Answer: Does radioactivity cause death?

in hive-168205 •  5 months ago  (edited)
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. im @danish578 from Pakistan and you are reading my bloq On steemit platform.You all are welcome here with my deep of heart.

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This is my participation in a contest Answer: Does radioactivity cause death? organized in Healthy Steem Community
by @dexsyluz

Does radiation cause death? Justify your answer

Assalamualaikum. I hope you all will be successful in this, if you please talk to me. Firstly the question is whether radiation causes death or not, its answer is a bit complex but I will try to explain it in simple and short words.

Radiation is of different types like ionizing radiation and non ionizing radiation. First let's talk about ionizing radiation like X-rays and gamma rays it is very dangerous and if the exposure is excessive then it can even lead to death. Now you must have understood how dangerous it can be. Death can also occur but this is a very rare case.

And now let's talk about non-ionizing radiation. In radiation like radio waves and microwaves, normally it is not that fatal but it does not mean that it does not cause any harm. Excessive exposure to it can also cause harm. such as skin burns or long-term health effects. That is why caution is necessary regarding radiation, but it cannot be said directly that it always leads to death.

If you were there 40 years ago, what would you like to change so that the Chernobyl accident would not happen?

If I had been there 40 years ago, what would I have done? I would like to know that if I had been there, I would have learned about better safety measures and tighter surveillance checks at nuclear power plants and would have emphasized on better communication channels, so that even a small mistake does not lead to an accident, like the Chernobyl accident, which is also mentioned in the question.

If we look at it even today, if we go to normal hospitals, even there safety measures are not followed. There are very few people who pay attention and worry about this, that's why I definitely did something at that time. If I am given a chance at this time too, I would like to make everyone aware of this great grief and its disadvantages, and along with that I will put a lot of emphasis on everyone implementing the safety precautions.

Nowadays, how are we exposed to radiation?

Looking away from today, nowadays most of our exposure to radiation is through electronic devices and medical tests like X-rays. Electronic devices that use radiation such as smartphones and computers emit electromagnetic radiation.while on the other hand medical tests like X-rays and CT scans, use ionizing radiation.

Apart from this, nuclear power plants, solar radiation, and natural background radiation also expose us. All these sources give us exposure to radiation, but its level is kept under control to avoid death or long term health effects.


I'm Inviting @steemdoctor1, @malikusman1 @suboohi @chasad75
for participate in this contest.

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Hola amigo, todos estamos expuestos a niveles de radiación bajos al estar en contacto con equipos como los celulares o al tener que realizarnos exámenes médicos. El problema ocurre cuando los niveles son muy altos y esto deriva en enfermedades o consecuencias fatales.

Yes I'm just talking about high frequency thanks alot for reading and comment onmy post

hola amigo

Tienes razón, también me hubiera gustado tener por lo menos la formación general de como manejar un problema de tal magnitud. Por suerte definiste muy bien las diferentes tipos de radiaciones, algo que pude notar diferente de tu publicación

Espero que te haya gustado participar, todo aprendizaje es bien recibido!
Saludos, bendiciones!

Entrada #6

Thanks alot ma'am I'm glad you found my post valuable and Something new from my post thanks again.