My Daily Healthy Dynamics👩‍⚕️- Important Thing About Kidney care

in hive-168205 •  8 months ago 
Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters

Hope you all are doing well and good and enjoying the best days of your life. im @danish578 from Pakistan and you are reading my bloq On steemit platform.You all are welcome here with my deep of heart.

Introduction to the topic

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This is my participation in a contest My Daily Healthy Dynamics👩‍⚕️- Important Thing About Kidney care organized in Healthy Steem Community
by @hive-168205

Important Thing About Kidney Care
AsslamuAlikum, as today is Tuesday and accordingly I will choose this topic and share a very informative topic with you people that how can we take care of kidneys and what things we should avoid. Because kidney is such an organ of human being that we can say that due to it our other organs also remain healthy.flat-design-health-renal-system-illustration_23-2149723368.jpgSource

Because kidney filters our blood and removes the extra chemicals etc from the body and keeps our blood cells healthy so that our blood is useable.

Now the main reason for choosing this topic was that nowadays wherever you look here and there, people see only one thing that this person is weak, his bones are protruding or how weak he has become. Now when your relatives, friends etc. talk to you like this, then people usually get compelled to gain weight quickly.

Some people join gyms etc. which is very good for health, but most people don't want to workout and want to gain weight, so they turn to medicines and start taking medicines.

Nowadays, in online stores as well as offline, such medicines which are not even registered are being sold by hakims for weight gain and the person who has been harassed by people for being thin will definitely go to this to buy them and gain weight.

When he uses them, he does not know what formula is in it or what medicine or what that powder is made of. Often they are being sold in the name of protein powder.

When he uses them, they actually contain heavy steroids and metals which destroy and ruin the kidney filter. 50% of the people who are on dialysis in Pakistan today, the reason for this is that they have used steroids somewhere.

Now they also use steroids to gain weight and the second biggest issue that people have created is of male weakness, male timing etc. Now when these people go to the Hakims with these questions due to lack of information, they are given heavy steroids there too.

Now in both these conditions our kidneys get damaged and eventually after using medicines for some time most of the people end up on dialysis 😭.

I have chosen this topic to make everyone aware and tell them that they must pay attention to this thing and ignore what people say. And remember that there is no fat in a healthy body.

If our body's BMI is between 18 to 23, then understand that we are normal. Let people say whatever they say.

I'm Inviting @steemdoctor1, @malikusman1 @saintkelvin17 @pelon53 @chasad75 @steemdoctor1
for participate in this contest.

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I am really happy to read your post and wish you all the best for your future.

Thanks alot ☺️

Ada hal yang saya ketahui pula bahwa terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan dapat menyebabkan gangguan ginjal.
Itulah sebabnya keluarga saya cenderung memilih ramuan herbal dalam mengatasi masalah kesehatan.

That's great. Yes herbal is very safe products