkan sasarannya maupun hal lain yang berupa sebuah pengkhianatan.

Saya mengundang 3 orang sahabat untuk kontes ini, yaitu:


#betterlife #comment #proverb

  ·  7 months ago (edited)

Terimakasih pak,saya akan pelajari lebih lagi di steemit,karena saya masih pemula,banyak yg perlu dipelajari lagi terutama tentang kontes

Pertama cibalah seperti kontes ini, kontes ini tentang pribahasa untuk membuat postingannya langsung di komentar ini.

Tinggalkan peribahasa/pepatah Anda di bagian komentar dan bagikan maknanya dan balas beberapa peribahasa. Itu saja. Cara yang baik untuk bertemu dengan Steemian lain dan mereka akan mengingat Anda jika Anda terlibat.

Mudah bukan?



Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya, akan sulit bagi banyak orang untuk menemukan musang yang tersembunyi di balik bulu-bulunya. Itu membuat saya sedikit sedih. Bagaimana Anda menguji apakah orang yang Anda temui itu nyata?

Ada sebuah program TV Belanda yang berjudul "Het spijt me". Itu tentang persahabatan yang putus tanpa alasan yang jelas. Persahabatan yang sudah terjalin lebih dari 20 tahun dan saya masih bertanya-tanya mengapa. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi, membuat salah satu pihak begitu terluka atau marah?
Tentu saja, bagian yang terbaik, dan yang paling jujur, adalah ketika TV berdiri di rumah dan membawa permintaan maaf dan bunga dan orang itu berkata, "Tidak, saya tidak menerima bunga-bunga itu" dan menutup pintu.
Beberapa orang munafik melakukannya, tetapi setelah siaran, mereka kembali bermusuhan.

Haruskah kita mengadili teman-teman kita? Tidak membagikan apa pun secara pribadi?

Ternyata keluarga dan pasangan adalah pengkhianat terbesar. Bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi? Orang-orang yang secara otomatis Anda percayai dan percayai ternyata adalah yang terburuk.

Saya rasa jika kita waspada, kita bisa mengenali beberapa di antaranya.
Hal ini terlihat dari perilaku dan kata-kata, Hawa di internet. Adalah baik untuk mendengarkan suara hati ketika saatnya tiba (atau orang gila, minuman keras dan seorang anak. Pepatah Belanda mengatakan bahwa merekalah yang memutarbalikkan kebenaran.... Mereka pasti akan kurang waspada).

Pepatah lain yang ingin saya tambahkan adalah: Jika terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, itu tidak benar.

Seorang teman atau tetangga yang menawan. Begitu juga dengan banyak orang narsis dan psikopat. 🤔

Pengkhianatan sering terjadi di tempat yang tidak terduga oleh orang yang tidak disangka-sangka.

Di sini juga hampir sama dengan peribahasa :
Bagaikan api dalam sekam, yang artinya bahaya yang dilakukan secara diam-diam tanpa kita ketahui.

Atau musuh dalam selimut.

Musuh dalam selimut tidak terdengar bagus seperti "Tidur dengan musuh"

Itulah peribahasa untuk mewaspadai seorang yang akan mengkhianati kita yang tidak kita ketahui, bisa saja dia ada dalam kelompok kita, berjalan, makan minum, berbicara, kemana saja bersama. Tetapi dia itu akan menerkam kita, akan mengkhianati kita. Maka orang seperti itu cocok di sebutkan dengan peribahasa tersebut, bahkan banyak yang lain lagi.

Ah seperti yang dikatakan orang Kristen "Yudas" atau hanya serigala berbulu domba meskipun serigala terkadang memiliki rambut yang mirip di musim semi, ular di rumput... Alasan mengapa banyak orang mengatakan "semakin saya mengenal orang, semakin saya menyukai anjing saya".

  ·  7 months ago (edited)

Good contest format. I hope this takes off..

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
When you are here I am so close to you that I almost can't see you. We are one in many ways. I joked with you the other day, "Being with you like is being alone." We are that close. As if we share the same mind. See things the same way.

When you are away I think of you fondly. I miss you. I anticipate when we will share some time together. The separation gives me a chance to see that we are not one. We are two. I can see you better for who you are. A separate entity. A dear, dear friend. My love and appreciation for you increases.


