The need to take care of our teeth can not be overemphasized. Taking care of the teeth is an utmost priority as long as dental care and other health matters are concerned. It feels so much uncomfortable to leave our teeth without washing it at least a day.
Having a healthy teeth is gotten from having and maintaining a healthy dental care. This contest has further strengthened and scores how importance it is, to take care of our teeth.
The teeth when left uncared for, could be infected and get damaged. For me, I maintain two major routines daily to take care of my teeth; the morning wash and the evening wash.
Below, I share my dental care routine as required by the host of the contest, @khursheedanwar.
Just as we take care of other parts of our body even before we develop one sickness or the other, that is how the teeth should be taken care of. For me, the first thing in the morning is getting my tooth brush and the tooth paste including the water to wash my teeth.
For proper washing of the teeth, I divided it into four parts as follows:
The front side of the teeth
The right and left side of the teeth
The inner part of the teeth
The tongue
I start by brushing the front side of my teeth for some minutes, then the right side and now moving to left side of the teeth. After satisfactorily washing both sides of the teeth, I take my tooth brush to the inner part of my teeth to remove any particles that could form a decay to the teeth.
The tongue is the last part to wash. By washing the tongue, I remove some of organisms that causes the tongue and generally the mouth, to have some smell.
Washing the teeth in the evening after eating keeps the teeth clean. It prevents the organisms that builds up from the food particles we eat. If the mouth is not washed after eating, the food particles builds up and decay. This causes damage to the teeth and gum holding the teeth. When this happens, it causes the mouth to smell badly as ordour. For this not to happen, ensure to wash the teeth after eating.
For one to have a healthy teeth, the following care must be considered as follows:
Get a soft but quality toothbrush. Using hard toothbrush could damage the gum so ensure you get a soft toothbrush.
Get a quality toothpaste. The toothpaste make sure that the toothpaste you are using is the original one. There are toothpastes that causes harm to the teeth after washing. So get your pastes from vendors that sells quality pastes.
Wash the mouth at least twice a day, especially morning and evening. This helps to keep the teeth clean and healthy.
Chew less or avoid sugary snacks.
Sugars are not good for the teeth so avoiding it is helpful. Or you can at least, use water to rinse your mouth after eating sugary food.**
- Go for dental checkup when you notice or have a teeth problem. Self treatment could be dangerous when you choose to treat your teeth problems without the input of a dental health practitioner.