Choices! What will it be? #80

in hive-168072 •  5 months ago 

Hello to all of you.

Hope you all of you are doing well!

Firstly thankyou @patjewell for hosting the contest and giving us chance to express our selves.

Today I would like to express my views on"Gadgets"

From birth to death, man is the only creature whose life revolves around gadgets. No matter how intelligent, strong, kind, etc. one may be, no matter how many qualities one has, life becomes not only difficult without gadgets, but also difficult to live.

Tools were used in ancient times too, only their forms were different. Gradually, time changed and the forms of tools also changed. These tools became more useful and free of troubles.

I remember when I was 5-6 years old, food was cooked on a stove. It was a device which was filled with kerosene and air was pumped into it and food was cooked on it. After that, gradually the fireplace, wick stove and other types of equipment came into existence, on which food was cooked.


Times changed and gas stoves like the one called 'karoge' (stove) used to burn like gas but 5 litres of kerosene was poured into it at one time. When we talk about equipment in olden times, then I used to feel pity for the people living that routine of that time. I don't know in what conditions those poor people had to live their life.


In the decade from 1965 to 1975, dibri was lit for lighting, lanterns were lit in some middle class families. Well, which equipment should I talk about? As far as possible, I will definitely try to show you the equipments that I have seen in my time. In earlier times, equipment like knives were made by giving shape to stones and just like nowadays everything gets done easily in a mixer, earlier it was very difficult to do all this.

There are many such tools like Imaan Dasta, Silbatta, Churning Machine to match the song, Wooden Rahi to make curd etc. with the help of which you can see Shayari in today's time because nowadays new technology things are being used even in the village Kashan.

Today we can easily grind things in a mixer grinder, earlier everything was ground on a grinding stone and new technology like geyser rods etc. heat water easily in the workplace. There used to be a tank made in which water was heated. While easy machines have come for weighing, it was a difficult task to weigh things on a scale.

The stylish chairs etc. that we use today had a different look earlier. I have some things that are almost 70 years old like chair, hot water tank, Iman Dasta, Bhagona, Ghatna Stop etc.

If we talk about gadgets, we have used a lot of them that too of old times, but the society in which we are living today or say in the society in which we are living, it is as difficult to imagine living without gadgets as it is to live life easily because we need gadgets at every step. I had written a line in the beginning from birth to death, so its direct meaning is that when a human being is born, he needs a milk bottle.


Crib, huggies, toys etc. are required. First of all, a bottle is required for drinking milk which is very necessary. Crib is required for laying the child down. This is such a necessary equipment which is probably available in every house these days.

I still have a 30-year-old bath tub for children which my mother gave me in 1994. I bathed my son in it, then my second son in 1996 and my sister-in-law's daughter in 2006 and similarly, her children also enjoyed bathing in it in 2010-2013. No matter how much we talk about the benefits, it is less.

Earlier, clothes were kept in boxes, today briefcases have taken this place. In the end, I would just like to say that gadgets are our basic needs for this time, so we should use them properly and try to keep them safe because the equipment we use today, we will probably get to see its new form.

Thankyou for reading my post.


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Hello @priya2205

I enjoyed reading through your post and the contrasts you made with the old and new gadgets, it’s obvious time flies and the changes over the years has been visible.

Wow a thirty years old bath tub, that’s so awesome. You indeed know how to perverse things. Good content you put out here.

I can also see that you are new on steemit, welcome ma’am. Steemit is a great place to be if only you can be consistent and learn.

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Hope you find it useful…Gracias🙏