This reminds me of a quote by Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld, "Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire.".

Thank you for sharing this entry. Very thought provoking.

Interesting. I give you the oppossite

Uit het oog, uit het hart
(Out of the eye (sight), out of the heart)
It sounds as if there's a proverb for every situation. True? Can be the fear of brands and their commercials and ads.

Good entry @jiva34 I hoop too this will take off. Freewriters only @wakeupkitty?

@jeff-kubitz share your proverb you too @mad-runner!

Out of sight out of mind - is the form of the proverb here

Hmm. seems there is some difference in the two proverbs. Subtle but possibly significant. Attachment of the heart.... and thought of the mind.

Yes there is. Mind is thought reason. Heart is closer, feeling


Good point. It seems there can be two sides to almost everything. If there is love then there is increase in love. No love then even the mind cannot hold the person.

The mind can hope, keep alive or go nuts

  ·  7 months ago (edited)

ha ha.. Crazy mind. Please get some good guidance from intelligence. Wake him up if you have to, tends to be a bit lazy.

Fingers crossed that's true and the one absent doesn't start a new life. Love seems to be hard in a wide, wide world.

The proverb I'm sharing with you guys is in Urdu.
In English it says:

Doesn't know to dance, blame courtyard crooked

This proverb literally means if someone doesn't know to do something and they are blaming the circumstances. For instance you're given a task to cook something but you're incapable of doing it so you start making lame excuses such as gas was not adjusted or spices were incorrect or most commonly used excuse, today wasn't my good luck. So, this proverb is used in similar situations.

That is an interesting one. I try to think if we have such a proverb butbI don't think so..

So it's about lame excuses, blaming something or someone else for your shortcomings.

Today wasn't my lucky day, a bad hair day... In Dutch we mightbsay: ik had mijn dag niet (It wasn't my day) but I don't think it's used for own shortcomings more if everything goes wrong.

My favorite proverb is action speak loud than voice, Some people they are good in making mouth, but when there is action they can't do anything at all, sometimes they will run away, In anything you do always put action and also put your words into action.

Untied we stand dividend we fall this proverbs is all about the value of unity, and cooperation and collective strength in achieving common goals...

That is a good one. There's a lot of blah but no words interesting enough to listen to. Empty words but no action.

We have: De daad bij het woord voegen
(Add the deed to the word) not only talk but act/practice what you preach. (?)

Yes some people are will be very serious but no action, aleast each time you are serious always put it in action and see wether people will not get scared of you

Why should they be scared if I act?


Words may lie, but actions always tell the truth.

Here we have:
Tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino,
in English something like
So much goes the cat to the Lardo, that she loses her hand.

The proverb refers to repeated misdeeds that ultimately lead to suffering bad consequences.

Thank you @xiao-aine for mentioning me and a good luck to everyone :D

Wow I haven't heard this proverbs before in my life but I have learn something from this your comments..

It is a great proverbs repeated misdeeds can ultimately leads to suffering bad consequences, sometimes is the bad you do when you are still young that comes to hurt you in future, for me I see it as always do good

Happy to take new knowledge in our life. Thank you Onomzy001, I can only agree with you :)

I wondered about the 'lardo' but it is "reuzel". I have an idea now about the meaning but I don't think we have a similar expression in Dutch.

The first expression with a cat (and fat in this case bacon) is: Je moet de kat niet op het spek binden


I think the picture makes clear what happens if you do this... All you can blame is yourself.

The cat in your proverb... Does it end up basly or is it a sign of consustency? What if the reward is worth losing a paw?

source picture

#betterlife #comment #proverbs @pousinha @ibesso

I wish my self to don't try the fate of the cat in my proverb. But maybe the one you have in your language is a better one. XD I think it's a lucky cat and an unlucky cat owner :P

Questa è una visione interessante del proverbio... O piuttosto un padrone stupido e un gatto fortunato.

That is an interesting view on the proverb... Or more like a dumb owner and lucky cat.

I agree with you :)

Als er 1 schaap over de dam is volgt de rest vanzelf!



When 1 sheep crosses the dam, the rest will naturally follow!

