Meeseeker 2.0

in hive-163521 •  5 years ago 

Repository: meeseeker

Redis based block follower is an efficient way for multiple apps to stream the Steem Blockchain.

If you have multiple applications that need to perform actions as operations occur, meeseeker will allow your apps to each perform actions for specific operations without each app having to stream the entire blockchain.

In a nutshell: The overarching intent here is to provide a "live view" of the blockchain, not store the entire blockchain. Apps can attach to your redis source and ask, "What just happened?"


Although Meeseeker tracks all operations, it is only intended to provide other applications signals that those operations have happened. It is not intended to provide cryptographically verifiable events.

Possible uses:

  • Notifications of events, suitable for push to mobile devices or web browsers.
  • Invoke periodic updates on a threshold.
  • Light-weight bots that only care about a limit set of operations, reducing the number of API calls.

Why Redis?

Redis is a persistent key-value database, with built-in net interface. See:

It allows for quick storage and lookup of operations by key as well as the ability to automatically expire keys that are no longer needed.


First, install redis:

On linux:

sudo apt install redis-server

On macOS:

brew install redis

Next, install ruby. One way to do this is install rvm. Once ruby is installed, install meeseeker with the gem command:

gem install meeseeker

This installs meeseeker as a command available to the OS, e.g.:

meeseeker help

To do the actual sync to your local redis source (defaults assume redis://

meeseeker sync

To specify an alternative redis source:

MEESEEKER_REDIS_URL=redis://:[email protected]:6380/15 meeseeker sync

You can also specify am alternative Steem node:

MEESEEKER_NODE_URL= meeseeker sync

You can also specify a Hive node instead of Steem (if that's your thing):

MEESEEKER_NODE_URL= meeseeker sync[steem]

Or, you can have meeseeker automatically use random Steem nodes:

MEESEEKER_NODE_URL=shuffle meeseeker sync

To sync from the head block instead of the last irreversible block:

MEESEEKER_STREAM_MODE=head meeseeker sync

To ignore virtual operations (useful if the node doesn't enable get_ops_in_blocks or if you want to sync from the head block):

MEESEEKER_INCLUDE_VIRTUAL=false meeseeker sync

Normally, block headers are added to the steem:block channel. This requires one additional API call for each block. If you don't need block headers, you can configure the steem:block channel to only publish with the block_num:


Normally, keys stay on redis for 24 hours. If you want to change this behavior, use MEESEEKER_EXPIRE_KEYS and specify the new value in seconds, for example:

MEESEEKER_EXPIRE_KEYS=10 meeseeker sync

If you never want the keys to expire (not recommended), set

MEESEEKER_EXPIRE_KEYS=-1 meeseeker sync

Normally, sync will create keys until it uses up all available memory. If you would like to only sync a certain number of keys, then sleep until those keys expire so it can pick up where it left off, set MEESEEKER_MAX_KEYS to a positive value:

MEESEEKER_MAX_KEYS=99 meeseeker sync


When meeseeker sync starts for the first time, it initializes from the last irreversible block number. If the sync is interrupted, it will resume from the last block sync'd unless that block is older than MEESEEKER_EXPIRE_KEYS in which case it will skip to the last irreversible block number.


For redis-cli, please see:


When running meeseeker sync, the following channels are available:

  • steem:block
  • steem:transaction
  • steem:op:vote
  • steem:op:comment
  • steem:op:comment_options
  • steem:op:whatever (replace "whatever" with the op you want)
  • steem:op:custom_json:whatever (if enabled, replace "whatever" with the you want)

As mentioned in the first whatever example, for ops, all operation types can be subscribed to as channels, including virtual operations, if enabled.

In the second whatever example, for, if you want to subscribe to the follow channel, use steem:op:custom_json:follow. Or if you want to subscribe to the sm_team_reveal channel, use steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal. The channels are not enabled by default. To enable it, set the MEESEEKER_PUBLISH_OP_CUSTOM_ID to true (see example below).

