Food Thought #26| What more can you ask for?

in hive-168072 •  4 months ago 


Hello Lovelies,

It's another episode of the food thought for the week. Have you been missing out? You better not because the best is always stored at the bottom. Last week, was amazing and it surprised me how some people were moved and touched by the topic. It's indeed a food thought,you can't afford to miss any episode.

This week, I present to you the topic for the week "what more can you ask for? Living this life in good health is huge and waking up everyday to it is awesome but we sometimes neglect it as if it were some simple thing.

You are alive, strong, healthy, shining, vibrant, running your business, what more can you ask for? When you feel the world is on your shoulders, you find unimaginable help, when things fall apart, the remains turns to a testimony for you, what more can you ask for?

Have you ever sat down to reflect back to see where the Lord has brought you from and what he brought you through. From the first month of the year till date, what more can you ask for? You have your loved ones around, people call you on the phone, you go out with your family and do all other things that makes you happy,what more can you ask for?


Now, some people would say that they didn't make the expected amount of money they wished for the month and they still want to ask for it, why not be grateful for the ones you have received so far. Blessed is the man that gives than he that receives.

Everyday, you wake up into a new day and the first thing you do is to ask, what more can you ask for? Have you given thanks, have you appreciated the owner of that life you live, have you acknowledged him as the life? What more can you ask for when you have everything?

I live a thankful life because I know the code and I know how it works. Imagine getting home one day and your dad bought a beautiful pair of shoe for you without you asking for it and when you received it, you didn't bother to say "thanks dad", will he buy a shoe for you next time even when you ask for it? No.

This is the same way it works for us. We can't ask without being grateful even though he said "ask and it shall be given unto to you". What more can you ask for? Be wise!

Happy weekend!


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