I make lists.. I mean.. I write down 3 things I should do each day. At the end of the day those 3 little ahum tasks are not done. It's not that I do nothing since I am busy the entire day and I don't cook or rarely eat so my time goes. Well, lately it's a lot of chatting/talking helping out Steemians but this is also at times too much and I need a break.
Doing nothing, staring at the screen.. . I believe it is needed to restart the brain (not to mention vision by closing the eyes for a while).
I work best if it's silent and no one is around, talking, barking, howling, no radio, beeping sounds, wasps, mosquitoes, or flies visiting me.
I know there's always a moment I will be more active so should I worry? I don't think so. What I do, I do with enthusiasm (or not LOL) but all together I am for sure more active (on Steemit) and in real life than the average human being even though my house should be painted, I still don't have a couch and summer is nearly over without enjoying it.
Perhaps it is time to adopt Santa Claus?
Thoughts, thinking, and finding a way to express them are important for our well-being. Indeed we could do *ä lot" but the question is if that lot is important enough ... one day it might, but today it's not.
I pulled weeds because it rained after many weeks so I did something, oh I put the dishes in hot water. LOL
Should we take a robot for certain tasks? Preferable one that doesn't make too much noise and can't talk.