For example, from redis-cli, if we wanted to stream block numbers:

$ redis-cli> subscribe steem:block
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "steem:block"
3) (integer) 1
1) "message"
2) "steem:block"
3) "{\"block_num\":29861068,\"previous\":\"01c7a4cb4424b4dc0cb0cc72fd36b1644f8aeba5\",\"timestamp\":\"2019-01-28T20:55:03\",\"witness\":\"ausbitbank\",\"transaction_merkle_root\":\"a318bb82625bd78af8d8b506ccd4f53116372c8e\",\"extensions\":[]}"
1) "message"
2) "steem:block"
3) "{\"block_num\":29861069,\"previous\":\"01c7a4cc1bed060876cab57476846a91568a9f8a\",\"timestamp\":\"2019-01-28T20:55:06\",\"witness\":\"followbtcnews\",\"transaction_merkle_root\":\"834e05d40b9666e5ef50deb9f368c63070c0105b\",\"extensions\":[]}"
1) "message"
2) "steem:block"
3) "{\"block_num\":29861070,\"previous\":\"01c7a4cd3bbf872895654765faa4409a8e770e91\",\"timestamp\":\"2019-01-28T20:55:09\",\"witness\":\"timcliff\",\"transaction_merkle_root\":\"b2366ce9134d627e00423b28d33cc57f1e6e453f\",\"extensions\":[]}"

In addition to general op channels, there's an additional channel for This option must be enabled:


Which allows subscription to specific id patterns:

$ redis-cli> subscribe steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal"
3) (integer) 1
1) "message"
2) "steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal"
3) "{\"key\":\"steem:29890790:bcfa68d9be10b3587d81039b85fd0536ddeddffb:0:custom_json\"}"
1) "message"
2) "steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal"
3) "{\"key\":\"steem:29890792:3f3b921ec6706bcd259f5cc6ac922dc59bbe2de5:0:custom_json\"}"
1) "message"
2) "steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal"
3) "{\"key\":\"steem:29890792:4ceca16dd114b1851140086a82a5fb3a6eb6ec42:0:custom_json\"}"
1) "message"
2) "steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal"
3) "{\"key\":\"steem:29890792:00930eff76b3f0af8ed7215e88cf351cc671490b:0:custom_json\"}"
1) "message"
2) "steem:op:custom_json:sm_team_reveal"
3) "{\"key\":\"steem:29890799:01483bd252ccadb05f546051bb20a4ba9afea243:0:custom_json\"}"

A ruby application can subscribe to a channel as well, using the redis gem:

require 'redis'

url = 'redis://'
ctx = url) url).subscribe('steem:op:comment') do |on|
  on.message do |channel, message|
    payload = JSON[message]
    comment = JSON[ctx.get(payload['key'])]
    puts comment['value']

Many other clients are supported:

Witness Schedule

When running meeseeker witness:schedule, the steem:witness:schedule channel is available. This is offered as a separate command because most applications don't need to worry about this level of blockchain logistics.

For example, from redis-cli, if we wanted to subscribe to the witness schedule:

$ redis-cli> subscribe steem:witness:schedule
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "steem:witness:schedule"
3) (integer) 1
1) "message"
2) "steem:witness:schedule"
3) "{\"id\":0,\"current_virtual_time\":\"415293532210075480213212125\",\"next_shuffle_block_num\":30035208,\"current_shuffled_witnesses\":[\"thecryptodrive\",\"timcliff\",\"utopian-io\",\"themarkymark\",\"aggroed\",\"smooth.witness\",\"someguy123\",\"gtg\",\"followbtcnews\",\"yabapmatt\",\"therealwolf\",\"ausbitbank\",\"curie\",\"clayop\",\"drakos\",\"blocktrades\",\"good-karma\",\"roelandp\",\"lukestokes.mhth\",\"liondani\",\"anyx\"],\"num_scheduled_witnesses\":21,\"elected_weight\":1,\"timeshare_weight\":5,\"miner_weight\":1,\"witness_pay_normalization_factor\":25,\"median_props\":{\"account_creation_fee\":{\"amount\":\"3000\",\"precision\":3,\"nai\":\"@@000000021\"},\"maximum_block_size\":65536,\"sbd_interest_rate\":0,\"account_subsidy_budget\":797,\"account_subsidy_decay\":347321},\"majority_version\":\"0.20.8\",\"max_voted_witnesses\":20,\"max_miner_witnesses\":0,\"max_runner_witnesses\":1,\"hardfork_required_witnesses\":17,\"account_subsidy_rd\":{\"resource_unit\":10000,\"budget_per_time_unit\":797,\"pool_eq\":157691079,\"max_pool_size\":157691079,\"decay_params\":{\"decay_per_time_unit\":347321,\"decay_per_time_unit_denom_shift\":36},\"min_decay\":0},\"account_subsidy_witness_rd\":{\"resource_unit\":10000,\"budget_per_time_unit\":996,\"pool_eq\":9384019,\"max_pool_size\":9384019,\"decay_params\":{\"decay_per_time_unit\":7293741,\"decay_per_time_unit_denom_shift\":36},\"min_decay\":257},\"min_witness_account_subsidy_decay\":0}"