We all know what that means. We see people like sheep, stupid animals afraid to leave the flock (not true).
The sheep are we, the people. We copy the behaviour of one. If she goes we follow, it takes too much to use the own brain. Sheep don't think about making a front, many small ones making on big one.

If one sheep is lured into... the rest will jump.
I had this conversation not too long ago about prizes how to do right but a few days later I think: you deserve no better reward/life. You show no interest, do not care about promoting yourself, no engagement, its drop and leave.
All I can say is stupid sheep (even jumped for fish weird treat/reward).

X here I come, do your best

@alee75 @ayijufridar @suryanitj

#comment #proverb #betterlife

Seperti :
kambing dihalau ke air

Yang artinya :
Orang malas yang tidak mau melakukan suatu pekerjaan.

Ini hampir sama dengan orang yang menginginkan hadiah tetapi tidak mau berusaha, serta orang yang berkeinginan mempunyai sesuatu yang lebih, baik itu berupa harta maupun lainnya namun tidak mau berusaha.

Kalau 1 kambing turun ke bendungan dan di ikuti oleh kambing yang lain itu banyak terjadi dalam kehiupan sehari yaitu dengan mengikuti jejak orang lain tanpa mengenali serta tidak memikirkan apakah itu baik atau tidak, yang penting ikuti saja.

Anda menggunakan "kambing" dan kami menggunakan "domba". Menjadi domba tidaklah positif. Kambing lebih kuat daripada domba bersama kami, lebih keras kepala seperti keledai. Mereka mengikuti jalan mereka.

Ia juga, tapi saya salah menyebutkannya, tapi tujuannya kesana.

Oh tidak.. saya tidak ingin seperti domba setelah mendapat hadiah lalu dia akan pergi, kita Sebagai manusia tentunya punya prinsip masing-masing. Namun kita mungkin banyak kendala dan tidak semua orang harus tau.
Benarkan ibu Kitty

Salam hangat dan sayang buat teman ku @wakeupkitty.pal

betul bu surayani,, kadang-kadang orang tiadak mengerti bahwa kita ibarat telur di ujung meja,,, alias tertlalu jauh untuk dijangkau,, jadi ya apa adanya,,, di lain hari kita seperti memancing di air jernih,,,, ya nmana ada ikan mau nangkap kecuali yang lapar dan bodoh ya buuuuk hahahha,,, mereka juga kadang lupa bahwa tidak di balik semua batu ada udang,, kadang2 adanya kepiting loh ..hahahaha..

Telur di ujung meja? Apa yang dilakukan telur-telur itu di sana? Saya yakin saya meletakkannya di depan Anda. Apakah ada anak ayam di dalamnya?
Anda bisa berdiri dari meja dan mengambil beberapa. Tidak ada yang tidak bisa dijangkau jika Anda 'berdiri di atas kaki sendiri'.


Maaf, Wakeupkitty, Anda terlalu serius, atau jangan-jangan saya yang terlalu banyak bercanda? Maaf kalau komentar saya membuat Anda tidak nyaman. Saya jelaskan, Dalam komentar saya di atas saya memasukkan 3 pepatah yang telah saya bikin lucu. Pepatah pertama saya pelintir dengan maksud mensinkronkan dengan kondisi yang mungkin dimaksudkan oleh Bu @suryanitj. Ke dua pepatah pelintiran selanjutnya hanya untuk lucu-lucuan saja. 3 pepatah sebeanrnya adalah:

  • Bagai telur di ujung tanduk;
  • Memancing di air keruh; dan
  • Ada udang di balik batu.

Saya paham bahwa Wakepukitty akan dengan mudah memahami ketiga peribahasa tersebut.


Jarak yang memisahkan kita. Seandainya saja saya dekat dengan @wakeupkitty.pal saya akan mengundang dan mengajak nya untuk makan siang bersama kalian saya akan menyajikan masakan sayur campur yang di rebus dan didalam sayur nya terdapat daun singkong, toge, kol, kacang panjang dan masih banyak lainnya dan yang terakhir bunga pepaya dan daunnya, mungkin rasa sayurnya ada pahit ada manis juga tetapi kalau di makan dengan lalapan sambal terasi rasanya akan sangat nikmat.
Begitulah kira-kira.

