Application for Community Curator

in hive-160196 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Application for Community Curator
Account name: @levycore
Position: Indonesia Community Leader
Rep: 74
Active on steem (it): Approximately 4 years

Background of Applicant

I started joining steemit since four years ago (2016). Since that time I have actively posting and building a healthy connection with other members. At the end of 2016, I participated in several steemit projects; @curie, @sndbox, @oracle-d, and @steemzzang. Before it all started I was trusted to handle Indonesia Community to curate the Indonesia Steemians under indonesia tagline. In the way to manage this process, I was helped by some members to form formal branches (chapter) of steemit community in certain regions in Indonesia. In result, thousands steemians joined steemit. Having such a great number of members, allow me to involve closely contacted within the members new members and the experienced members whose lack of English and lack of information about steemit.

When the announcement was made regarding on Indonesia Curation Community. The new users came to flood this platform as they could make a post in Indonesia without worrying about their capacity of English as I was assigned to curate the post with indonesia tagline, and it has been going on until now under @curie project and @steemzzang. Thanks to the delegators who believed in me to develop and leverage the Indonesia individuals by delegating the steempower. I also conducted regional meets up to discuss, to support them on steemit by curating quality posts. Promotional activities to academical individuals under “Steemit Goes to Campus Project” and other promoting jobs to potential investors and future steemit members on air (radio broadcasting and local Television program).

During the curating process, I focused on Indonesia tagline as a specific tag they must use if they want to win the upvote based on the project contract with @curie and delegators. In order to see the enthusiasm of community members, I also hosted weekly contests by giving away a certain amount of SBD or steem to the winners.

If I was chosen as the community curator awardee, I would seek out the original posts of Indonesia steemian under indonesia tagline. Because I see, it is the best way to encourage the Indonesia members to keep creating valuable works.

I am proficient in English and Indonesia and able to write and read both languages which helps me to understand the steemit post-Indonesia that based on the deal with delegatee to avoid curating the plagiarism and I am not tolerating this such behavior.

Based on 4 years of experience of curation job has been teaching me a lot of things about dividing the vote percentage depend on the post criteria and tracing the spams accounts that may ruin the platform ecosystem.

Final Thought

I hope this opportunity can be a trigger to bring up future creative people to steemit under Indonesia community and making such a valuable relation across the users. I believe the users will be pumped up again and will be ready to welcome the bright future of steemit.

Discord : levycore#8345

For your consideration :

My email : [email protected]



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I have been in steemit for more than 2 years. From the beginning until now, i never get support from you. I know you are an Indonesian curator. You claim yourself as a leader of Indonesian community. But you don't know how to be a good leader. You need to learn a lot of thing to be a leader. A leader is leading a big community. So you should pay a big concern of your community. But i didn't see that from you. From 1 till 100 % of Indonesian steemian, you only support not more than 1%. You only support your close friend, and your partner. Me, as a beginner, never get it from you. Maybe you should ask and open your mind about this.
For the last brother, we need you to prove it. Just prove it. Don't give us your fucking shit of talk.
Just do your action. Don't talk only. Cause a lot of Indonesian steemian said, me too, you don't deserved to be a leader.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Remember Blockchain is Never lies :D


Who is talking shit now? :D

Waah, anda hebat. Coba tunjukkan lagi, selama 2 tahun lebih saya berkiprah disini, berapa puluh x anda upvote saya?
So, are you a real curator? Or just looking for some fucking shit of money?
Come on, show me man.

@ernaeningsih, pendapat Saudari memang ada benarnya. Menjadi seorang pemimpin suatu komunitas perlu adanya kemampuan selaku pelayan dan melayani.

Saya teringat kata-kata dari Bupati Solo yang saat ini masih menjabat (Dari TVOne). Jika mau menjadi Bupati (pemimpin) haruslah berjiwa melayani, kalau motif untuk menjadi Bupati (pemimpin) hanya untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan dan uang sebaiknya jangan.

Selain itu teringat komentar dari Bu Risma (Walikota Surabaya), yang pernah diisukan untuk ikut Pilgub Jakarta selanjutnya. Beliau berkata bahwa dia tidak ada keinginan untuk jadi Gubernur Jakarta dan tidak meminta untuk itu. Kalau saya yang meminta itu, takutnya saya mengikuti nafsu yang Ada. Terkecuali saya diminta oleh masyarakat untuk itu.

Terlebih lagi, menjadi seorang pemimpin atau pemuka suatu kumpulan atau organisasi memerlukan tanggung jawab dan pengorbanan besar. Dan bisa menampung baik kepuasan dan ketidakpuasan dari orang yang dipimpinnya.

Memiliki visi dan misi adalah penting dalam memimpin suatu kumpulan orang banyak. Saya hargai opini Saudari dan mengingatkan Saya sebuah pertanyaan, bisakah para calon Kurator ini mengemban amanah yang besar ini?

