Covid19 world report 9th May
40% Is US share of covid positive cases in the top 6 hit countries
15,76,70,605 total cases in the world out of which 6,06,84,649 are Active cases and 9,37,03,213 recovered .
Total number of Deaths is 32,84,590
Bar chart showing Recovery rate in the top 6 worst hit countries
India Sees daily COVID cases 4.03 lakh and a record single day 4092 covid Deaths .
As per Health Minister Report Over 9 Lakh Patients On Oxygen Support Across India .
Bar Chart showing Total Vaccine Shots given
Vaccine shots........Million
US......................... 254.78
INDIA .....................169.44
UK ...........................51.83
BRAZIL ....................46.88
FRANCE ..................24.56
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