SLC | S21W3 : Teaching Practice"

in hive-167213 •  4 months ago 

I am @kuhinoor From Bangladesh.

Assalamu Alaikum. how are you all Today I am going to participate in the learning competition "SLC | S21W3 : Teaching Practice" conducted by your teacher. Such a beautiful pageant organizers @miftahulrizky & @fantvwiki sirs.

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Tell us what your specialty is and what you would like to teach your students in the next hour-long meeting?


My specialty is teaching ethics to students. How to show respect to the sun and love to the little ones. As I am a primary school teacher, I teach hand chalking to young children.

If I can have a long meeting with the students in the next one hour, I want to teach the younger students how to take care of themselves, be clean, cut nails, cut hair, brush teeth well, take care of health, avoid junk food. , I will emphasize the importance of eating a balanced diet.

I want to teach my students more, their beautiful handwriting, drawing, singing, reciting poetry,

  • From primary school, children are taught certain morals, such as speaking softly, not shouting, greeting elders, not quarreling with friends, paying attention to lessons,


I will teach discipline to my students, teach all children to sing national anthem in unison. I will teach my students the patience to tell everything. I will teach my young children how to be beautifulLife is to be enjoyed, how to improve yourself. I will also teach children not to take any food from strangers on the street, not to go anywhere with a stranger, especially girl students. And the older students of the fifth grade, except I teach them about anything


Say to mother. Will grow up slowly and they should tell all their things to his mother and if there is any problem at school then he should definitely tell his school teacher.

  • If necessary, I will ask mothers to be aware of their children through mothers' gatherings. I would tell mothers to focus on their lessons at home once my students are sent to school. Taking care of their health, as it wereNo student should shut down the school.


I will eventually make my students aware of eve teasing. And I will keep the parents aware of this above all. So that they keep a close eye on their child all the time.

I think as a teacher it is important that I teach these things to my students. These advices and lessons I give to students will help them become better people.


Tell us about how the learning takes place from the beginning to the end (input-process-output)?


  • From start to finish I teach my students whatever the subject may be. And many directions are given to children outside the subject. Input is what I first give to the children, and the learner receives. Giving children first idea about any subject. I have tried to present my inputs to you through various pictures. Students' morale, interest, patience, love for patience are all included in the input.

  • I do not prepare a lesson plan before entering the input classroom. Because the lesson plan contains the explanation of all the pre-determined topics of the lesson. And class reading time is fixed. It makes the teaching method easier. I use materials during the visit of various such materials.

Input is how they receive what I teach. My input is whether the students are mastering the material well or not.


  • Processing is where the student is reading the input and mastering all the structures. and will analyze the supporting data of the input. According to the analysis he will be able to read all those readings in simple words and he will understand everything he reads every day. I will teach the students by hand. I will give students idea of ​​use, show various materials. I will try to make students master any subject. They will understand it very easily.


  • That is, what students have achieved through input and process, I will know through output. Output means result, ie out means evaluation. Through assessment we can know about student output.
    Output is the process by which students learn and practice the text through input and processing.
    What the student achieves in this important step is his output.



How do you ensure that after the learning activity there are changes in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students?


I can confirm through some methods that students change their cognitive human psychomotor after the learning activity.

The methods are discussed below.

Marking where:

  • I must know where the problems of the students are. What to understand, what to understand well, what to know from, I have to identify all these things first. How do students cope when they encounter problems?I must be aware of the problems overcome.

Verification of merit order:

  • To verify, finally the students have to take the exam, the evaluation process has to be kept in place. I need to validate my gifted students through development.

Being aware of children with special needs:

  • There are many children with special needs in primary school, they are slightly different from other childrenunusual Giving priority to children with special needs and trying to teach them something.

Focusing on the lessons:

  • Many times students are mentally unmotivated in the class, to bring back their interest, singing, rhyming, telling stories, drawing pictures, beautiful handwriting, can be done to express their feelings.

Learning something outside the prescribed lesson:

  • want to discuss about a topic, the lessonThere are many examples to be given outside. To achieve 100% learning outcomes, some examples should be given outside of jute.

Psychomotor changes:

  • Psychomotor refers to mental activity and physical activity. It is very important to change the physical and mental activity. Engaging students in various practical activities, assignments, physical activity, sports performance, etc., in changing psychomotor skills.




Whether the methods and strategies you use are appropriate, how do you develop methods and strategies in future learning meetings?



First of all I want to say that teacher's method is the best method. Every teacher tries to achieve 100% learning outcomes by adopting his own method. I put a lot of emphasis on the way I teach. If the student doesn't understand, I try to explain it again and again. This is how I get feedback from them. Then I check to teach, they understand what I am givingwhether If they fully understand the lesson and achieve any result, I am successful.

Until a student does not achieve 100% of the learning result, your lessons are completely useless, it is important to achieve the learning result at any cost.

  • I will teach the students first and then get feedback from them. Whether they really learned and learned the way I taught them. I go to each student and handI showed them the writing. Again and again I have approached weak students. I tried to teach them again and again. If every student is approached repeatedly, they will surely achieve the learning outcomes. I have shown in the picture that I went to each of the students and I went back and forth between the students to see and evaluate their writing.

If a student does not write, I will write him again and againtried I try to teach the students to teach the weak. Then students will learn faster. Using different methods in the classroom.

  • I found that after adopting all these methods, I got complete feedback from it. I think my whole approach is correct. Will develop good knowledge, suitable for them in future. And they will learn how to teach effectively in the classroom. SoMy methods are appropriate and I have been able to develop from this.


Share videos and photos, make sure you and the students must be visible








All pictures taken with my own hand phone Galaxy A24

Thanks reading my blog 💚💚


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