Spanish Freewrite: La espera terminó. (Chirrido)

in hive-161155 •  5 years ago  (edited)



El día tan esperado llegó
Tocaste a mi puerta
Dijiste mi nombre
No sabía si reír, llorar o estar molesta contigo por no avisar
Mi ropa no era con la que deseaba me vieras después de tanto tiempo.

Niñas busquen la llave, llegó papá
Corriendo, nerviosa, no sabía si abrazarte, o mantenerme en pausa
Nuestra relación de puntos suspensivos
Llegaría a su fin
Escribir un giro en la historia
Ya nada importaba, estabas aquí
El candado se abre
Y el chirrido que hace el portón al abrir me despertó
Solo estabas en mis sueños.


The long-awaited day has arrived
You knocked on my door
You said my name
I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or be mad at you for not warning
My clothes were not what I wanted you to see me after so long.

Girls look for the key, dad arrived
Running, I’m nervous, I didn't know whether to hug you, or keep me paused
Our ellipsis relationship
Would come to an end
Write a turn in our history
Nothing mattered anymore, you were here
The lock opens
And the chirp that the gate makes when opening woke me up
You were only in my dreams.


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Gracias @provenezuela

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Ahh those dreams that come as we sleep. Beautiful poem.

This is a great freewrite. Thank you so much for writing it.

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