Anda baik sekali mau memasak untuk kami 🤗 sayang sekali saya berada di tempat yang jauh. Saya ingin sekali memiliki teman seperti Anda untuk berbicara, berjalan dan tertawa bersama. Meskipun Anda jauh, Anda sangat saya sayangi dan saya tidak suka makanan manis. Sayuran yang Anda sebutkan tidak terdengar pahit bagi saya. Tidak perlu memasak untuk panti asuhan, saya tidak makan banyak.

Kamu adalah yang terbaik 😘🍀❤️

Haha😅 saya disini tidak banyak memasak cukup untuk tiga porsi aja. Cuma campurannya yang banyak.
Kita sama-sama menghibur.

kop mangat ,, hahaha .... Itu makannya di tengah rangkang sawah saat hari sedang terik ,, wadussshhh hahaha

Payah ta sewa pesawat ile kita jemput @wakeupkitty.pal haha..😅

Like an egg on the edge;
kantje boord 🤔 no I don't think so it's more like 'balancing on the edge'?

Fishing in murky water;
in troebel water vissen

There's a shrimp under the rock.
No idea what this means. Is it luck or danger?

Can it be you are too serious? We still laugh don't worry, no need to tiptoe.

Haha-haha..😂😂 komentar yang sangat lucu tapi penuh makna "apa yang di lakukan telur-telur itu disana, apakah ada anak ayam di dalamnya" saya baca berulang ulang sampai membuat saya tertawa terbahak-bahak 😂 🤣 🤭

Apakah ini yang namanya terperangkap dalam duka😁 Jalan yang lurus bukan berarti tidak berlubang didalamnya.

Tetap semangat ibu Kitty sayang. Anda terlihat sangat cantik dan manis ketika anda banyak tersenyum.🥰🥰

Pelukan hangat untuk mu sahabat terkasih

Anda tidak bertanya-tanya tentang telur-telur itu? Mulai sekarang Anda akan 🤣 kami berdua akan dan tidak akan pernah menjauhkan mereka dari jangkauan!
Senang mendengar Anda tertawa, teman, mari kita zig zag di sekitar jalan berlubang! Atau kita lewat jalan darat, atau sawah, toh semua jalan menuju ke mana pun kita mau. Tidak perlu terburu-buru ..


Haha😂🤭 teman ku yang satu ini Bisa aja 😁

Tidak perlu mengikuti domba itu! Lebih baik perhatikan sebelum Anda memutuskan untuk melompat dan mengikuti domba-domba bodoh itu. Kita memiliki otak karena suatu alasan.
Pelukan hangat untuk Anda, sahabatku.


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"Tak ada gading yang tak laku."

Itu berarti segala hal yang berguna pasti dihargai oleh orang lain.

Apakah @rayfa ingin mengikuti ini? @cmmd, @lenifritria?

Menarik. Itu gading martin bukan.

Is that an expression?

Sorry, Mister / Madam Wakeupkitty. It is a joke made by Aneuk, with a reference to a real saying in Bahasa Indonesia. Aneuk altered it a little to make it funny. And my response to his comment is not an expresssion as well, I just followed along. The real expression is Tak Ada Gading Yang Tak Retak. I'm sure you'll understand the meaning.

Have a great weekstart. "Weekstart" is another word coined by Aneuk several years ago when we were an active community in Discord.

Thanks, Rayfa. Have a great weekstart. What a wonderful era was back then. It's an era, right?

We can call it that.

Thank you for stopping by and explaining. Hereby you added two expressions.

What happened to the Discord group?

Oh the Discord group still exists but it's no longer like it used to be. There was a time when we, around 50 Steemians with low power, joining power and formed the arTeem community, and consolidated our strength on Discord. This was long before the conflicts arose and a twin platform for Steemit was born.

How you talk with 50+ people? How do you make each one of them welcome? I remember the old days of Steemit, the community I joined + the Discord group. It never made me feel good or welcome and it felt the same to many. 101 rules and always the same 3-5 speak while the rest was ignored. Also a chaotic "chat" great for gamers but by now also restricted. No freedom of speach, messages deleted and the government can read and use it to label people as therorists and freeze or close their bank accounts. It happens more and more since the past 5 years.
Is there still room for fun?

