Oh definitely, there is more to the story than what we are seeing here. I have seen fans saying they "heard" or saw a video (but cannot find a link to it now) about this or that going on behind the scenes.
Rather than report on innuendo like that I would rather wait for the full story to come out. A lot of others are reporting on those "I think I saw" comments as fact and as news. So sad that journalism has lowered to that level.
Me personally, I had not heard of her before the Batwoman role. Her personal life (sex life for instance) doesn't matter to me so it was not like I was the demographic they were going for here (nor in the comics as I learned the character is at least bi-sexual if not lesbian). Again, no biggie to me. I also don't care if a character is gay. Just never understood the outrage those angles brought up. Same for race and gender actually. If the stories are good and interesting to me, I will read/watch/play it.