Saya teringat para pionir komunitas para penulis di Kompasiana. Banyak sekali pelajaran yang bisa dipetik di sana, sebuah keteladanan saling berbagi dan mendukung. Rasanya terlalu panjang bila saya ceritakan di sini.

Semoga harapan Saudari dan para calon Kurator bisa terpenuhi dengan seijin Tuhan YME. Amin!

Nah, pandangan yang seperti ini yang seharusnya di keluarkan oleh seorang pemimpin sejati. Jangan cuma omong besar. Tapi isinya kosong. Seorang pemimpin sejati itu harus siap dikritik. Dan siap memperbaiki. Jangan taunya dikritik, tapi ajak berantem orang. Apa cocok seorang pemimpin seperti ini? Silahkan dijawab menggunakan hati nurani masing-masing. Terimakasih masukannya. Saya senang ternyata masih ada orang dewasa di sini, tidak kekanakan.

yah seperti biasa pak @happyphoenix, bukan sekali 2 kali hal ini terjadi, anda sudah melihatnya bagaimana kelakuan orang2 kita di steemit :D

Kalau sudah sekali dua kali complain nya, sadarilah terlalu banyak kekurangan anda.

you can see what i have made for indonesian community in my post above ,history has been made , dont be selfish indonesia steemit community is not only you. there is a lot indonesia great people here on steemit who got my support , bring all the evidence you have here you must prove it if i wrong, you must know Blockchain technology is never lies :D

History has been Made only for you and your fucking friend. Note that. Not Indonesian steemian. I think a lot of Indonesian steemian have told you about your bad attitude. And once again, your history note that. Me? Selfish? Are you fucking serious? Look at your self.
You are the MAN now. So be the genuine man. Don't be so childish. See, you don't deserve to be a leader. Too disgusting. Always say you are a part of Indonesian community, but you don't know how to be a part of Indonesian steemian. Too much fucking shit of talk.

LOL. Many of them are my friends. It just for your document. In fact, you didn't support them at all.

Now dispersed
You are busy looking for a whale, and forget about the community,
Now you go and give your rank to others who care about KSI.

Semoga kalian dan kita sehat semua, Aamiin. Jangan lupa jaga kesehatan dan stay at home ya. Love you All.. !!!😘

sempak..!!! hahhahahahah


@kemal13 kita meet up lagi friends 📸📸🍩🍩😋😋😋

Yooookkkk 🤣

@kemal13 and @dilimunanzar Kapan..?. ajak ajak lah..... 🤣😃

Sorry, Mr. @levycore, if you become a leader in Indonesia, I strongly disagree, because of what? I have joined Steemit for over 2 years, and until a few months ago I never felt upvote from a leader in Indonesia that is you, curator, I think you are just looking for a name, here and you will lead your immediate family, not in Indonesia, and who will support you are people who are close to you and also crazy people. 😂

Even before I begged you, the meaning of begging is, I commented on your post, but you do not care about it, and ignored, your arrogance still exists today ...

(Wate galom la ot darat lon tanggong, wate ka.. Lam pageu kajak keudeh saboh-saboh)

Alah hai Lempap:D

hei @kr-1 @tailah.bayu thanks for comment :D

What, you didn't see, who came, and you mentioned the name by another ...

peubangai bangai droe aju :D

Old school photo. 😂
You dream it back when you have no power.
What do you do when you have power?
You only pay attention to yourself, and ignore the many people who support you.🤔

look at the article above, you can see the fact that I did when I had power :D

That picture is outdated, now it's chaotic, because you never support the Indonesian tag when you have a lot of delegates, you just like to look for whale out there.



Bantu dukung vote dan komentar dukungan dari kalian semuanya.

Sepatah kata dan setombol vote dari kita akan sangat berguna.

Ayo ramaikan komentar kalian pada komentarnya "Levycore" di link ini

Scrol hingga kebawah, lihat komentar atas nama "Levycore", vote dan tambahkan komentar kalian di komentarnya.


I support @levycore for his application for community curator, Indonesian Steemian is the biggest comunity that exist in this platform, and @levycore is one of hub that connected every one in the community in indonesia.


thanks for your support @faizarfatria , we wil make steem great again :D

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

wow that sounds very interesting. I am one of Steemian from Indonesia which is still active until now. I joined Steemit in mid 2017, and I also joined the Indonesian steemit community which is chaired by you. You have and with members of the community helped me a lot, until aun I have achieved a reputation of 64. Therefore, I continue to support you as an Indonesian curator who has helped many members of the Indonesian steemit community.

we will make steem great again in indonesia , thanks for your support @my451r :D

Apa kabar @mt451r?

sorry @dilimunanzar, you wrote my name wrong. please correct

Yes woot ever, you tubes

Hmmmmm... dari desember 2017 saya telah memutuskan untuk menjadi steemian liar alias tanpa komunitas secara formal. Saya malas terlibat masuk dalam konflik, sperti dulu KSI vs NSC, KSI vs Mrs Paulag dan semacamnya. Mungkin karena itu juga akun saya sulit berkembang.