Using SCAN

From the redis manual:

Since these commands allow for incremental iteration, returning only a small number of elements per call, they can be used in production without the downside of commands like KEYS or SMEMBERS that may block the server for a long time (even several seconds) when called against big collections of keys or elements.

However while blocking commands like SMEMBERS are able to provide all the elements that are part of a Set in a given moment, The SCAN family of commands only offer limited guarantees about the returned elements since the collection that we incrementally iterate can change during the iteration process.


Keep in mind that SCAN requires pagination to get a complete result. Redis implements pagination using a cursor based iterator.


Once your sync has started, you can begin doing queries against redis, for example, in the redis-cli:

redis-cli --scan --pattern 'steem:*:vote'

This returns the keys, for example:


To get the actual vote operation for a particular key, use:

redis-cli get steem:29811085:f904ac2e5e338263b03b640a4d1ff2d5fd01169e:0:vote

If, on the other hand, you want custom_json only:

redis-cli --scan --pattern 'steem:*:custom_json'

This only returns the related keys, for example:


To get the actual custom json operation for a particular key, use:

redis-cli get steem:29811083:7fbbde120aef339511f5af1a499f62464fbf4118:0:custom_json

To get all transactions for a particular block number:

redis-cli --scan --pattern 'steem:29811085:*'

Or to get all ops for a particular transaction:

redis-cli --scan --pattern 'steem:*:31ecb9c85e9eabd7ca2460fdb4f3ce4a7ca6ec32:*'

Steem Engine Support

As of v0.0.6, meeseeker can also follow the Steem Engine side-chain. This is optional and requires a separate process.

To sync Steem Engine to your local redis source (also defaults to redis://

meeseeker sync steem_engine

When running meeseeker sync steem_engine, the following channels are available:

  • steem_engine:block
  • steem_engine:transaction
  • steem_engine:virtual_transaction
  • steem_engine:contract
  • steem_engine:contract:deploy
  • steem_engine:contract:update
  • steem_engine:market
  • steem_engine:market:buy
  • steem_engine:market:cancel
  • steem_engine:market:sell
  • steem_engine:sscstore
  • steem_engine:sscstore:buy
  • steem_engine:steempegged
  • steem_engine:steempegged:buy
  • steem_engine:steempegged:removeWithdrawal
  • steem_engine:steempegged:withdraw
  • steem_engine:tokens
  • steem_engine:tokens:checkPendingUnstake
  • steem_engine:tokens:create
  • steem_engine:tokens:enableStaking
  • steem_engine:tokens:issue
  • steem_engine:tokens:transfer
  • steem_engine:tokens:transferOwnership
  • steem_engine:tokens:unstake
  • steem_engine:tokens:updateMetadata
  • steem_engine:tokens:updateParams
  • steem_engine:tokens:updateUrl

The above "channel/action" patterns are the ones that are known that the time of writing. In addition, if a new contract is added or updated, meeseeker will automatically publish to these corresponding channels as they appear, without needing to update or even restart meeseeker.

See main section on Using SUBSCRIBE.

Once your SteemEngine sync has started, you can begin doing queries against redis, for example, in the redis-cli:

redis-cli --scan --pattern 'steem_engine:*:tokens:transfer'

This returns the keys, for example:


See main section on Using SCAN.


This will launch meeseeker in a docker container, so you can immediately attach to it on port 6380.

docker run -d -p 6380:6379 inertia/meeseeker:latest
redis-cli -p 6380

You can also pass any of the environment variables meeseeker accepts. For example, this will launch meeseeker with channels enabled, but only keeps ops around for 5 minutes:

docker run \
  -d -p 6380:6379 inertia/meeseeker:latest

Also see:

See some of my previous Ruby How To posts in: #radiator #ruby

Get in touch!

If you're using Radiator, I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me what you think! I'm @inertia on Steem.


I don't believe in intellectual "property". If you do, consider Radiator as licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 License.

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