Goodevening friends,i hope you all had a great day and also enjoyed the cool weather.this evening am going to share with you my recipe for okro soup.sit tight and enjoy.

Palm oil,salt and knorr seasoning cube
Wash and steam your fresh fish by adding salt,knorr seasoning cube and onions
2)wash and add your dry fish .cook for some minutes.
3)add some water depending on the quantity of soup you want,cook for some minutes and add your grinded ogbono
4)add palm oil and grinded crayfish.
5)you can now season your soup and stir very well .cook for some mintues too.
- cut your okro and add to the soup.stir and allow to cook.
this is what it looks like after cutting.
okro when added to the soup.
- wash and cut your vegetable
Then add to the soup.stir very well and allow to cook.
And yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Food is readyyyyyy!!!
Enjoy with me my friends
And so i love adding oil bean( ugba) to my soups expecially okro soup
Come with your swallow and enjoyyyyyyyy!!!.