Saya malas mengatakan sesuatu yg tidak sesuai hati saya, saya akan ktakan sejujur-jujurnya walau pahit.

Banyak stemian indonesia sudah pergi. Bg @levycore mungkin harus menghadapi kritik dengan lebih bijaksana lagi, mereka2 yang mengkritik pasti punya keinginan seluruh stemian indonesia bersatu padu. Jgan hdapi kritikan dengan pembenaran aplagi dengan arogansi, rangkul saja mereka semua sebisa mungkin. Uniknya mereka yang menyuarakan kritikan justru yg tetap aktif disaat harga steem jatuh. Akhirnya mereka jalan sendiri saja, termasuk saya mungkin. Saya bukan sedang sok mengajari, sok menasehati atau apalah... saya pun sadar postingan ini bukan utk stemian indonesia karena pakek bhasa inggris, silahkan melangkah bg....

I support @levycore for his application for community curator, Indonesian Steemian is the biggest comunity that exist in this platform, and @levycore is one of hub that connected every one in the community in indonesia.


thanks for your support @kemal13, i appreciated it , lets make steem great again :D

Always bro, keep spirit. WFH

Saleum kembali bg..😂

For 2,5 years I were on steem 8lockcain, Indonesian curator made me trust steemit is de 8est. Semoga kita kembali ke masa great Indonesian again.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

thanks for your support @dilimunanzar :D

Always and forever 8roe..

Insya Allah akan kami support, support kami juga brother @levycore, kami tunggu kerja kerasnya bg, tks.


Mantap x

harus mantap ini supaya lebih mantap ,mantapkan lagi :D

harus mantap ini supaya lebih mantap ,mantapkan lagi :D

Semoga makin sukses Bang @levycore, harapan saya @najmifajar, semoga KSI Chapter Gayo bisa kembali mengadakan meetup bersama Bang @levycore dkk.

Salam sukses dari dataran tinggi Gayo

ya semoga saja makin sukses terus kedepanya ,terima kaish telah mensupport bang @najmifajar :D

i always support you brother, Keep Spirit..

I support @levycore for his application for community curator. @levycore is one of hub that help community develop the potential member on this platform

thanks for your support @abduhawab. hope soon steem be a great again :D


Please join us for a new Witness Forum so we can all work together for a better steem.

Semoga steemit terus berkembang di Indonesia. Mantap bang levi. 💪👍

Woi kemane aje..

terima kasih @amekbarli, semoga saja bisa membawa angin segar bagi komunitas indonesia :D

I support @levycore for this application

Kurasa menyoe awak let peng pasti hana postingan, jika nyuem lagee jinoe siat bang.. hehehe

hehehe,betoi bang, tapi akan ta usahakan lom supaya nak rame lom lagee awai steemit :D

Dengan senang hati, semoga sukses kami senantiasa selalu mendukung, berharap semuanya bangkit kembali ruuuh untuk menulis.

Siap kami dukung KSI Insyaallah akan seperti dulu lagi teruslah berjuang dan kami siap membantu..

Wate loen perhati foto di ateuh, tingat loen kenangan awai, masa-masa thon 2018 cukop semarak meu en Steemit. Tapi jinoe 😥

makajih jinoe ta peuraeuk lom lage awai @midiagam :D

Loen sep setuju bang, mudah-mudahan Steemit bisa mengulang kejayaan seperti tahun sebelumnya.

Salam KSI bang @levycore 😊

Lumpah rame masyarakat lam postingan nyor lagoe?

Ramai yang mendukung, satu, dua tidak menerima itu biasa dik @levycore. Semoga kedepan ada meet up lagi, kami yang cewek-cewek kan bisa kumpul lagi kayak dulu-dulu, seru juga kan kayak waktu itu.

I support @levycore for his application #makesteemitgreatagain

I support @levycore for his application #makesteemitgreatagain

Hello Brother, I support @levycore for his application for community curator. @levycore is one of hub that help community develop the potential member on this platform.


I support @levycore for his application for community curator.

I support @levycore for his application for community curator

I support @levycore for his application for community curator, Indonesian Steemian is the biggest comunity that exist in this platform, and @levycore is one of hub that connected every one in the community in indonesia.

go go go steemit Indonesian...

Good luck!

I support @levycore for his application for community curator, Indonesian Steemian is the biggest comunity that exist in this platform, and @levycore is one of hub that connected every one in the community in indonesia.