You mean Hive because Justin Sun bought it. I was there and in the middle of those 'fights'. A good moment to see the nature of people, their true colours. What an energy was put in harrashing those who refused to leave.


Okay. I guess you are right.

It sounds more like: There's a buyer for everything. I wonder if we have an expression for that.

Ivory is forbidden with us. We fight fir the elephants we don't have except in the Zoo where they live a depressing life.

I give you: _Al te goed is buurman's! _
(Too kindhearted is the neighbour's idiot)

Be aware of abusive people/parasites


Di Aceh juga gajah adalah binatang yang dilindungi, tapi selalu ada perburuan liar. Bahkan lambang kerajaan Aceh salah satunya adalah gajah. Gajah adalah tunggangan raja Kesultanan Aceh dulu. Gajah dianggap teman. Tapi tidak oleh orang-orang jahat.

Tentang peribahasa Tak Ada Gading Yang Tak Retak, itu saya tidak tahu asal muasalnya. Apakah itu ada hubungan dengan kebiasaan berburu gajah dari nenek moyang orang-orang di nusantara dulu, saya tidak memiliki referensi.

Dugaan saya adalah bahwa gading gajah dipandang sebagai bahan yang kuat. Dengan ide itu, anggapan bahwa gading tidak bisa dipatahkan adalah logika. Tapi jika sudah sampai pada hal itu, semuanya bisa dipatahkan. Materi, kemauan, hati, jiwa. Yang dibutuhkan hanyalah konsistensi dan waktu.

Saya pikir demikian.

Have you ever been a school teacher? If not you would be very good at it.

You are not the only one saying that but I don't think I am great enough if it comes to liking people and the system used to "teach". Homeschooling was enough and scoutleader (it's where they dump those children they say they don't fit in, refuse or are unable to draw between the lines and need to be 'disciplined').


  ·  7 months ago (edited)

I tried teaching for a year. It was a private school in a progressive community and I was able to teach without going through all the accreditations. Yes disciplining was the greatest challenge. I was not able to adopt the necessary mood of discipline. The children, 12 to 14 years old took over. The director finally had to inform me she was looking for teachers not more students. Not everyone is "cut out" to do everything.

The scouting group was 4 years old, to me all great kids nothing wrong with, I never had issues with them but all labelled and teachers and doctors said: let them join scouting they deal with it.

The main problem is children at the age of 2.5 are send to school, 4 year is law. There's no room to play, they have to sit still and study, study, study even if their brain is not up to that yet. It doesn't surprise me all those "trouble makers" can't focus and are restless.
They complain children no longer play outside but they lack time. They always come home with a pile of paperwork. Saw it with my son. Every break plus once home hours of homework. No idea what they do at school.

Perhaps more "teenagers" teaching will help to break this?

I'm allergic to 'discipline'. As my daughter started school she was not even 4 (early student) the grumpy teacher told me my child had no scheduled, structured, disciplined life.🤯

I asked what happened. She said my child dared to crawl into the doll's bed to take a nap after noon. I told her that is disciplined and scheduled since she was used to sleep after noon/lunch and I did not subscribe her to military school.
Isn't this kindergarten, I said.

That year kindergarten no longer existed and became part of primary school. She shut her mouth, I took my child and complimented her with sticking to the rules. That teacher never asked me to show up again.

  ·  7 months ago (edited)

A real teacher actually teaches without pay. Most schools as we know them, overseen by the government, are military camps. They are places of training... not education. How else will the adult that comes from the child be able to work day in and day out at a job their entire life. A week off for vacation per year and an extra day on special holidays. You saw it. how your child had no time to even breath. In such an environment where will the free thinkers and "freewriters" survive? Where will there be time for the higher sentiments? The fragrance of a flower? kudos... to you mother... who saved her child... And now at least here in the US the students come to school with guns and shoot everyone. And still they don't see there is something wrong with the system of "education"?

It indeed is a military camp. Free days? I believe by now we have 1 day left the rest is fought. My youngest visit school in East Europe. More National free days but... For that national free day everyone (students and laborours) have to work in the weekend and catch up.
By now no holidays since summer vacation is working (internship). Being a teacher is an easy job they no longer teach. It is what the teacher of my youngest said. They are just present to? Not explain lessons or correct homework.

Thank you, friend!
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